Jilin City distributes millions of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions

Photo by Cang Yan at the press conference

(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) Jilin City distributes millions of Chinese medicine prescriptions< /strong>

Chinanews.com, Jilin, March 17 (Reporter Cangyan Shi Hongyu) On the 17th, Jiang Diande, head of the Chinese medicine group of the Jilin New Crown Epidemic Treatment Expert Group, introduced that as of 13:00 on the 16th, the local distribution The number of Chinese herbal prescriptions for prevention, intervention and treatment reached 1,199,982, and good results were achieved.

On the same day, the Jilin Municipal Government Information Office held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control to introduce the latest situation and relevant prevention and control measures.

From 0:00 to 24:00 on the 16th, Jilin City added 455 new local confirmed cases (including 10 asymptomatic infections converted to confirmed cases), and 400 new local asymptomatic infections. All the above-mentioned infected persons have been transferred to designated medical institutions for isolation and treatment.

The intervention of traditional Chinese medicine in epidemic prevention, control and treatment is an effective experience summed up in China. Jiang Diande introduced that after the current round of the local epidemic, Chinese medicine treatment and intervention were immediately launched for key groups such as those with positive nucleic acid test results, those under lockdown, and medical staff.

Jilin City currently distributes 1,199,982 Chinese herbal prescriptions, which have achieved good results. Jiang Diande said that for confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections, the local implementation of “one person, one side” under the guidance of TCM experts in Jilin Province has prevented patients from shifting from mild to severe to critically ill.

Jiang Diande further explained that the prescription in the early stage of the disease is mainly to detoxify the lungs and detoxify, and in the later stage, the symptoms disappear, and the body’s resistance is mainly improved. In the next step, the local government will increase the application of non-drug therapies such as acupuncture and moxibustion according to the latest version of the diagnosis and treatment plan.

The family of Ye Jinpeng (pseudonym), who lives in Huapichang Town, Jilin City, was affected by the current round of the epidemic. 10 days later, he and his family were sent to the Fangcai Hospital of the Party School for treatment. Taking traditional Chinese medicine is an important treatment method.

“I started to use two pieces of traditional Chinese medicine every day, and now my symptoms have been relieved a lot.” He said that he has no symptoms such as coughing, and the doctor told him to have a reasonable diet and resume exercise properly.

The reporter learned from Jilin City that local anti-epidemic medicine emphasizes both traditional Chinese and Western medicine. As of 8:00 on the 17th, a total of 21.784 million nucleic acid samples were collected. At present, a total of 1.792 million antigen detection reagents have been allocated by the receiving province.

In response to the issue of medical supplies reserves that the outside world is concerned about, the reporter learned from the press conference that Jilin City reserves a total of 4.876 million medical surgical masks, 1.204 million N95 masks, 705,000 sets of medical protective clothing, and 24.8 million sets of goggles. 10,000 pieces, 443,000 sets of isolation gowns, 693,000 protective face screens, 1.384 million pairs of medical gloves, 629,000 nucleic acid extraction reagents, and 596,000 PCR amplification reagents. (End)