Jilin: 5 makeshift hospitals were built, 7 medical institutions were vacated, and there were 22,880 treatment beds in the province

China Daily, Changchun, March 15th, Jilin Provincial Government Information Office held a press conference on epidemic prevention and control this morning. Deputy Director Zhang Li of Jilin Provincial Health and Health Commission reported the latest situation of Jilin Province’s epidemic prevention and control work.

From 0 to 24:00 on March 14, there were 3,076 new local confirmed cases in the province, and 991 new local asymptomatic infections in the province.

From 09:00 to 9:00 on March 15, there were 317 new local confirmed cases and 27 new local asymptomatic infections in the province.

As of 9:00 on March 15, there were 1,427 cases of people who were initially screened for the new coronavirus in the province.

Li Zhang introduced that Changchun and Jilin have completed the construction of 5 makeshift hospitals (1 in Changchun and 4 in Jilin), and vacated 7 medical institutions. At present, there are 22,880 beds in the province. For critically ill patients or high-risk patients, especially key patients such as pregnant women, dialysis, and tumors, “one person, one policy” management is implemented.

Li Li also introduced that, from the perspective of the dispatch of medical supplies, living supplies, and element supply in the province, the province’s medical and anti-epidemic supplies can only meet the needs of 2-3 days. The daily necessities such as meat, eggs, milk, rice, noodles, oil, vegetables and fruits are currently meeting the market demand, and the price fluctuations of various varieties are not large, within 6%.

Li Zhang said that the current epidemic situation in Jilin Province is still on the rise, and the situation it faces is still severe and complicated. In the next step, the whole province will continue to grit its teeth, overcome difficulties, race against time, and push forward various prevention and control work strictly and swiftly to curb the spread of the epidemic.

The first is to formulate and implement a zero-clearing action plan. Speed ​​up the work progress around the links of “collection, delivery, inspection, and reporting”. Coordinate the deployment of resources, improve the efficiency of the whole process, and resolutely fight the three major battles of nucleic acid screening for all staff, full admission of positive patients, and centralized isolation of all close contacts to ensure that the society is cleared in the shortest time.

The second is to speed up the flow investigation. For newly discovered infected persons, “San Gong (Workers)” cooperated with them to carry out the flow adjustment as soon as possible, so as to arrive at the scene within 2 hours, complete the core information within 4 hours, and complete the flow adjustment report within 24 hours. Inter-provincial and inter-regional movement of people in this province is strictly prohibited, and the spillover of the epidemic is resolutely prevented.

The third is to speed up the reconstruction of makeshift hospitals and designated hospitals. Make full use of resources such as party schools, schools, venues, hotels, etc., while rebuilding the venue, mobilizing medical care, and training personnel to ensure that the hospital is in place and staffing is in place, and all existing positive cases are safely transferred to the shelter hospital and the shelter at the fastest speed. Designated hospitals for timely and effective treatment. Strengthen the construction of Fangcang shelter hospitals and centralized isolation points, and do a good job in preventing cold and warmth to prevent secondary problems.

The fourth is to enrich the community work force and implement the community prevention and control responsibility system. Fully mobilize government officials to go to the front line, improve the incentive and punishment mechanism, and enrich the community’s anti-epidemic strength. Strengthen social static control and reduce disorderly movement of people.

The fifth is to further strengthen school prevention and control. Strengthen the management and control of key places and key parts such as schools, accurately identify close and sub-close contacts, and do a solid job in garbage transfer and environmental disinfection to ensure the absolute safety of the campus.

The sixth is to strengthen publicity and education on epidemic prevention and control, and guide residents to consciously abide by home epidemic prevention regulations.

Seventh is to do a good job in volunteer training management, and at the same time strengthen service guarantees, and make good use of the volunteer team.