Jiangsu added 13 local confirmed cases and 5 local asymptomatic infections on March 9


New Beijing News Express According to @Health Jiangsu Weibo news, from 0 to 24:00 on March 9, there were 13 new local confirmed cases in Jiangsu (reported by Lianyungang City, all of which were isolated and treated in designated hospitals), and new local asymptomatic cases were added. 5 cases of infection (3 cases were reported in Lianyungang City; 1 case was reported in Suzhou City, which was found by routine screening of commuters from other provinces and cities; 1 case was reported in Yangzhou City, which was found in close contact with cases from other provinces and cities, and all received isolation medical observation in designated hospitals. ), 1 newly imported confirmed case (imported from South Korea, isolated and treated in a designated hospital in Nanjing). 2 new discharged cases (both local) and 1 asymptomatic infection released from isolation medical observation (local).

At present, there are 108 confirmed cases (81 domestic and 27 imported from abroad) and 47 asymptomatic infections (31 domestic and 16 imported from abroad) under isolation and treatment in designated hospitals. ).

Since January 22, 2020, a total of 1,830 confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia (including 207 imported from abroad) have been reported across the province.

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