Jiangsu added 1 new local confirmed case and 32 new local asymptomatic infections

At 0-24 o’clock on March 29, 1 new local confirmed case was added in Jiangsu (1 case in Taizhou city, isolated and treated in designated hospital) ), 32 new cases of local asymptomatic infections (1 in Nanjing, 1 in Wuxi, 10 in Xuzhou, 16 in Suzhou, 1 in Nantong, 1 in Yancheng, 1 in Taizhou, and 1 in Suqian) All of them received isolated medical observation in designated hospitals). There were 5 new discharged cases (all local), and 18 asymptomatic infections released from isolation medical observation (17 local and 1 imported from abroad).

At present, 53 confirmed cases (42 domestic and 11 imported from abroad) are being treated in isolation in designated hospitals, and 416 asymptomatic infections are under quarantine medical observation (396 domestic and 20 imported from abroad) ).

Since January 22, 2020, a total of 2,006 confirmed cases of COVID-19 (including 220 imported from abroad) have been reported across the province.

Source: Healthy Jiangsu