Jiangning District is looking for people urgently!

According to the latest flow investigation, 1 case of positive infection has been in and out of the nucleic acid collection point of Nanjing Jiangning District Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and Nanjing Jiangning Hospital Gushan Road District. Those who have the same movement trajectory in the following time periods, please immediately Report to your street or community.

1. Nucleic acid sampling at Jiangning Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Nanjing from 19:00-20:00 on March 15 (19:38-19:53 at the nucleic acid collection point in the hospital) );

2. From 19:30 to 23:00 on March 16, in the Gushan Road District of Jiangning Hospital in Nanjing (among which the time from 19:54 to 23:00 was in the Gushan Road Hospital of the hospital). The emergency medicine clinic on the first floor of the district emergency department, and the adult infusion room on the second floor of the emergency department); :17-00:36 time period in the emergency pediatric clinic of the emergency building of Gushan Road District of the hospital); Road District (14:03-16:04 in the self-service nucleic acid registration area, nucleic acid sampling area, and fever clinic in the Gushan Road District of the hospital, and 14:15-14:40 in the emergency department in the Gushan Road District of the hospital Pre-examination and triage on the first floor).

If there are concealed reports, false reports, refusal to report knowledge, violations of epidemic prevention and control regulations, resulting in the spread of the epidemic or other serious consequences, the relevant personnel will be investigated for legal responsibility according to law.

Nanjing Jiangning District Center for Disease Control and Prevention

March 20, 2022

Yellow Code Personnel Nucleic Acid Testing Site

Nanjing Medical Department University Shaw Hospital (No. 109, Longmian Avenue, Jiangning District, Jianle Road, no hospital entry), 7:30-24:00;

Jiangning Sports Center Tennis Hall (No. 1 Gezhi Road, Jiangning District, Peng Mountain road entrance), 8:00-22:00.

“Su Kang Code” yellow code personnel should strictly take personal protection, wear medical surgical masks without breathing valves or higher protection grade masks throughout the process, and do not take public transportation to designated testing points. During the test, please actively cooperate with medical staff, obey on-site management, and take the initiative to maintain a safe distance of 1 meter from others.

Hotlines of various epidemic prevention and control headquarters in Nanjing

Nanjing: 025-12320

Xuanwu District: 025-83682072

Qinhuai District: 025-87753722

Jianye District: 025-87778911

Gulou District: 025-83401049

Yuhuatai District: 025-52873890

< p>Qixia District: 025-85570386

Jiangning District: 025-69640762

Pukou District: 025-58852736

Liuhe District: 025-57122120

Lishui District: 025-57202591

Gaochun District: 025-57311235

Jiangbei New District: 025-58050032

From:Jiangning Release

Source:Nanjing Radio and Television