Japanese media reports: Does wearing a mask increase the risk of heat stroke? There are 4 explanations, how to do a good job in preventing heat stroke

Since the “epidemic” of the new crown epidemic, people now wear masks when they go out, and they feel that there is no sense of security without masks. But in the hot summer, many people feel stuffy with masks.

Japan’s NHK website shows that wearing a mask will make you more likely to suffer from heat stroke. In the Shibuya street experiment at noon in summer, the temperature around the mouth and nose was 36°C without a mask; after wearing a mask, the temperature rose 3°C to 39-40°C; when the mask was worn for about 5 minutes, the inside of the mask was filled with heat, and the surrounding area of ​​the mouth was filled with heat. Sweat gradually. Participants felt very hot after wearing the mask and had significant shortness of breath. Wearing a mask increases heart rate and respiratory rate by 10%, and with increased temperature and exercise, the risk of heat stroke also increases, the study said.

Is it dangerous to wear a mask in summer?

Wearing a mask in summer will bring about 3 problems.

First, cold air cannot enter the lungs, heat is easy to accumulate in the body, This will cause the body temperature to rise;

Second, wearing a mask will make the local area in a humid environment, keep the throat moist, and make people drink less water; p>

Third, due to the low frequency of removing masks, the frequency of drinking water is reduced. A large number of sensory nerves are distributed around the mouth, which is covered by a mask. It is particularly sensitive to cold and heat, and it will cause hypoxia during strenuous exercise.

In addition, the skin condition can be affected by temperature and humidity. Wearing a mask in summer can cause skin itching, redness and pain.

Rumor: No evidence from medical institutions that wearing masks increases the risk of heat stroke?

Japan’s “Mainichi Shimbun” refutes the rumor: So far, there is no evidence that wearing a mask can increase the risk of heat stroke, and residents are reminded to take measures to prevent heat stroke and new coronavirus infection. The Japan Society of Emergency Medicine clearly pointed out that taking off the mask can make people feel comfortable to breathe, but it cannot prevent heat stroke. It is necessary to properly ventilate the room, use air conditioners scientifically and rationally, and drink plenty of water.

Research shows that for healthy adults, after 20 minutes of jogging in a high temperature environment or 1 hour of light exercise, there is no increase in body temperature with and without a mask. difference.

How to prevent and control the epidemic in summer?

1. Wear masks correctly

Insist on wearing masks scientifically, keep social distance from others, wash hands frequently, Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, ventilate the room well, and do nucleic acid testing regularly. Wear a disposable medical surgical mask when you go to outdoor places, wear an N95 or KN95 mask when you go to an indoor place, and wear a higher-level protective mask or a medical protective mask when you go to the hospital.

2. Scientific use of air conditioners

The hot summer is inseparable from air conditioners, and some people are worried The new coronavirus enters the room through the air conditioner. However, air-conditioning disease is prone to occur in hot summer, because long-term stay in a low-temperature air-conditioned room, the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large, when sweating profusely, you do not change clothes in time, and suddenly enter the air-conditioned room, allowing the pores of the cold evil meridian to enter. In the body; especially the clothes worn are too thin, the indoor doors and windows are closed, and the concentration of indoor microorganisms is increased, thereby causing the spread of respiratory diseases.

You cannot enter the air-conditioned room repeatedly in summer, and the air-conditioning temperature cannot be lower than 26℃. The temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is controlled within 7°C. Can not be in the air-conditioned room for a long time, appropriate outdoor activities, outdoor activities are arranged in the morning or evening. When sweating profusely, you can’t take a cold shower, and you can’t suddenly enter a low-temperature air-conditioned room to avoid fans and air-conditioning blowing your body directly.

3. Prevention of heat stroke

12:00~14:00 is the highest temperature, The ultraviolet rays are relatively strong, so try not to go out during this time. Outdoor workers, people with underlying diseases, and the elderly should focus on heatstroke prevention and cooling, and cannot exercise in high temperature environments for a long time. Those who sweat a lot should drink salt water or sports drinks appropriately to replenish the lost electrolytes in time.

Message from the doctor

After the above understanding, wear a mask It does not increase the risk of heat stroke, so you should wear a mask as usual to actively prevent the new crown virus. At the same time, it is necessary to do a good job of preventing heatstroke. You cannot go out at noon. When going out, you should wear loose, light-textured and light-colored clothes, apply sunscreen before going out, wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses. In the event of headache, dizziness, general fatigue, and no time to do thingsIf you want to concentrate, etc., you need to immediately transfer to a ventilated and cool environment to rest, drink a small amount of water many times, and see a doctor as soon as necessary.

Family doctor online feature, unauthorized reprint