Japan launches electric chopsticks that can make food salty

When I’m on a budget, I usually rely on my imagination to keep up with four dishes and one soup, but science can make bland food more flavorful< /strong>.

Scientists at Meiji University in Japan, for example, have developed a chopstick that makes food saltier.

In addition to itself, this pair of chopsticks also has a power supply that can be carried on the wrist. When using it, just connect the power supply and the chopsticks together:

When dry rice, you will feel that the originally bland food has a salty, even umami and sour taste.

The simple understanding is that the current simulates the taste of salt, and the stimulation changes the perception of people’s taste, disguising a saltier feeling.

It even increases the saltiness of low-sodium foods by 1.5 times.

In addition, according to reports, the electricity used by this device is weak and will not affect health. However, when eating, it is estimated that the hand will feel heavier than before, after all, a large power supply is tied.

For most people, this invention actually seems quite tasteless, and it is enough to control the taste of what you want to eat.

However, it is not easy to insist on eating bland food. To put it bluntly, it will not taste good if you put too little salt, and eating too much will obviously affect your health, not to mention some A person’s physical condition requires diet control.

So such tableware may alleviate similar problems and allow you to enjoy delicious food while maintaining a low-salt diet.

Of course, there are also “product managers” who say it’s not enough and more flavor needs to be added.

Some people are chanting a new way to lose weight:

In fact, such designs related to current and taste have been around for a long time, especially the Japanese have made many attempts. In 2012, Japanese scientists used electricity to add some salt to lemonade.

In 2016, Japanese researchers also introduced a fork that adds saltiness. It has a larger handle and switch than a normal fork:

The electric current is also used to make the dish taste saltier.

Just touch the food with this glove while eating, and you can feel the salty and sour taste it enhances, Indian brother is ecstatic.

It’s just that it doesn’t look very light, after all, the power supply is designed in the palm of the hand.

And when it comes to Japan’s most shocking “taste creativity”, it is this TV screen that can taste taste with the tongue, also known as “Taste TV” (TTTV) .

Simply put, just lick the screen and you can feel the taste of the food on the screen.

And the secret of its taste lies in the 10 seasoning jars in the machine, the user can control the machine by voice and choose the dishes in the menu:

Then the seasoning pot will spray the liquid corresponding to the taste on the screen, and the user can feel the taste of the corresponding food by licking it.

I feel this design is a bit strange.

But Japanese scientists see this as an exploration of the future. In fact, it is a bit similar to the feeling of ordering takeout. For example, you can download the taste of a food, and then let the machine simulate it for you and lick it at home. In this way, you can taste the food from all over the world through the Internet, which is mostly a beautiful thing.

A more practical use would be to spray this “seasoning” on other foods to add new flavors to other foods, such as making “chocolate cookies without chocolate” ” and something like that.

And most netizens said it was difficult to understand this machine:

There are concerns about new outbreaks.

There are even people who want to become shills:

Unexpectedly, the “licking screen” that has been circulating on the Internet for many years has been realized in this way. I just hope that it can be honestly applied to the food area.

(The picture material in this article comes from the Internet and is only used for learning and communication)










