It’s too sudden! At 35 years old, she sent a message to say goodbye! The age of onset of this cancer is gradually getting younger

On May 22, a hot search made many netizens feel distressed. The well-known beauty blogger @Mint Jiangxiao Q with millions of followers posted a Weibo, which is since April 21 last year. The first update, but brings you a heart-wrenching news: She has advanced gastric cancer and is now in the terminal stage, and may leave at any time. “I’m getting worse and worse, I can’t eat or drink at all, I’m half paralyzed in bed, and I rely on infusions to maintain my physical signs. The height and weight of 168 are only a little over 60 pounds… This is before my surgery last year. A set of photos I took, I knew at the time that it would be my posthumous photo, but I liked it very much. I have never appeared in the photo during my blogger, I hope everyone will like my appearance. I will always be fixed at the age of 35. One year.”Many netizens left messages under this Weibo to cheer her on.

Magic Castle Administrator_: I was a high school student when I followed you, and now I’m about to graduate from graduate school. When I saw this news, I thought I read it wrong, and I read it many times. Hope it’s fake news. Please have a strong heart thank you: I don’t know what to say, any consolation seems pale. I also have cancer patients in my family, so I can understand the fear, sadness, numbness, avoidance of an impending goodbye. If there is no miracle, I hope that you will be peacefully and painlessly transformed into a beautiful star, always beautiful and always bright. It’s Ajia: It’s the first time I saw your photo, I didn’t expect it to be like this. You are so beautiful, Xiao Q, I really hope to have the opportunity to meet Ji once. Pray for a miracle to come, God please. MMOntage: Hugs and cheers. Your skin care experience has given me a lot of inspiration. Thank you, little Q.

It is more common in women

A lot of them are already late when they are discovered

@Mint Sauce Xiao Q revealed in a long article: “I am very unfortunate, I got the most dangerous one Gastric cancer, signet ring + poorly differentiated + diffuse type + stage 4, there was no obvious discomfort before the discovery, it should be family inheritance + gene mutation, the doctor can’t tell, just said that this disease is always easy for young women to get.I have tried my best to treat, I have cut my stomach, cut my small intestine, countless times of chemotherapy, targeted, pd1, I have even used carnk,But it cannot prevent the development of cancer cells.”In many people’s opinion, most of the people who get stomach cancer are the middle-aged and the elderly, but now more and more young people are suffering from stomach cancer . The age of onset is gradually becoming younger, and many of them have no obvious symptoms. Previously, the media reported that: Xu Zhiyuan, the deputy director of the gastric surgery department of the Cancer Hospital Affiliated to the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Zhejiang Cancer Hospital), made a statistic. From January to December last year , He treated 21 cases of young gastric cancer patients under the age of 30, with an average age of 27 years, and the youngest was only 21 years old. Chief Physician Zhiyuan Xu found that these young gastric cancer patients have three characteristics: Women are more prone to this disease It is;High degree of malignancy, most of which are poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma or even signet ring cell carcinoma; often without typical symptoms, it is difficult to detect in the early stage, and once found, it is in the middle and late stages. A phenomenon found in clinical practice is that young gastric cancers especially prefer women. Among the 21 young gastric cancer patients, 70% were female. Why are there more young women? Young girls love beauty and usually focus on dieting to lose weight. They often feel that their food intake becomes smaller, their appetite becomes worse, and they are easy to eat. It is a normal phenomenon that accompanies weight loss, and they do not pay much attention to these symptoms during weight loss. In addition, some young girls are pregnant and think that nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, and bloating are normal symptoms of pregnancy. It hides the signs of stomach cancer, and most people don’t pay attention to it. Coupled with the fear of affecting the fetus or breastfeeding, some inspections and treatments are contradicted during pregnancy, and a large number of patients have delayed their treatment. If the tumor has progressed to an advanced stage, abdominal metastasis, ovarian metastasis, etc., severe abdominal pain, swelling of the stomach, ascites in the abdominal cavity, etc., if you go to the doctor at this time, the prognosis is relatively poor . He once met a pregnant mother who discovered a large amount of fluid in the abdominal cavity during cesarean section, which is a late stage of gastric cancer They passed away after three months, and some died after giving birth without even breastfeeding. This also gave pregnant mothers a wake-up call, and they must not be careless if they feel unwell. 90% of these young gastric cancer patients are poorly differentiated gastric cancer types, most of which are mixed signet ring cells or complete signet ring cells, which have a high degree of malignancy and are very easy to metastasize. Especially young women, most of them have this special signet ring cell carcinoma. According to different pathological types, gastric cancer can be divided into adenocarcinoma, adenosquamous carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, etc. The most common one is adenocarcinoma. Among adenocarcinomas, there is a special type called signet ring cell carcinoma, which has a low incidence but is a highly malignant tumor with strong invasiveness and rapid progression. Signet ring cell carcinoma has some typical manifestations, such as stiffness of the stomach and poor peristalsis function, which is clinically called “leather stomach”. However, its early symptoms are mild and have no obvious symptoms. Most patients are only discovered in the middle and late stages, and the treatment methods are limited. Most patients with signet ring cell carcinoma are not sensitive to chemotherapy. Survival is short and prognosis is very poor. Signet ring cells are called “signet rings” because their cells are circular in shape, similar to rings. From the perspective of biological behavior, signet ring cell carcinoma is particularly easy to metastasize. Tumor cells grow and metastasize in the abdominal cavity, just like seeds buried in the soil, and they will take root and sprout everywhere later. The most difficult thing is that signet ring cells are often hidden under the gastric mucosa, and the surface looks very smooth. If the doctor is inexperienced, they may not be able to see it. Therefore, if the patient has repeated symptoms of discomfort, and there is no abnormality found after the initial examination, but there are still doubts, it is recommended to do further detailed examinations. Among the 21 patients, 80% were in the advanced stage at the first visit and needed conversion therapy. In the end, only 11 patients received surgery, and the inoperable patients were mainly due to intra-abdominal metastases. Why are these young gastric cancer patientsmost of them are advanced stage once diagnosed? The early symptoms of gastric cancer are not obvious, and some may not even feel the symptoms. When typical symptoms appear, it is often late. And routine physical examination is difficult to detect, especially signet ring cell cancer, sometimes gastroscopic examination may not be able to see. No matter how young you are, if you have symptoms, such as unexplained weight loss in a short period of time, poor appetite, bloating, vomiting, etc., especially if you notice the color of your stool If it turns black, it is still time to do a gastroscopy. Most of young gastric cancers are found in the middle and late stages, which is actually related to the lack of personal attention. In the middle and late stages of gastric cancer, there will be some discomfort symptoms such as bloating and stomach pain, but young people often ignore these small details and pass it as a common stomach problem. In a previous case of surgery he performed, was only 27 years old, the same age as the flower. And she’s a doctor herself. The young doctor had just finished her training and was about to return to work in a primary hospital. She was diagnosed with stomach cancer when she discovered severe anemia.The diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue for her parents. Actually, she had stomach discomfort such as bloating before, but because of her busy work, she ignored these details. Final reminder:No matter how young you are, if you develop symptoms such as unexplained weight loss within a short period of time, appetite Poor, bloated stomach, vomiting, etc., especially if the stool is found to be dark, It is still necessary to do a gastroscopy.

Source: @Mint Sauce Xiao Q, Urban ExpressEditor: Chen Ruobao RealEditor: Liao Shouxi | Producer: Li Peng

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