It’s going to rain again, and the temperature is halved when it reaches 32°C

Original title: It’s going to rain again, and the temperature will be halved when it reaches 32°C

Red Net Moment News April 11 (Reporter Yang Yan Correspondent Tang Jie) The fine weather in the past few days has made people feel With the illusion of summer. However, everyone’s short sleeves and dresses have to be temporarily put away. From tomorrow, strong rain is coming. Among them, there were local torrential rains in the northern and central regions of Hunan on the 12th, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term heavy rainfall, thunderstorms, strong winds, and hail, and the maximum temperature dropped to about 21 °C; Affected by the south, there will also be a cooling and rainy weather process, the temperature will continue to drop, and the maximum temperature will drop to 15-17 ℃. At the same time, the previous period of high forest fire danger weather will end.

During the day on the 11th, the whole province was sunny; in the evening, it was cloudy to cloudy with showers or thunderstorms in Xiangxi Prefecture, western Zhangjiajie, and northwestern Changde, and it was sunny to cloudy in other areas; ~4; the highest temperature is 31 ~ 33 ℃, and the forest fire danger meteorological level is high in most areas.

On the 12th, it was cloudy to light to moderate showers or thunderstorms in southern Hunan, and there were moderate to heavy rains on cloudy days in other areas, including local heavy rains in Longshan, Luxi, Yuanling, and Chenxi; southerly winds of magnitude 3-4 The northerly wind is 4 to 5, and the gusts of rivers and lakes are 7 to 8; the highest temperature is 28 to 30 °C in southern Hunan, and 25 to 27 °C in other areas.

On the 13th, Huaihua, Xiangxi Prefecture, Zhangjiajie, Changde, Yiyang, western Yueyang, western Loudi, and northern Shaoyang were cloudy and cloudy, and other areas were light to moderate rain and cloudy; As small as 2 to 3 grades. The highest temperature is 22-24°C in southern Hunan and 19-21°C in other areas.

During the day on the 14th, cloudy weather prevailed throughout the province.

From the evening of the 14th to the daytime of the 17th, there were moderate showers or thunderstorms in the whole province, of which there were local heavy rains in the northwest Hunan on the evening of the 14th and the central and northern areas on the 15th.

The Provincial Emergency Management Department and the Provincial Meteorological Bureau reminded that the forest fire danger meteorological level in the province is high on the 11th, and it is necessary to be alert to the occurrence of forest fires, strengthen the management and control of wild fire sources and forest fire fighting; focus on the 12th to 13th During the day, from the evening of the 14th to the 17th, the roads are slippery and the weather with low visibility caused by the heavy rainfall during the day will adversely affect transportation and safe travel; prevent geological disasters that may be induced by local strong rainfall; pay attention to preventing lightning in outdoor activities; Attention should be paid to preventing the adverse effects of strong winds from the 12th to the 13th on water transportation, outdoor operations, temporary buildings, facility agriculture, landscape flowers and trees. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the adverse effects of strong rainfall and strong convective weather on the transplanting of early rice, and strengthen the field management of rapeseed, flue-cured tobacco and other crops. (Yang Yan, Tang Jie)


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