It’s all sildenafil, what’s the difference between a few pieces and dozens of pieces? There are also 8 types of proprietary Chinese medicines, and the right medicine!

Sildenafil, a commonly used drug for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, has always been the “darling” of the shelves. In the process of store service, pharmacists are often asked: some a few pieces, some dozens of pieces, what is going on?

price difference, multi-party game

1. Original brand drug VS generic drug

At present, sildenafil is mainly divided into original brand drug and generic drugs. Because the original research drug bears higher research and development costs and patent costs, the price is relatively high.

2. Generic vs. Generic

For domestic generic drugs, there is also a price difference for sildenafil. This is because sildenafil participates in the national centralized procurement of medicines, and manufacturers actively reduce the supply price for sales, and different price differences appear in the market.

3. Price vs efficacy

Despite the price Different, but in terms of efficacy, sildenafil will not be significantly different because of the price. Especially domestic generic drugs, there is basically no difference in efficacy. This is because the bioequivalence consistency evaluation of generic drugs is currently required, and only when the equivalence with the reference preparation (original drug) is 80% to 125% can it pass the evaluation and be approved for marketing.

8 types of proprietary Chinese medicines, suitable medicines

< p>To treat erectile dysfunction, Sildenafil is an emergency drug. However, erectile dysfunction is caused by a variety of reasons, and the rational use of Chinese patent medicine has certain advantages in treating the cause and symptoms. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that erectile dysfunction is caused byliver stagnation, kidney deficiency, damp-heat, blood stasis< span> and other causes. Different syndromes require different treatment methods.

1, Insufficiency of Kidney Qi:Shen Qi

Performance strong>Symptoms:Aching and weak waist and knees, fatigue, shortness of breath , sometimes slippery, premature ejaculation. Pale tongue, white fur.

Recommended Drugs:< span>Jingui Shenqi Pill, Guiling Ji, Bailing Capsule, Jinshuibao Capsule

2, < strong>Mingmen Fire Decaying Syndrome:warming the kidney and strengthening yang

SymptomsSymptoms: strong>Soreness and weakness of waist and knees, chills and cold limbs, cool feeling in the lower abdomen and genitals, dull complexion, lethargy, apathy of sexual desire, cold and slippery semen, frequent urination. The tongue is pale and fat, the coating is white, and the pulse is weak.

Recommended drugs:Yougui Pill, Compound Xuanju Capsule, Qiang Shen Tablet

3, Liver Qi stagnation< strong>:Soothing Liver, Relieving Depression, Relieving Depression, Relieving Symptoms

ManifestationsSymptoms:mental depression, chest Flank, abdominal distention and discomfort, paranoia, anxiety, irritability, restlessness, taciturn, the severity of the disease is closely related to emotional changes. Tongue dark red, thin white fur, thin strings.

Recommended Drugs:< span>Shugan Yiyang Capsules

4, Shen yin deficiency syndrome:Yin and kidney

ManifestationsSymptoms:thickness, waist Sore and weak knees, five upsets and heat, hot flashes and night sweats, dizziness, tinnitus, loss of libido, short and red urination, sleepless nights, and more dreams. Pale red tongue, weak pulse.

Recommended Drugs:Zuogui Pill, Liuwei Dihuang Pill

5, Deficiency of the spleen and kidney Syndrome: invigorating the spleen, nourishing the kidney, nourishing qi and strengthening yang

SymptomsSymptoms: span>Long pain in the waist and abdomen, prolonged diarrhea and dysentery, fear of cold limbs, poor appetite, pale complexion, indifference of libido, loose stools and long urination. The tongue is pale or with tooth marks, the coating is thin and white, and the pulse is weak.

Recommended Drugs:< span>Incomparable Yam Pills

6, Liver and Kidney Deficiency Syndrome< /strong>:Soothe liver and relieve depression, invigorate kidney and rejuvenate yang

Symptoms:Soreness and weakness of waist and knees, fullness of flanks, nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation, doubts , The good is too restless, and the spirit is tired and exhausted. Red tongue, thin white fur, thin pulse.

Recommended Drugs:< span>Xiaoyao Pill + Wuzi Yanzong Pill

7, Heart and Spleen Deficiency Syndrome< /span>:Invigorating Qi and spleen, nourishing blood and nourishing heart

SymptomsSymptoms: Heart palpitations, dizziness, lack of food and loose stools, insomnia and more dreams, anorexia and abdominal distension, mental fatigue, forgetfulness, and pale complexion. Pale tongue with white coating, thin and weak pulse.

Recommended Drugs:< span>Tianwang Buxin Dan

8、Damp-heat stasis syndrome :clearing heat and dampness, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis

Symptoms:burning pain in the lower abdomen, moist itching of the scrotum, swelling of the scrotum, constant pain , bitterness in the mouth and dry throat, hot and cloudy urine, and dry stools. Dark tongue with yellow and greasy fur, slippery or stringy pulse.

Recommended Drugs:< span>Simiao Pill, Longdan Xiegan Pill

(This article is for professional reference only)

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