It takes 32 days to detoxify a pack of instant noodles? Eating too much causes cancer? Do you really know the truth?

A foreign scientist used capsule endoscopy to film the situation of instant noodles and hand-pulled noodles entering the human body, and compared them.

The results showed that hand-pulled noodles could be completely digested in the human body after 32 hours, while some instant noodles remained.

There are still many news reports about instant noodles. It is reported on the Internet that a female college student eats and rests irregularly for a long time, and does not pay attention to stomach pain. I ate instant noodles for a month in a row, and then I went to the hospital for a check-up because of the unbearable stomach pain, and found out that I had advanced gastric cancer.

Is there really a lot of food additives in “instant noodles”? Is it really to eat a pack of detoxification for 32 days? Is it really that unsafe? Xiao Jiu explained it all today!

1. Are instant noodles “made” by food additives?

It is rumored that there are many additives in instant noodles, and it takes 32 days to detoxify after eating one packet.

In fact, this statement is not scientific. Although there are indeed many food additives in instant noodles, such as sodium hexametaphosphate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium benzoate, etc.

But food additives are not illegal additives, as long as they are used and added according to the use category and addition limit of food additives< /strong>, it is safe and will not cause harm to the human body. The food additives added to instant noodles produced by regular manufacturers are legal and compliant.

And illegal additives, such as melamine, clenbuterol, etc., are harmful to the human body.

The claim that the liver is required for a 32-day detox is also made out of thin air. As long as it is a qualified product, it can be eaten with confidence and can be excreted by normal human metabolism. At the beginning of the article, the scientist’s experiment was originally intended to observe the process of food digestion, but it was later misunderstood as the rumor that “instant noodles are not digested for 32 hours”.

Second, if you eat too much instant noodles, will you get cancer?

Instant noodles are not only classified as “junk food”, but also rumored to cause cancer.

Starchy foods may produce acrylamide at temperatures greater than 120 degrees Celsius.

Acrylamide has been confirmed to be a carcinogen by in vitro cell experiments and animal experiments, but currently there is not enough population epidemiology Evidence can confirm that there is a significant correlation between the occurrence of a tumor in humans and acrylamide in food.

Acrylamide is also known only asClass II carcinogens, meaning there is no clear evidence of carcinogenicity in humans.

Bian Dongsheng, a nutritionist at the Clinical Nutrition Department of Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, once said that relevant experiments have shown that the detection value of acrylamide in instant noodles produced in my country ranges from 0.5 to 2.89 μg /g or so, the value is low compared to other fries and oil cakes.

According to research by food experts in New Jersey, no adverse effects were observed in humans at a daily dietary intake of 0.1 mg/kg body weight of acrylamide.

WHO food safety officials also believe that the level of acrylamide ingested by humans is still difficult to reach the level of harm to health.

So, instant noodles are also carcinogenic.

Third, so, instant noodles are not junk food, these claims are false

< p>Instant noodles have been labeled as “junk food”, and many other rumors have been made about it. In fact, they are all misunderstood.

1. Will the paraffin in the instant noodle box dissolve?

The inside of the instant noodle box contains a film, which is mainly to resist the immersion of high temperature boiling water. Some people look at the shiny appearance of the film and mistakenly think that the film is made of paraffin.In fact, the film is a polyethylene coating with a melting point of 110°C, even if it is immersed in boiling water. dissolve.

2. Are instant noodles fried in “thousand rolls of oil”?

Although in the food processing industry, there may be unscrupulous merchants who use thousands of oil or add excessive antioxidants in order to save costs. In the process of repeated heating, Hazardous substances may be produced.

HoweverInstant noodles on the market are strictly controlled by food safety, and there will be no oily situation. If you are really worried, choosing non-fried pancakes is also a good choice.

3. Instant noodles contain palm oil, is it “bad oil”?

Instant noodles made from palm oil are a globalAs a common practice, instant noodles contain an average of 16%-18% oil and fat per serving, of which about 11% is palm oil.

Take a hamburger as an example, the average fat is about 30%, which is 1 times higher than that of instant noodles. Edible palm oil has been used as a natural food for more than 5,000 years, and the food safety standards established by the International Codex Alimentarius Commission also confirm that palm oil is a safe edible oil.

Fourth, these 4 kinds of really carcinogenic foods should be eaten or not. Eat less

The biggest problem of instant noodles may be that they have more fat and less nutrition. When it comes to really carcinogenic foods, the following are few to touch.

1. High temperature fried food

Fried food may produce carcinogen benzos Pyrene, the content of benzopyrene produced by burnt food is 10 to 20 times that of ordinary food. Long-term intake of large amounts of foods containing benzopyrene increases the risk of cancers such as stomach and rectal cancer.

2. Pickled food

Sausage, smoked fish, salted fish, etc. There may be an excess of nitrite in prepared foods. Although nitrite is not carcinogenic, if it reacts with protein metabolite amines in food to form nitrosamines, in excess, it will increase the risk of cancer.

3. Moldy food< /p>

Moldy food may produce aflatoxin, a strong carcinogen. Ingestion of large amounts of aflatoxin may cause acute poisoning, causing severe liver damage, and exposure to even small doses can increase the risk of liver cancer. So must not eat moldy food, and pay attention to food storage.

4. Hot food

A study published by the International Agency for Research on Cancer The report shows that people who are accustomed to drinking hot beverages have a higher risk of developing esophageal cancer.

Ling Yiqun, Deputy Chief Physician of the Nutrition Department of Fudan University Affiliated Cancer Hospital said that the normal temperature of the mouth and esophagus is 37℃ If you are exposed to food at about 75°C for a long time, it may slightly burn the oral mucosa, cause chronic inflammation of the esophageal mucosa, and increase the risk of esophageal cancer.

Food safety is closely related to our health. Eating instant noodles in moderation will not cause harm to the body. Harm, we must put an end to bad rumors about instant noodles. In addition, the article exemplifies 4 foods with real risk of cancer, please don’t eat or eat less.


[1] Can’t believe it! It takes 32 days to “detoxify” after eating instant noodles? Few people know these facts…. Popular Science China. 2020-01-06

[2] Instant noodles contain carcinogens? Two months out of the body? You never know these things. Xinhua News Agency . 2019-10-07

[3] These 6 types of food are hotbeds of carcinogens! IARC has already warned you! .Health Times. 2019-04-30

[4][Popular Science Nutrition] Eating instant noodles is very particular, and nutritionists tell you the correct way to open instant noodles! .Clinical Nutrition Network. 2019-11-21

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