It is not advisable to cover the sweat with a cold! A 62-year-old aunt who “covered up” heat stroke and was sent to ICU

[Source: South + Client]

Can I have a cold and a fever, can I treat it with sweating? Recently, a 62-year-old aunt in Guangzhou had a cold and fever. She wanted to treat her by sweating, so she closed the doors, windows, air conditioners and fans, and covered her with a quilt, hoping to sweat and relieve her cold symptoms. She never expected that after some operations, not only did the symptoms not relieve, but she was also in a coma due to severe heat stroke, was diagnosed with heat stroke, and was finally sent to the ICU for treatment.

Cold and fever, the 62-year-old aunt covered the quilt and sweated, and suddenly fell into a coma with “heatstroke”

“Doctor, save her! My mother needs first aid!”

“Your mother may be suffering from heat stroke, and it is a severe heat stroke. She needs emergency treatment as soon as possible…”

On July 14, the 120 emergency car of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University was dispatched. Pick up an unconscious old lady.

“According to the family’s description, the patient had symptoms of dizziness and vomiting at noon that day. By the afternoon, she was unconscious. When we arrived, we found that she was short of breath, and the temperature was measured at 40.5°C.” The emergency doctor of the hospital Pan Cheng said.

After returning to the emergency department, Dr. Pan completed the blood test, chest CT, brain CT and other examinations for the patient. After excluding diseases such as cerebral hemorrhage, combined with the medical history in a high temperature environment, the patient was diagnosed with heat stroke.

The emergency medical staff cooled the patient by means of cooling machine and ice compress, and performed a large number of fluid replacement operations. The patient’s vital signs gradually stabilized, and then he was transferred to the ICU for further treatment.

“Covered” heat stroke, but luckily sent to the hospital for timely and successful treatment

“When the patient was treated in the ICU, the core temperature reached 41°C, and he was conscious In a coma, at the same time, there are certain obstacles in the kidneys.” Wang Yichun, director of the Department of Critical Care Medicine of the Third Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, said that while they continued to cool the patients, they supplemented albumin, balance fluid, etc. to help restore the patient’s organ function.

Wang Yichun explained that heat stroke is due to the imbalance of the body’s thermoregulatory function, excessive heat production or heat dissipation obstacles due to exposure to high temperature and high humidity environment, resulting in a rapid increase in core temperature, exceeding 40 ℃, accompanied by skin. Severe acute heat-induced illness with burning heat, disturbance of consciousness and multiple organ dysfunction is the most serious type of heat stroke. Once it occurs, the mortality rate is extremely high.

Wang Yichun said that the core temperature of the human body is generally around 36.5℃. If the temperature exceeds 40°C, it is equivalent to soaking the organs of the whole body in hot water of more than 40°C. The higher the temperature and the longer the soaking, the greater the damage to the organs.

Because the patient was sent to the hospital in time and the emergency and ICU were properly treated, the patient recovered quickly and was discharged from the hospital on July 17.

It is not advisable to cover a quilt and sweat with a cold and fever

Pan Cheng, an emergency doctor at the Third Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, said that fever is actually divided into chills, high fever There are three stages: the period of high fever and the antipyretic period. The three stages are different stages in which the human immune system fights against pathogens. The body will also have different symptoms. The human body dissipates heat, and may cause hyperthermia to cause dehydration, metabolic acidosis, etc., and even “muffling syndrome”. In severe cases, breathing and heartbeat arrest may occur, or even death.

If symptoms of a cold and fever occur, symptomatic treatment should be carried out according to the degree of fever, whether there is expectoration of sputum, and whether there is an upper respiratory tract infection.

Pan Cheng reminded that it is not suitable to cover the sweat with a quilt for adults with cold and fever, and it is not suitable for children with fever to cover the sweat with a thick quilt or wear thick clothes. Reduced, the body temperature is higher, and it is easy to induce febrile seizures in infants and young children. In the later stage of the sweating process, due to rapid and massive sweating, the body loses water quickly. Although the body temperature drops to normal, it can cause dehydration and cause serious damage to the function of important organs in the body. The correct approach should be to encourage children as much as possible during high fever. Drink water, urinate more, and go to the hospital in time.

Guangzhou’s hot and humid summer is very prone to heat stroke. Not only can it be exposed to the sun for a long time outdoors or in a humid and hot indoor environment, but also the human body temperature adjustment cannot keep up after the “alternation of cold and heat” between the air-conditioned room and the outdoor. It is also easy to suffer from heat stroke in other situations. For the elderly, infants, children, mentally ill and chronically ill patients, the most susceptible to heat stroke People may also suffer from heat stroke and even death.

Wang Yichun reminded that if heatstroke occurs, the first thing to do is to get out of the humid and hot environment that causes heatstroke, and move the patient to a cool place. , coma and other serious conditions should be sent to the doctor for treatment as soon as possible. He recommends that people who do physical labor or strenuous exercise in a high temperature environment drink at least 2-4 glasses of cold water per hour. Staff exposed to the scorching sun can supplement salt and minerals by drinking salt water or sports drinks containing trace elements such as potassium and magnesium to avoid heat stroke as much as possible.

[Reporter] Huang Jinhui

[Correspondent] Wang Hui

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