It is best not to eat or eat less of these kinds of meat for the elderly, which can cause poisoning and coronary heart disease in serious cases. Many people eat it every day.

Did you know? Eating the wrong meat on the table may lead to food poisoning and high cholesterol, which can cause a series of physical problems, especially for the elderly with weak gastrointestinal function.

Which meats are not recommended?

1. Three glands of animals – do not eat

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Do not eat the thyroid, adrenal glands and diseased lymph glands from pigs, cattle, sheep and other animals.

Bacteria and viruses remaining in the lymphatic body require high temperature to kill, and it is difficult to reach ordinary cooking temperatures. For safety reasons, it is best not to eat these parts.

The thyroid glands, adrenal glands and other glands contain many hormones, which are resistant to heat and are not easily decomposed at high temperatures. Only high temperatures above 600°C can destroy thyroid hormones.Eating too much will affect us own endocrine system, causing physical discomfort. If one tenth of a cow’s thyroid gland, one half of a sheep’s thyroid gland, and one sixth of a pig’s thyroid gland are eaten by mistake, There will be toxic manifestations, such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

2. Wild animal meat, cat and dog meat – do not eat

The meat eaten in the Central Plains is mostly pork, chicken, beef and mutton, and dog meat is only in a few It is available in many restaurants or restaurants specializing in dog meat, and cat meat is extremely rare.

For game, most of them are of unknown environment and source.Whether they carry various germs and viruses is unknown. Why harm your health in order to try something new?

3. Chicken and Duck Butt – Don’t Eat

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Chicken buttocks, duck buttocks, these parts that are full of “peculiar smell” to a few people, there are actually many glands.

contains a large number of pathogens, metabolic wastes, etc. that have not been decomposed in time, and some pathogens may not be killed even by high temperature cooking.

4. Melanoma of fish belly – don’t eat

The black skin in the belly of the fish is the protective layer in the belly of the fish, which protects the inner wall of the abdominal cavity from various Friction of organs.

However,the nutritional value of this black film is not high, mainly fat, strong>For safety reasons, environmental pollutants such as dioxins and polybiphenyls are fat-soluble and are more likely to be deposited in adipose tissue such as the peritoneum.

Which meat should I eat less?

1. Chicken and duck skin – eat less

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Some people like to eat duck skin and chicken skin, in fact, these skins More fat and higher cholesterol.

Therefore, it is best to remove the chicken skin when eating chicken, let alone use chicken and duck skin for cooking.

2. Fish Head – Eat Less


Generally speaking,the head of the fish is the most likely part of the fish to accumulate pollutants.

The Nanjing Center for Disease Control and Prevention once tested the mercury content in fish and found that the mercury content in different parts: fish head>fish skin>fish meat> fish roe.

The degree of pollution is proportional to the age of the fish. The older the fish is, the more mercury accumulates in the fish brain and skin.

Of course,fish raised in regular reservoirs are generally about 2-3 kilograms and can be eaten with confidence.

3. Animal necks – eat less

The lymphatic tissue in the neck of animals is relatively concentrated. We all know that there may be germs in the lymphatic tissue, but it does not mean that The neck is equal to the lymph.

For example, pig neck, known as the “blood neck”, it does have more lymph nodes, especially the diseased ones The lymph nodes are larger, but as long as they are slaughtered properly, the diseased lymph will be removed.

For chicken and duck necks, it is best to remove the skin when eating, because some detoxification glands such as lymph are concentrated in the subcutaneous fat of the neck,< /span>These glands contain toxins in animals, hormones in feed, etc.

4. Meat refrigerated for more than half a year – eat less

Frozen meat also has a shelf life.Once the shelf life is exceeded, Food can also spoil in the freezer.

In the opinion of nutrition experts, meat that has been stored in a household refrigerator for more than half a year has exceeded its safe consumption period.Not only does it taste bad, lose nutrients, but also There are also health risks.

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Pork has a shelf life of about 6 months when frozen and is best eaten within 4 months.

< span>Beef and muttonBasically 8-12 months.

Chicken, duck and other poultry are 3-8 months old.

Processed meat productsShorter, under normal circumstances, the longest shelf life is about 3 months, such as bacon slices, cured meat not more than 3 months, ham and bacon nuggets no longer than 4 months.

5. Animal Offal – Eat Less


Animal internal organs are rich in trace elements and have certain nutritional value, but after all, internal organs such as liver and kidneys are also the “filters” of the body , there will be some toxin residues.

In addition, some internal organs have relatively high cholesterol, and the purine content is not low. Every 100 grams of animal liver, kidney, pancreas, heart, brain and other purine content has hundreds of milligrams.

Therefore, regular consumption is not recommended.

How to eat meat to be healthy?

How to eat meat to be healthy? Let’s take a lookHe Jiguo, former head of the Department of Nutrition and Food Safety, School of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural UniversityTell us about popular science~< /span>

What National Director

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< span>Eat enough 4 types of 12 kinds every day

①Cereals and potatoes, such as rice, wheat, potatoes, etc., can provide starch energy, eat 2-3 kinds every day;

②Meat, including fish, meat, etc., eat 1-2 kinds of meat every day;

③Vegetables and fruits, 3-5 kinds of vegetables;

④Soybeans and nuts.

chart Screenshot from Chongqing Satellite TV


home Meat storage is good, but has flaws

home storage, including Beef, mutton, pork, etc. belong to red meat, with more iron content and vitamin B, but high saturated fatty acid and cholesterol content, and no vitamin C, and high energy. It is recommended to be paired with vegetables, grains and beans.


Vegetables + meat, higher nutritional value

Q: Our family always fights over dinner. I love meat and braised pork the most, but my wife loves vegetarian food, and the green leafy vegetables will never go down. She kept saying that I was eating too much oil. I would like to ask the experts, is there any clever way to help me solve the problem of my family’s food?

Meat and veggies together are healthier. For example:

Beef stewed radish, the dietary fiber of radish can absorb fat and reduce the body’s absorption of excessive fat;

Beef stew with tomatoes can make the beef softer;

Carotene and lycopene in vegetables are both fat-soluble substances. When cooking with fatty meat, the nutrients of vegetables can be fully absorbed. The combination of vegetables supplements the deficiency of vitamin C;

Grains and beans with meat, can save protein. Meat protein and grain protein can complement each other to improve utilization. For example, grain and beans lack lysine, and meat lacks methionine, so the two can complement each other.

chart Screenshot from Chongqing Satellite TV

Reminder:Excessive protein intake will increase the burden on the kidneys and even endanger life, because the more nutrition is not the better, the right amount is the best. Patients with kidney disease should strictly control their protein intake.

The content of the article is integrated in Popular Science China and Chongqing Satellite TV