It is a big loss to eat only rice noodles as the main food! It was rated as the “Top 10 Healthy Foods in the World” for weight loss, sugar control, and good nutrition! don’t choose wrong

As the saying goes, “five grains, oats are king”, oats can be regarded as a well-deserved “star” in the grain family – the United States “Time” magazine has done “the world’s top ten healthy foods” selection, oatmeal list Famous and the only cereal selected.

Unfortunately, although we all know that oatmeal is an excellent grain, many friends may not be able to tell what it is good for, and do not know how to choose and eat oatmeal, and fail to give full play to its advantages . Don’t worry, today Coco will introduce you to oatmeal in detail~


80 grams of oats per day

Significantly lower cholesterol levels

Speaking of the benefits of oatmeal, we must first praise its significant effect in controlling blood lipids. On December 9, 2021, a research team from China published a study in the authoritative medical journal “Frontiers of Immunology” showing that eating oatmeal can effectively reduce the total cholesterol and “bad cholesterol” levels of subjects.

1 eat oatmeal every day to help lower cholesterol

In this study, Yang Yuexin, Institute of Nutrition and Health, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and a research team led by Sun Guiju, Key Laboratory of Environmental Medicine and Engineering, Southeast University, Ministry of Education, selected 70 mildly ill patients in Beijing, Nanjing and Shanghai. Subjects with cholesterolemia (210 people in total) were randomly divided into two groups for the experiment:

◎Rice group: 80 grams of rice per day for 45 days of continuous intervention;

◎Oatmeal group: 80 grams of oatmeal was consumed daily for 45 days.

The results showed that on day 45, the total cholesterol and “bad cholesterol” of the oatmeal group were reduced by 5.7% and 8.7%, respectively; while the rice group had a relatively lower reduction of 3.0%, respectively. and 3.9%. In other words, this study confirms that oats can help control blood cholesterol levels and reduce “bad cholesterol” levels.

2 Why does eating oatmeal help lower cholesterol?

This is mainly because oats contain a special ingredient called beta-glucan. American studies have shown that daily intake of 3-4g of beta-glucan can reduce cholesterol by 8%. Highland barley, barley and other foods also contain β-glucan, but the content of oats is higher, and each 100g of oats contains about 6~8g of β-glucan.

It is a kind of soluble dietary fiber. After absorbing water, it can absorb cholesterol and reduce the content of cholesterol entering the blood. It can also absorb bile acids and excrete them through defecation, so that the body can use more cholesterol to synthesize bile acids and reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol levels.

Therefore, eating oatmeal regularly is beneficial to the prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, especially suitable for patients with hyperlipidemia and coronary heart disease.


Eat oatmeal often, there are 3 major benefits to find you

1 Supplemental nutrition and strong immunity

Every 100g of pure oats contains about 15g of protein, which is 1.6~2.3 times that of rice and wheat, ranking first in cereals. Moreover, its amino acid composition is also relatively reasonable, including lysine, which is generally lacking in grains, and has a high digestion and absorption rate.

In addition, the content of calcium, B vitamins, vitamin E, β-glucan and other ingredients in oats are also among the top grains. They are a good source of nutrients for the human body and help to improve the body’s immunity.

2 delay the rise of blood sugar

Although it is also a high-carbohydrate staple food ingredient, compared with the staple food made from rice and white flour, oatmeal is rich in dietary fiber, which is digested more slowly in the body, which can delay the rise of postprandial blood sugar and help stabilize blood sugar.

3 prevent constipation and help lose weight

Each 100g of pure oats contains about 367 kcal of energy, although it sounds high, but because of its rich dietary fiber, it can not only promote gastrointestinal motility, prevent constipation, but also bring a full sense of satiety. Eating a few dozen grams at breakfast can make people last until noon, delaying the emptying time of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby preventing obesity to a certain extent.


I can’t tell the difference between “true and false” oats

Beware the fatter you eat!

Some friends may want to ask: Why after eating oatmeal, there is no effect of controlling fat and sugar at all, but instead weight gain and blood sugar instability? This is most likely because the first step – picking the oatmeal, didn’t do it right!

There are many products with the label “oat” on the market today. Although they use oats as raw materials, improper processing methods will greatly reduce their original nutritional value, and sometimes even have adverse effects. Everyone Be careful when purchasing!

12 kinds of “fake oatmeal”, usually eat less

◎Some oatmeal granules: Although these products are very convenient to brew, after the oats are ground into powder, a lot of nutrients have been lost; Fat powder, etc., have high calorie and limited nutritional value.

◎Some fruit oatmeal: This type of product is generally composed of dried fruit mixed with oatmeal crisp. Although it looks more comprehensive in nutrients, some products areThe crispy taste is often made with a lot of fat and sugar added for baking, and even the calories are increased.

[Tips]: The above two types of products are indeed good choices as snacks to relieve cravings, but they are not recommended for sugar control to lose weight or to replace staple foods; pay attention to the ingredient list when purchasing to avoid partial The product contains excessive sugar and calories.

24 kinds of “real oats”, more recommended to buy

◎Whole oatmeal: This kind of oatmeal only removes the hard shell and retains the natural state of the oatmeal. Although it is laborious to cook and digested slowly, it retains all its nutrients, and the control effect on blood sugar and blood lipids is the best.

◎Oat rice (peeled oats): It is made from oat grains that are directly peeled. Although the skin is lost, it retains most of the nutrients of the oats, and it is easier to cook than the original oat grains; especially Oat rice with germ (oat germ rice) is the essence of oat rice.

◎Raw oatmeal, quick-cooking oatmeal: These products are actually directly flaked oatmeal. Although the nutrition is a bit lost compared to oatmeal, the taste is soft and sticky, making it easier to eat. ; It needs to be cooked when eaten, whether it is directly cooked porridge, soup, or mixed with rice to cook, it is very good.

◎Instant oatmeal: This is the most common oatmeal in China at present. It is highly processed and can be eaten after rinsing it with hot water. However, it is easier to digest and absorb, and the blood sugar response after eating is relatively high, and the effect of sugar control is high. Poor, and the nutritional value is not as good as the previous ones.


Although oatmeal is good, if eaten in excess, it may increase intestinal gas production and cause indigestion and other problems; it may even affect the absorption of other nutrients such as calcium, iron, and zinc.

According to the “Residents’ Dietary Guidelines”, adults should adhere to a grain-based dietary pattern and consume 200-300 grams of cereals per day, including 50-150 grams of whole grains and mixed beans, and 50-100 grams of potatoes. . Everyone should control their intake according to their physical condition.


Oatmeal “Fancy Cooking”

The whole family loves it

Finally, Coco wants to introduce 3 “fancy cooking methods” of oats, which not only taste good, but also retain the nutrition of oats to a greater extent. Let’s learn together~

1 oat brown rice porridge

[Ingredients]: 40g oats, 40g brown rice, appropriate amount of milk.

【Method】: Soak brown rice in water for 20 minutes, then add oatmeal and appropriate amount of water to cook porridge. When the porridge is almost cooked, add a little milk, stir well and serve.

2 Golden Oatmeal

[Ingredients]: oats, eggs, butter, flour, black sesame seeds, sugar.


1. Soak the oats in water for 40 minutes, filter the water and steam for 20 minutes;

2. Take another pot and melt the butter on a warm fire for use;

3. Beat 3 eggs in a bowl, add sugar and mix well, add flour and continue to mix until there are no particles, then pour in butter and mix well, the ratio of eggs, butter and flour is 1.5:1:1;< /p>

4. Sprinkle black sesame seeds and steamed oatmeal, stir well, fry until golden brown on both sides, roll up while hot, and cut into sections with a knife.

3 Crispy Rice Fragrant Fish

[Ingredients]: oats, bran, overnight rice, day lily, fungus, lettuce, shiitake mushrooms, grass carp flakes, eggs.


1. Cook the oats and bran for 10 minutes in advance, put them in the pot together with the overnight rice and stir-fry for 10 minutes on low heat, stir-fry until crispy, and put them in another pot.

2. Add day lily, fungus, lettuce and shiitake mushrooms and stir-fry. After they are mature, put them on the three kinds of fried rice.

3. Slice the grass carp and place it on the fried vegetables.

4. Fry eggs until golden, pour in hot water, add cooking wine and shredded ginger and cook for 5 minutes until white.

5. Put the white soup upside down and put it in the pot of the fish, put another layer of daylily on the surface, and cook it for 2 minutes.

(I am the official WeChat account of a big doctor)