It has been ignored all the time. Alcohol is the enemy of hemorrhoids. It causes blood vessel congestion to be very obvious, and hemorrhoids are more serious.

Top 3 Heaven Group

Liu Qizhi

Shanghai Fourth People’s Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University Deputy Chief, Deputy Chief Physician, Colon Surgery

Li Xi< /span>

Department of Pharmacy, Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, Tongji University

Hemorrhoids are very common. Is there any good way to prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids?

Haemorrhoids are a common , frequently-occurring disease, since ancient times there has been a saying that “ten people and nine hemorrhoids”.

Although hemorrhoids are a It’s a small problem, but we still have to pay enough attention. Due to long-term chronic bleeding can cause anemia, often dizziness, weakness, decreased resistance.

Not only that, but the hemorrhoids may also prolapse, making people restless.

In daily life, If we can do the following preventive work, we can prevent the development of hemorrhoids or reduce the incidence.

< span>01Prevent constipation and keep bowel movements smooth

is the most effective way to prevent hemorrhoids.

Where diet is The key link is to eat more fiber-rich foods such as whole grains, beans, vegetables, and fruits. Because cellulose can increase intestinal peristalsis and laxative, it is more suitable for those with habitual constipation.

In addition, you can also choose to drink a glass of cold boiled water or cold milk after getting up in the morning, which is also beneficial to prevent constipation.

< span>02Make it a habit of regular bowel movements every day

Do not read a book, read a newspaper, squat for a long time, or exert too much force when defecation. The general defecation time should not exceed 10 minutes.

< span>03No or less stimulants

For example, alcohol has a very obvious effect on vascular congestion, and hemorrhoids can be congested and expanded, so it is easy to cause Hemorrhoids flare up.

04Prompt treatment Gastrointestinal disorders and inflammation around the anus

Such as diarrhea, dysentery, perianal itching, etc., everyone should keep the perianal clean in daily life.

< span>05Some traditional Chinese medicines can be taken appropriately

Such as black sesame seeds, raw ground, Polygonum multiflorum, cassia seeds, Burnet, etc., all of which have a certain effect of preventing hemorrhoids and curing hemorrhoids , After taking it, it can moisten the intestines and relieve the bowels, cool the blood and stop the bleeding.

In summary , The prevention of hemorrhoids, not only from one side, but the whole body conditioning, reduce the factors that induce hemorrhoids, in order to effectively prevent the occurrence of hemorrhoids.

If there is a hemorrhoidal attack The precursor of the disease should be treated in time to avoid further progression of the disease.