It cost tens of thousands of yuan to cure the old medicine of 1.88 yuan, but it works

In order to cure the cough of her son Chuanchuan (pseudonym), Ms. Liu (pseudonym) from Hangzhou frequently went to the hospital. In two months, the registration fee alone cost thousands of yuan, and she was hospitalized for a time. His condition still did not improve.

Recently, the cough that afflicted Chuanchuan was finally cured by Zhao Shiyong, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Hangzhou Children’s Hospital, and the family was overjoyed. However, the careful Ms. Liu reviewed and analyzed the experience of the bitter treatment. When she saw the statement, she was dumbfounded and couldn’t help but wonder: the cough that was not cured after spending tens of thousands of yuan before, ended up taking only 1.88 yuan of medicine. already?

The 8-year-old boy’s cough persisted for a long time

Sometimes he was woken up by coughing in the middle of the night

8-year-old Chuanchuan is a relatively strong boy who usually has a cold and cough , just take some medicine. Therefore, when the child started coughing inexplicably during the Spring Festival holiday, Ms. Liu thought it was just a cold at first. She went to the hospital to do a new crown investigation. The doctor who received it also thought it was acute sore throat, and she went home after dispensing the medicine.

However, after taking the medicine for three days, Chuanchuan’s cough showed no signs of getting better. After a week, it got worse. “He coughs day and night, and it gets worse at night. Sometimes he wakes up coughing while asleep. We listen to the sound of coughing, and we can’t wait to get sick on his behalf.” Ms. Liu’s voice was full of distress.

That is, since then, Ms. Liu started the hard way to help her son fight against cough. Internal medicine, respiratory department, otolaryngology department…they went to departments that may be related to cough, acute pharyngitis, bronchitis, rhinitis…the diagnosis of different diseases made Ms. Liu anxious.

Because of coughing, Chuanchuan has been asking for leave at home. Fortunately, he is in the lower grades of primary school, and he can barely keep up with his parents’ teaching and learning, but he is strictly restricted from going out to play with other children. He is very concerned about this. Unhappy, and occasionally loses his temper.

The culprit is whooping cough

1.88 yuan cheap medicine works

Why can’t the cause of Chuanchuan cough be found? How long will this child be tortured? In the dead of night, Ms. Liu often fell asleep listening to her son’s coughing, and had all kinds of crazy thoughts in her mind.

Until not long ago, a friend suggested that they take Chuanchuan to Hangzhou Children’s Hospital. The hospital has rich experience in treating children with such diseases and has a high level in the province.

“Because it’s not close to my home, I didn’t know much about this hospital before. People kindly recommended it, so I went to try it out. I didn’t expect that hope is here.” Ms. Liu admitted frankly. After checking the relevant information of the hospital, they went straight to the famous doctor’s clinic of Director Zhao Shiyong.

Inquired about the medical history carefully, and read the previous medical records and examination reports. Director Zhao Shiyong told Ms. Liu: “It may be atypical whooping cough.” Immediately, he did two things: First, give treatment The plan is oral medicine + nebulization; the second is to take samples for blood antibody testing.

This time, Ms. Liu waited for a surprise. Two days later, Chuanchuan’s cough improved significantly. After taking the medicine for four days, he went for a review, and the child has almost recovered. The laboratory test report also confirmed Director Zhao Shiyong’s guess.

After sorting out the relevant documents, Ms. Liu discovered that the oral medicine prescribed by Director Zhao Shiyong was only 1.88 yuan.

The level of pertussis antibodies decreases after the age of four or five

It is important to prevent parents from infecting their children

In fact, parents should not be unfamiliar with whooping cough, because Babies are vaccinated against whooping cough when they are 3 months old.

“However, vaccines do not guarantee that children will be 100% free from this disease. As the age increases, the level of antibodies decreases, and it is relatively easy to occur after the age of four or five, but also because of the remaining protective effect. , the symptoms are not typical, so it is difficult to distinguish from ordinary cough, and therefore ignored.” Director Zhao Shiyong said.

Most cases of colds and coughs are minor illnesses, but parents should pay attention to the bad coughs that persist for more than 2 weeks in their children, and should seek the help of specialists to find the cause and carry out targeted treatment.

As for the 1.88 yuan drug that Ms. Liu was puzzled by, Director Zhao Shiyong gave an objective analysis: “Our team is fortunate to participate in the formulation of “Diagnosis and Treatment Suggestions for Pertussis in Chinese Children”. Because we usually receive There are many children who are diagnosed with whooping cough, so I will consider this direction. With this low-cost drug, I tried to use this old drug after seeing that the doctors had used a lot of anti-inflammatory drugs before, and the effect was not obvious. What is useful to the child is the best result. It’s not that my level is better than other doctors.”

However, Director Zhao Shiyong said that clinically, children with whooping cough like Chuanchuan are not It is rare, and it is mostly infected by parents or other children. The most pitiful are those little babies who are infected before they have time to get vaccinated, and some even suffer from whooping cough complicated by pneumonia and encephalitis. They are seriously ill and require hospitalization. Therefore, if parents have a cold and cough, they must be treated in time, especially the isolation and protection of children at home.

Reporter He Lina