It can be fatal! There are 4 points that children should be vigilant about coughing! (recommended collection control)

First, please ask everyone to do the first question: What do you usually do if your child has a cold and cough but does not have a fever? A nothing, drink plenty of water and wait for self-healing B as if facing the enemy , hurry up to take medicine Are many parents going to choose A? However, if the child has the situation we talked about today, remember to choose B! What’s going on? Here’s what the experts say –Some parents said that after children go to kindergarten, they often cough again, because they do not have fever, it is estimated that it is due to cold During the epidemic, I never took my child to the hospital to see a doctor. I just gave my child some cough medicine. But after more than two months, I found that there was no effect at all. I went to the hospital for an examination. The doctor said that the child had asthma. The child just coughs, how can it become asthma…? May 3, 2022 is World Asthma Day, and today I want to talk to you about “asthma in children.” 01cough beyond this time Beware of childhood asthma! Many parents do not know much about asthma and think that asthma must have the symptom of “wheezing”. Actually,Asthma, such as cough variant asthma (atypical asthma), can also manifest as chronic cough only, not necessarily significant wheezing< /span>. When a child coughs frequently, many parents may treat it as a mild cold, which may delay the child’s condition. So if you find that your child’s cough has the following characteristics, parents must take the child to the department in timeRespiratory Medicine Troubleshooting:

Cough has these 4 points to pay attention to

1persistent cough>4 weeks, usually non-productive dry cough

2 Cough often occurs at night and/or early in the morning, and is aggravated by exercise, cold air, and irritating odors< /span>

3No infection (eg no fever), or After a long period of antibacterial treatment, it was found to be ineffective, but the cough symptoms were significantly relieved after treatment with bronchodilators

< strong>4 Possible history of allergic disease (such as eczema) and family history of allergic disease

Usually the doctor will arrange for the child to dopulmonary function testsandbronchial provocation tests to diagnose. The following video, you can click to listen to the sound of asthma caused by cough. Source: @Mother and Child Dr.Han02 Parents Attention! These children are prone to asthma different from conventional wisdom , Asthma is now a relatively common disease. As early as ten years ago, a survey and study found that the average cumulative prevalence of childhood asthma in our country has reached 3%, and also In a class of thirty or forty students, one child may have asthma. And now the number of children with asthma is even greater. If the child is allergic, parents must pay attention, because allergies Physical child is easyhave asthma. Additionally, before puberty, boys are more likely to develop asthma than girls < span>, is estimated to be related to the relatively narrow airway and airway hypertonicity of the boy, a physiological characteristic that causes the child’s ventilation process to be limited in some cases. Boy: ? ? ? Baby is too bitter    03 Your child has the following symptomsmedicine or see a doctor as soon as possible 80%-90% of children with asthma have their first symptoms before the age of 4-5, and 30% of children with asthma have symptoms at the age of 1.

When you have an acute asthma attack, you must not wait for “self-healing”. If your child has the following symptoms, timely medication or medical treatment is the correct approach.

These conditions could be asthma attacks!

1repeated wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, or coughing, at night and or early morning attacks, worsening

2 Asthmatic children with rhinitis may also experience runny nose, sneezing, itchy nose, itchy eyes, nasal congestion, etc.

3Some children may feel fatigued during exercise, and infants may experience crying, Wheezing and wheezing after play, violent coughing after eating sweet or spicy foods

4 Children with severe attacks cannot speak in full sentences due to shortness of breath, and have difficulty walking. Critically ill children may experience apnea or even coma

04Long-term medicationAffects development?   Asthma control requires long-term medication. There are mainly the following types of medications: 1. Inhaled glucocorticoidssteroids, such as budesonide. If inhalation therapy fails, oral or injectable hormones, such as hydrocortisone or methylprednisolone, may be required; 2. Oral leukotrienes Class drugs, such as montelukast sodium; 3. Inhalation bronchodilation , such as salmeterol, formoterol, salbutamol, terbutaline, or oral procaterol. When parents hear that hormones are needed to treat asthma, they are very worried about the side effects of hormones on their children, or even affect them Child growth and development. In fact, this is a typical misunderstanding of asthma treatment. Asthma is characterized by chronic airway “inflammation”, and anti-inflammatory treatment is an important principle in asthma treatment, especially for children under 6 years old, inhaled sugar Corticosteroids (such as budesonide) are the main anti-inflammatory drugs and the most effective treatment drugs. If only anti-asthmatic drugs are used, it is difficult to control asthma symptoms. Existing research data show that long-term use of inhaled glucocorticoids (not oral or injectable) at the correct dose as prescribed by the doctor pathway) and does not affect the final height of the child. If parents are always worried about and struggle with this so-called “side effect”, blindly refuse medication or reduce medication by themselves, it will delay the treatment of asthma , resulting in poor asthma control, but will have an impact on children’s height. Even for the height of the child, you have to take good medicine! 05Seizure prevention is importantThese things should be done regularly Asthma is an allergic disease, inhalation of allergens can induce asthma, so it is very important to prevent children from inhaling allergens.

Common allergens

Indoor allergens

dust mites


animal secretions, excrement and dander




Outdoor Allergens



Other allergens

some food , Drugs

Tobacco, Smoke and Haze

In addition,Irritation of cold air, excessive strenuous exercise, and emotional agitationcan also cause asthma attacks. Some pathogens and diseases, such asrespiratory viral, bacterial and mycoplasma infectionscause Wheezing, rhinitis, sinusitis, nasal polyps, gastroesophageal refluxcan also cause asthma attacks, and children with these conditions must also Timely treatment and control of the primary disease.


Weekly Washing Sheets strong>

Fibre-filled furniture

Clean bathrooms and Small nook in the kitchen

Clean the air conditioner filter regularly

Reduce indoor placement of potted plants

No pets

< span>Don’t go out during pollen season

No smoking at home

< /span>06Can childhood asthma be cured? Childhood asthma is different from adult asthma,< span>Most children’s asthma can be cured, it does not mean that children with childhood asthma need medication for a lifetime. However, to treat it, parents need to cooperate and adhere to a long-term, continuous and standardized treatment method. Overtreatment (blind continuation of medication). Even if the child’s symptoms improve, parents should remember to take the child for regular check-ups, and the doctor will conduct “assessment-adjustment-monitoring” for the child. Gradually reduce or even discontinue the drug under observation. It cannot be ruled out that there may be refractory childhood asthma, but if you can avoid allergens and precipitating factors well, you can basically achieve great results. Reduce the recurrence rate in adulthood and ensure the child’s future quality of life. >For more knowledge about children’s medication, scan the code to follow Mei Kangkang, a pediatric pharmaciststrongrecommended /span>01

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