Is there really no cure for coronary heart disease? 3 common questions about coronary heart disease

Through understanding, it is found that coronary heart disease is a serious heart disease. After coronary atherosclerosis, the blood and nutrients needed by the heart cannot be provided in time, and the vascular cavity will be blocked and damaged. Stenosis, which in turn causes a series of adverse symptoms, Therefore, it is necessary to detect the signs of coronary heart disease and take treatment measures.

The disease involves a wide range, including vascular stenosis, occlusion, and local inflammation< strong>, only by taking correct treatment measures according to the type of coronary heart disease can the heart function be improved.

In addition, people who have already developed the disease are most concerned about whether the disease can be completely improved. Expand to understand.

Many people are shocked when they hear coronary heart disease, because coronary heart disease is really dangerous and develops rapidly. Untimely treatment will threaten the patient’s life and health.Whether the disease can be cured depends on many conditions.

The development of the disease, whether the patient actively cooperates with the treatment after the disease occurs, and whether the patient’s physical condition is in good condition will affect the control effect of the disease.

Although coronary heart disease is difficult to cure, there are still a small number of patients who have improved their condition through unremitting efforts, and a combination of various methods can achieve stable disease. effect, thereby prolonging life. It takes patience to cooperate with the treatment, and can’t just give up because the disease is incurable.

How long can a person with coronary heart disease live?

Coronary heart disease has many adverse symptoms. Many people have shortened life expectancy due to the continuous development of coronary heart disease. Therefore, many patients ask questions about how long they can live with the disease. ?

In fact, the life expectancy of patients with coronary heart disease depends on many conditions, such as whether or not the disease occurs. The treatment is active, and is there a reasonable way to control the disease progression. Correct control means, coronary heart disease can be improved, the patient’s life can be extended.

In addition, the patient’s own age and physical condition will also affect life expectancy. If an elderly person suffers from a disease, is in poor physical condition, and has a slow recovery rate, the life expectancy may be shortened due to the development of the disease. 、

Young people who suffer from diseases and are in good physical condition and patiently cooperate with treatment can prolong their lifespans a lot. It can be seen that how long you can live with the disease cannot be generalized and needs to be judged on a case-by-case basis.

What are the symptoms of coronary heart disease?

What are the signs of coronary heart disease that need to be understood, in order to take correct measures to prevent the disease from developing after the disease signal is found, The more familiar one is chest pain.

Because of the stenosis and blockage of the blood vessel cavity, the heart is in a state of lack of oxygen and blood, and the part where the heart is located will have obvious symptoms. Pain, which becomes apparent as the disease progressesprofuse sweating, nausea and vomiting, cardiac arrhythmiaapparent, and sometimes the patient feels span>Tooth pain.

If these characteristics are consistent with the disease, you should pay more attention, check as soon as possible, Only then can we judge the development of heart disease and take corrective measures.

It can be seen that whether coronary heart disease can be cured or not depends on many conditions. However, most coronary heart diseases cannot be completely improved, and only effective treatments can be used to stabilize the disease and prolong life.