Is the fourth stitch about to open? What should I pay attention to after vaccination, and who should not be vaccinated?

In 2019, there was only one violent new crown epidemic, which disrupted people’s stable lives.

Although the outbreak of the new crown epidemic in my country for the first time caught people by surprise, fortunately, medical personnel continue to conduct in-depth research, and finally is stopped.

Later, they began to advocate the prevention of the new crown virus by inoculating the new crown vaccine. In order to avoid damage to their own health, many people also Actively vaccinated.

Under normal circumstances, our initial vaccination is two shots, and later with the continuous evolution of the new coronavirus He Development began to advocate the 3rd booster injection, and there is news that the 4th injection may be accepted soon.

As the epidemic rebounds, some people find that they may be infected even after witnessing the new crown vaccine. Do not get the 4th shot.

For the sake of your own health, it is recommended that you actively respond to the fourth vaccination. First of all, although the new coronavirus may mutate , but our vaccines are also constantly escalating, so it is very necessary to actively vaccinate the 4th needle.

In addition, for a long time in the future, we may coexist with the new crown virus, which means not by escaping The 4th injection is coming, I hope the new crown epidemic will disappear.

Of course, neither the common new crown vaccine nor the fourth needle is mandatory, because After all, everyone’s physical condition is quite special, and it is really not suitable for vaccination. It is best to pay special attention.

Is the fourth stitch going to start? What should I pay attention to after vaccination, and who should not be vaccinated?

  • Pregnant women

Pregnant women are a special group of people, so they should pay more attention to their daily life and diet.

Therefore, it is best not to blindly vaccinate the new crown vaccine for such people, after all, the new crown vaccine will form antibodies in the human body, It will also lead to abnormalities in body cells or some special indicators. I hope you can treat it correctly. After all, after a female friend is pregnant, even if she is sick with a cold, whether she should take medicine or injection, she should also follow the doctor’s advice.

  • People with a history of allergies

The allergy history mentioned here mainly refers to the allergy to the new crown vaccine, because as early as before, when we were vaccinated with the new crown vaccine, we needed to stay for 30 minutes Observe, if there is an abnormal reaction, it may generally be an allergic reaction.

If you have an obvious allergic reaction after having been vaccinated against the new crown vaccine, it is not recommended to continue the vaccination after that . p>

Don’t underestimate allergic reactions. Many people may think that even if they are allergic, they will still feel itchy, or develop erythema and rash. Know that a severe allergic reaction can easily lead to organ failure and even be life-threatening.

  • people with neurological disorders< /li>

When the new crown vaccine enters the human body, it may have a certain impact on the human nervous system, so for those who are themselves People with neurological diseases or poor neurological function are not recommended to blindly accept the new crown vaccine.

Of course, if your symptoms are not that serious, you can also consider consulting your doctor before vaccination, maybe safer.

Since the above three types of people are not recommended to be vaccinated against the new crown, what should be paid attention to after vaccination?

–don’t drink for now p>

Maybe many people have the habit of drinking in daily life. Maybe drinking is a very normal phenomenon in their eyes, and it is not a big deal, but If you drink regularly, it is easy to cause damage and burden to the liver, and it will also damage other internal organs of the body.

Even if you are addicted to alcohol, for the sake of your health, I hope you will be vaccinated before or after the new crown vaccine Do not drink alcohol for a period of time, so as not to affect the role and effect of the new crown vaccine.


It’s best not to take a bath after getting the new crown vaccine, because there may be a needle hole left at the vaccination site. Although this needle hole is relatively small, blindly bathing without healing is not enough. It may lead to needle eye infection, and the consequences are also very serious. It is recommended to take a bath 24 hours after the new crown vaccine or need to be safer.

–don’t eat allergy-prone foods

Some people may have allergic reactions to certain special foods. In this case, remind everyone that after receiving the new crown vaccine, it is best not to blindly eat , foods that may cause allergic reactions.

Because the body is allergic after being vaccinated, it can easily affect the effect of the new crown vaccine, and may also cause The allergic reaction was further aggravated.

In summary, the above things may be relatively common, and we often hear them in our daily life, However, it is still recommended that you pay special attention.

In addition to timely vaccination against the new coronavirus, it is also necessary to properly improve immunity. About this The question has been raised as early as the first outbreak of the new crown pneumonia.

How to boost immunity?

1. Insist on proper exercise

In daily life, if you can take a certain amount of time every day to do exercise, it will not only promote blood circulation and speed up metabolism, but also help to enhance the body’s immunity and resistance.

Of course, there is no need to choose too strenuous exercise. Different aerobic exercise are good choices. Cycling, Jogging, walking, skipping rope, etc.

2. Sufficient nutrients

< p data-track="38">The reason why our bodies can function normally is closely related to the nutrients in food. Ensuring sufficient nutrients in the body can not only maintain the functioning of various parts, but also It is also helpful for physical health.

If the nutrients in the body are lost too quickly, it will easily increase the burden on the body and affect the health of the body. There will be a weakened immune system, so if you want to improve your immune system, I hope you can ensure adequate intake of nutrients.

3. Correct health care

In daily life, some people use health care methods to maintain their physical health. In addition, in recent years, the key to health care has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. People accept and approve.

However, some people don’t know much about health care, and they also accidentally enter health care during the health care process. Misunderstanding.

In the process of health preservation, I hope everyone can learn to maintain proper health care. If you really don’t understand it, you should understand it in advance. Regarding knowledge about health preservation, do not harm the body because of wrong health preservation, because correct health preservation is not only good for the body, but also reduces the burden on the body and mind.

In summary, the above behavioral habits are helpful weaknesses for improving the body’s immunity and resistance. If you keep doing it well, maybe your body will gradually get better. Is there anything else you need to add? Please leave a comment below.