Is the Big Bang Theory established?

Today, most astronomers and physicists believe that the universe was hot and dense in the past, and the matter in the universe was tightly packed. At about 15 billion years ago, the temperature and density were too high to be expressed in numbers. In an instant, a huge explosion occurred everywhere in the universe. The explosion is what we see and feel to this day.

The theory of the Big Bang was put forward by American scientists Moff in 1984. Some data from astronomical observations support this claim. In the 1970s, when astronomers used large-aperture telescopes to observe extremely distant galaxies beyond the Milky Way, where the sun is located, they found that all galaxies were constantly moving away from each other. Since all galaxies are moving away from each other, it is inferred that they were closer in the past than they are now. The further back in time, the closer the galaxies are.

In 1965, scientists discovered that the entire universe is filled with electromagnetic waves with very short wavelengths, or microwave electromagnetic radiation. As we all know, radio or television stations also emit electromagnetic waves, but the electromagnetic waves emitted by radio or television stations have a center, and the transmitting center is the transmitting antenna of the radio or television station. Electromagnetic waves cannot be received far away from the transmitting center, because the energy of electromagnetic waves emitted by radio or television stations is always limited; no matter how far the emitted electromagnetic waves can be sent, they are always limited. will weaken to almost disappear completely. The electromagnetic radiation in the universe is not only everywhere, but also has no emission center. It also corresponds to a temperature – about 270, which is scientifically called the absolute temperature of 3K. Scientists call the electromagnetic radiation found in space as the 3K microwave background radiation. The discovery of the 3K microwave background radiation can prove that the temperature of the universe was indeed very high in the past, and the Big Bang occurred at that moment. The absolute temperature of 3K measured in space today is the residual temperature after the big bang.

Any explosion will release a huge amount of energy. For example, when an ordinary bomb explodes, the energy released is the chemical energy contained in the explosives in the bomb; the energy released when an atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb explode is the atomic energy released during nuclear fission or fusion. So where did the energy of the Big Bang come from? Is it chemical energy? Is it atomic energy? no. Because at the moment of the Big Bang, the temperature was so high that not only all chemical substances would not exist, but all molecules would not exist, not even atoms. Scientists believe that at that moment only those particles much smaller than the nucleus of an atom exist, and only various forms of radiation exist. Thus, the energy of the universe

the Big Bang comes essentially from the energy of the interactions between these particles and radiation. There are currently four types of interactions known: gravitational interactions, electromagnetic interactions, weak interactions, and strong interactions. Scientists speculate that at the moment of the Big Bang, these four interactions may have been the unified interaction that provided the energy around the Big Bang.

The Big Bang Theory is still a developing theory today. Many scientists are still studying and revising the details of this theory. Where does the Big Bang energy come from? Mysteries are also deciphered as science develops.