Is pollen allergy caused by flowers? Allergies will slowly heal themselves with age? Allergists explain misunderstandings

Spring is the season of high allergies, and when everyone starts to complain that all kinds of pollen are making them sneeze constantly, my heart also appears Many questions – Hay pollen allergies are caused by floretsclusters? Is it possible to be allergic to pollen without going to the flowers? Do allergies heal on their own with age?

Click the video below to listen to the deputy chief physician of the Department of Allergy Diseases, Tianjin Medical University General Hospital What Qi Yuqing said, underscore can also go directly to the text version.

I. Is pollen allergy caused by a cluster of flowers? Can you be allergic to pollen if you don’t go to see the flowers?

Allergy-causing pollen is mostly tree pollen in spring and grass pollen in autumn. This type of pollen is very abundant and small in size, and can be scattered far away with the wind, so the impact range is very large, and it can also cause allergies in places far away from flowers.

Most of the flowers in the flower clusters are brightly colored and belong to entomophilous flowers. Its pollen particles are often relatively large, and it is not easy to float far away. While brightly colored flowers can also cause allergies, they are not the cause of most pollen allergies.

Second, allergies increase slowly with age Does it heal slowly?

with age, the skin and mucosal barriers The function will improve itself, and some people’s allergic symptoms will gradually be relieved or even cured. But for people with allergies, their allergies are often a process, and they are more likely to have skin problems and eczema when they are just born; they are more likely to develop allergies to foods such as milk and eggs when they are about two years old; , the prevalence of allergic asthma will gradually increase; about ten years old, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis will be more serious; for people with severe allergic constitution, allergic symptoms may bewith his life.

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