Is monosodium glutamate poisonous, carcinogenic, hair loss, and spermicidal true or false? The long-debated matter finally has an answer

Source: Science China (ID: Science_China)

Author: Liu Jingjing

Expert of this article: Liu Jingjing, Ph.D., School of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University

Reviewer of this article: Liu Shaowei, Deputy Director and Professor of Food and Drug Supervision Research Center, East China University of Science and Technology , Ph.D., Food Science, Pennsylvania State University, USA, Ph.D., Kansas State University, USA

Once upon a time

MSG is also

every household can see it

the “artifact

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And now

is burdened with “toxic”, “carcinogenic”,

The charges of “hair loss” and “spermicide”

make people afraid

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MSG in the end< /span>

Have you been wronged?

Is MSG really poisonous?

Japanese chemist Ikeda at the beginning of the 20th century Jumiao accidentally noticed that the kelp and cucumber soup she was drinking was surprisingly delicious, so she brought the soup sample back to the laboratory and extracted a magical substance from the kelp by chemical analysis——Sodium glutamate, named “Ajinomoto”.

In 1920, Chinese chemist Wu Yunchu successfully extracted and made sodium glutamate from grains and named it monosodium glutamate.

I have eaten MSG for many years , But in recent years, many people have said that MSG is poisonous.

However, natural foods such as grapes, tomatoes, and kelp all contain sodium glutamate. Moreover, in my country, the preparation of MSG is mostly made from corn starch, rice and other grains through fermentation, extraction and refining. These natural foods and grains are non-toxic and harmless, so sodium glutamate that meets international standards is naturally non-toxic and harmless.

In addition, glutamic acid, the predecessor of monosodium glutamate, is the basic component of animal and plant proteins. And glutamate is also a good adjuvant drug for patients with liver disease, after glutamate is absorbed by the body, it combines with blood ammonia to form glutamine , protect the liver by detoxifying ammonia.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has stated:Under the current dosage and method of use, long-term consumption of monosodium glutamate has no obstacle to the human body.In 1999, China independently completed the long-term toxicological test of taste for the first time. The conclusion is unanimous that it is safe to eat MSG.

In recent years, the “black pot” of MSG is not the only one.< /p>

smell cancer, kill sperm, cause hair loss? /strong>

1. Cancer?

The World Health Organization Joint Expert Group on Food Additives MSG has been shown to be safe in various tests, including the sudden variability test.

And after monosodium glutamate is eaten, it is converted into glutamic acid by gastric acid, enters the blood, becomes the “requirement” for protein synthesis, and participates in the process of metabolism in the body, but has high nutritional value. Therefore, the argument about the taste of delicate cancer cannot be believed.

2. MSG kills sperm?

Experiments on rats showed that after a large amount of MSG was consumed, the uterus, ovaries, testicles, prostate glands in the organs related to fertility were significantly reduced. There were no obvious toxic pathological changes in the gross and microscopic examination of each organ, and there was no obvious effect on ten biochemical indicators such as body weight, food intake, blood picture, heart, liver, and kidney function, as well as electrocardiogram. Therefore, the rumor that MSG kills sperm is not self-defeating.

3, MSG Causes Hair Loss?

There is no corresponding theoretical and experimental data to support the claim that MSG causes hair loss.

Alopecia is classified by etiology, with endocrine alopecia and neuropsychiatric alopecia being the most common. The former is caused by the combined effect of genetic factors and male hormones, while the etiology of the latter is not fully understood, and may be caused by the combined effect of immune factors, genetic factors and mental factors. Less common is hair loss caused by malnutrition or metabolic abnormalities.

Is it harmful /strong>?

The taste of chicken essence is very fresh.Or the role of MSG. Chicken essence contains about 40% monosodium glutamate, about 30% salt, and starch, sugar, spices and some flavor enhancers.

Therefore, chicken essence is just more salt and other food additives than MSG. Other freshness enhancers on the market such as soy sauce, oyster sauce, and abalone juice have also begun to add sodium glutamate.

Therefore, chicken essence is also non-toxic and non-carcinogenic. These freshness enhancers only need to be eaten in moderation are harmless.


monosodium glutamate and sodium glutamate in chicken essence contain sodium, and excessive intake of sodium can lead to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases such as hypertension. Therefore, control MSG like you control your salt intake. How much is the right amount?

How should MSG be eaten?

my country’s dietary guidelines for each individual The daily salt intake should be less than 6g, but the actual intake is generally about 10g. If you add the sodium in MSG, it will be more. The European Food Safety Authority has adopted a 100-fold safety factor to formulate a new safe intake for glutamate and its salts, which is 30mg per kilogram of body weight, equivalent to a 60-kg adult The upper limit of human intake is 1.8 g per day.


In our daily diet, we refer to the following rules when consuming MSG:

1. Avoid high temperature. Research has shown that when the temperature is too high, monosodium glutamate turns into sodium pyroglutamate, which is non-toxic, but the umami is lost.

2. Avoid excessive consumption. After all, some varieties of MSG contain a lot of sodium.

3. Avoid repeated use. Natural ingredients such as fish, eggs, mushrooms and wild water can produce umami at the same time during the cooking process, so there is no need to add MSG.

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MSG is actually a friend not an enemy to us

MSG will neither cause cancer

nor give you headaches Bald

but beware

< strong>Don’t eat too much

Some natural foods can also increase freshness

doesn’t need MSG

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