Is leukemia related to decoration? How long does it take to move in after renovation? Parents, don’t be careless

“The boy was diagnosed with leukemia after living in the new house for less than 3 months.”

“Having lived in the new house for two years, the child was When leukemia was found, my father regretted it too much…”

Open the search box, enter “decoration”, “leukemia”, a lot of people suffering from leukemia due to decoration The news jumped out. In the hearts of many people, the newly renovated house is prone to excessive formaldehyde, which leads to leukemia. Is this true? If true, how long should it take to live in after the renovation?

1. Does home decoration really cause leukemia?

At present, there is no clear conclusion on the cause of leukemia in clinical practice, but it is generally believed that leukemia is the result of a combination of factors, includingEnvironmental factors, genetic factors, immune system diseases and repeated large doses of ionizing radiationetc.

Theoretically, leukemia caused by decoration may be related to the chemical substances released by decoration materials, while formaldehyde, benzeneformaldehyde, benzene span> are the two most common and most harmful substances in decoration.

Formaldehyde is listed by WHO asI carcinogen, long-term exposure to formaldehyde can lead to a significant increase in the risk of nasal cancers such as nasopharyngeal cancer, but less evidencethere is an association between leukemia and formaldehyde .

Like formaldehyde, benzene is a WHO-listed carcinogen.Long-term exposure to benzene can cause paralysis of the central nervous system, leading to Damage to the hematopoietic tissue and nervous system may lead to leukemia.

However, this does not mean that decoration materials will definitely cause cancer. Shen Hongmei, Chief Physician of Yunnan Cancer Hospital said that whether formaldehyde, benzene and other chemicals cause cancer depends on the dose and exposure of humans and pollutants. time.

Contaminants may be released in the house for a long time after renovation, but the concentration of pollutants will gradually decrease over time. The dose and time of exposure of ordinary people to decoration pollutants cannot be compared with that of professional groups. It is certain that decoration pollution is one of the risk factors leading to cancer, and contact should be avoided as much as possible in daily life. However, it cannot be said that the occurrence of leukemia must be caused by decoration pollution.There are essential differences between the two.

For some people who are still worried, if they want to avoid contact with decoration pollutants, how long does it take to stay after decoration?

Second, how long does it take to complete the decoration before you recommend moving in?

Fang Yongjun, Chief Physician of the Department of Hematology, Nanjing Children’s Hospital once conducted a survey in which 1000 healthy children and 1000 healthy children were selected. life factors of children with leukemia to assess which environmental pollution may increase the risk of childhood leukemia.

It was found that the risk of childhood leukemia increased slightly in newly renovated houses, especially if they moved in after half a year, from four in 100,000 to About four in ten thousand.

In other words, newly renovated houses will indeed Increases the risk of developing leukemia in children. So, how long does it take to move in after renovation? This problem needs to be “differently treated” according to different groups of people.

1. For ordinary people, it is generally recommended to ventilate the house after 5~6 months strong>, it is best to move in after a summer;

2. If it is a family with pregnant women, it is better to move as late as possible. If conditions permit, it is recommended to move in after one year later. If conditions do not permit, it is recommended to open windows for ventilation every day;< /span>

3. If there are small babies at home, it is also recommended to move in after one year. Compared with adults, infants and young children are not yet fully developed, and their physical The resistance is also relatively weak, and it is easy to cause harm to the body when directly living in a newly renovated house.

There are many reasons for the occurrence of leukemia. As ordinary people, how can we prevent leukemia to the greatest extent in our daily life? Do these four things well.

Third, there are so many risk factors for leukemia, how to prevent it?

1. Try to stay away from pollution as much as possible

In daily life, it is necessary to reduce the amount of time spent in polluted environments, such as roads and factories, which may exist in many places Harmful substances, inhalation of large quantities can cause health effects.

2. Reduce unnecessaryRadiation exposure

The living environment should be kept away from electromagnetic fields and high-voltage wires as far as possible, especially for families with pregnant women and infants. In addition, care should be taken to minimize exposure to radiation, but this does not mean that inspections should be completely rejected. Routine medical examinations such as X-ray examinations have less radiation and basically will not affect health.

3. Stay away from unhealthy diets

Pay attention to avoidance of diet High in fat, calories, and sugar, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. Be sure to wash it before eating to avoid pesticide residues.

4. Exercise more to improve resistance

It is recommended to exercise properly in life. Exercise can accelerate the metabolism in the body and has a good effect on enhancing physical fitness.

After learning about some leukemia prevention methods, let’s take a look at the possibility of the body after suffering from leukemia. Some abnormal performance will occur. If you notice any of these four symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately.

Fourth, the symptoms of leukemia, the sooner you know the better

1. Fever

After suffering from leukemia, it will lead to a lack of mature agranulocytes in the body, the body’s defense function will be impaired, and then repeated fever will appear. Fever is often accompanied by symptoms such as nasal congestion, cough and expectoration, which can easily be confused with respiratory diseases.

2. Nosebleeds, bleeding gums

Some leukemia patients experience abnormal body bleeding Symptoms, the bleeding site can be all over the body, including gingival, epistaxis and oral bleeding, etc. Some severe patients even have intracranial, Gastrointestinal bleeding.

3. Pale complexion, anemia

Patients with leukemia will have pale complexion, fatigue, etc. Symptoms of anemia, some patients may also have symptoms ofpalpitations, shortness of breath, and in severe cases, lower extremity edema may occur due to anemia.

4. Joint pain

Acute leukemia It causes abnormal joint and bone pain in patients, and some patients also have obvious symptoms of lameness.

The occurrence of leukemia is caused by a combination of factors. In addition to avoiding contact with decoration materials in daily life, it is also necessary to avoid some of the above risk factors. Also, if you notice any unusual symptoms, you must seek medical attention immediately. #HealthStarProject#


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[2] “How long will it take to move in after renovation? It’s finally clear…”. Popular Science China. 2019-10-28

[3] “Scientific medical treatment and my action | Repeated fever is a signal of leukemia? Don’t be careless, these 5 symptoms should also be vigilant”.Healthy Beijing.2021-09-13

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