Is it true that the rotten parts of fruits and vegetables can continue to be eaten?

# Yaozero Zero Plan#The rotten parts of fruits and vegetables can continue to be eaten” is a rumor, rotten fruits and vegetables contain a lot of harmful substances and cannot be eaten.

Fruits and vegetables, as essential ingredients in people’s diet and life, are naturally available at home.< /p>

Buy it home The remaining fruits and vegetables may be dehydrated or partially rotted due to factors such as temperature, humidity, preservation method, etc. Some people will cut off the rotten part and continue to eat in order to avoid waste. In fact, this kind of rot caused by its own mildew Even if the moldy part is removed, it is inedible.

Pathogenic microorganisms invade fruits and vegetables and cause local festering, which can be easily seen with the naked eye. Alternaria toxins produced by Alternaria sp. and patulin produced by Penicillium extensa are invisible to the naked eye. These toxic metabolites can cause potential health risks.

In addition, eating rotten fruits and vegetables can also cause symptoms such as headache, nausea, and vomiting. Therefore, even if the damaged parts of fruits and vegetables are removed, the remaining parts are still inedible.

Of course, not all broken fruits and vegetables are inedible. If the purchased fruits and vegetables are damaged by collision, extrusion or cold damage, they can still be eaten as long as they are not caused by the growth of pathogenic bacteria caused by long-term storage.