Is it true that exercising without sweating does not “burn fat”?

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Sweat during exercise is all “tears” when fat “burns”?

You think too much!

Most fat is “sucked” out

The main way fat is metabolized is by being oxidized to carbon dioxide and water to produce energy.

Image source: Reference [1]

As soon as they see water, some people associate the effect of exercise with “sweat”, saying that “only a lot of sweating exercise can achieve the effect of burning fat”.

Actually, most of the fat is “breathed” by you. Lungs are the most important “excretory organs” for fat!

By isotope labeling, 84% of fat is excreted through respiration in the form of carbon dioxide, and 16% is excreted in urine, It is excreted from the body in the form of sweat.

Image source: Reference [1]

Sweating is mainly to cool down

Sweating while exercising is more of a exercise-induced increase in core temperature, which is cooled by sweating strong>.

And everyone’s body is different, even if the amount of exercise is the same, whether and how much sweat is different from person to person.

– People with more body fat are more likely to sweat than those with low body fat, because fat has poor thermal conductivity. Can cool down by sweating.

– People with developed sweat glands sweat more than those with less developed sweat glands, and the number of sweat glands and the working efficiency of sweat glands vary from person to person.

So, while fat metabolism produces water, sweating is only one way of “draining”, whether you sweat, how much, and Not a criterion for judging fat burning effects.

In addition to sweating, of course, it can also be drained through urine. After exercising to burn fat, some people go “sweat” and some go “kidney”. (However, quantitatively, a significant difference may not be observed…)

Do you sweat or pee when you exercise?


[1] Meerman R , Brown A J . When somebody loses weight, where does the fat go?[J]. Bmj, 2014, 349(dec16 13):g7257.