Is it harmful to eat one tablet of vitamin C a day? Reminder: Body or reap these 5 benefits

Pingping is a straight-forward personality, and has been troubled by the purchase of vitamin C these two days.

It turned out that last weekend, the day after eating hot pot, Pingping developed oral ulcers, so she went to the pharmacy to buy some vitamin C to slow down.

After entering the store, Pingping directly asked the clerk to get a bottle of vitamin C, but the clerk recommended him a fruity flavor The vitamin C chewable tablet , said to be pure natural extraction, good effect, a bottle of 108 yuan.

Pingping refused, so she directly stated her request, asking for the kind of medicinal vitamin C that costs two yuan a bottle and a tablet dose of 100mg, but the clerk still I don’t want to give up, and I have to recommend another kind to Pingping… Said that the one that Pingping wants can’t be eaten often, and it will hurt her health.

Pingping doesn’t understand very much. She has been eating a bottle of vitamin C for a few dollars since she was a child, and nothing happened. What is the difference between a few dollars of vitamin C and a few hundred dollars?

1. One tablet of vitamin C a day, what can the body gain?

Vitamin C is an indispensable nutrient for the human body and has many effects on human health.

It is a water-soluble vitamin that can only be obtained through food because the human body cannot synthesize it by itself. Supplementing enough vitamin C does have multiple benefits for the human body.

1. Promote collagen formation

Vitamin C can activate PH and LH, These two substances are the key steps of collagen synthesis, so supplementing enough vitamin C can promote the formation of collagen in the interstitial tissue of tissue cells.

2. Treat scurvy

Adequate intake of vitamin C can help It strengthens the collagen between blood vessels and makes the blood vessels more elastic. Once lacking, the capillaries are easily ruptured, which may lead to scurvy.

3. Iron absorption< /p>

Vitamin c can reduce Fe3+ in the food eaten to Fe2+ (absorbable by the human body), thereby promoting the production of hemoglobin in the human body, thereby preventing iron deficiency anemia.

4. Improve immunity

Adequate intake of vitamin C can promote T The proliferation of cells and NK cells (the body’s internal defense against foreign enemies) can enhance the body’s immunity and better resist the invasion of diseases.

5. Allergy relief

One of the effects of vitamin C includes antihistamine, It also has a certain relieving effect on allergic diseases such as asthma and urticaria.

All in all, vitamin C is a good thing, and as long as we use it properly, it can indeed make us gain a lot.

Second, what is the difference between a few dollars and a few hundred dollars of vitamin C?

When buying vitamin C, many people often have trouble because of the price. Some are only a few dollars, while others are hundreds of dollars. Is there anything special about this? ?

These two kinds of vitamin C are indeed very different. One is the vitamin tablet prescribed by the hospital (the quality of drug production must meet the GMP standard), and the other is the nutritional health vitamin tablet. The latter is significantly more expensive than the former.

There are two main reasons for this. First, the cost is different. The cost of nutrition and health vitamin tablets in advertising is usually huge. So it is easy to make the price inflated; second, the ingredients are different, in addition to some vitamins, other ingredients such as inositol and choline may also be added (of course, this is just publicity) .

But beware, some of these costs are not for everyone, and eating blindly can be a health hazard. Therefore, everyone should choose vitamin C according to their actual situation, not the higher the price, the better.

Third, vitamin C has many functions, the more supplements, the better?

Many people think that since vitamin C is so good, can I eat more and my body will be better? Of course not, the right dose is the best.

Generally speaking, when vitamin C is deficient, mild fatigue, lethargy, gum pain and inflammation, skin petechiae and ecchymosis, etc. may appear in the early stage. Scurvy, bleeding gums, atrophy, joint pain, osteoporosis, etc.

So, vitamin C should be supplemented in time at this time, but be sure to master the dosage.

Excessive supplementation can speed up gastrointestinal motility, and some sensitive people may experience diarrhea; and some people with poor renal function may increase the load on the kidneys, and some may induce Kidney stones.

How much vitamin C is the most appropriate supplement?

According to the “Chinese Residents’ Dietary Nutrition Reference Intake” recommendation: The per capita intake is 30mg-200g< /span>, within this range, the absorption rate can reach 80%-100%. If it exceeds 500mg, the absorption rate will start to drop to 75%, and the more it exceeds, the more the absorption rate decreases.

Therefore, in order to avoid waste and improve the absorption rate, everyone should pay attention to controlling the dosage and supplement it in divided doses every day.

Is there any way to add it? The preferred method is food supplements, especially fruits and fresh vegetables, which are rich in vitamin C.

1. Vegetables

Prickly pear, sour jujube, fresh jujube (winter jujube), hawthorn , strawberry, lychee, etc.

2, fruit

bell pepper, kale, pea shoots, vegetable melon, bitter melon , broccoli, etc.

Among these vegetables and fruits, prickly pears, sweet peppers, and jujubes can be preferred, which have the highest vitamin C content, but it is recommended that you eat them together, which can better supplement nutrients .

In addition, when supplementing vitamin C, you should pay attention to the method. Vitamin C is very afraid of “heat”, and it is easy to lose in high temperature cooking methods such as blanching, steaming, and frying. So it is recommended to fry quickly and quickly to shorten the ripening time of dishes, thereby reducing the loss of nutrients.

Extended – I have oral ulcers, in fact, vitamin C supplementation does not work!

When Pingping found out that she had oral ulcers, the first method she thought of was to supplement with vitamin C. In fact, it didn’t work.

Oral ulcer, in simple terms, is a localized damage to the oral mucosa. When the disease occurs, the patient may feel obvious pain, which greatly affects the patient’s daily diet and speech.

There are many reasons for oral ulcers, getting angry is one of them, but oral ulcers are not necessarily angry, so Even if you eat more fruits and vegetables and vitamin C tablets, it will not work.

On the contrary, blind supplementation will only make the situation worse, If you put vitamin C on the ulcer, it may irritate the ulcer surface< /span>, aggravating the disease; and the fruit acid in the fruit may further stimulate the ulcer surface, so it should be supplemented with caution.

So, what should I do if I have a mouth ulcer? The most correct way should be to supplement vitamin B, because when vitamin B2 is deficient, inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, such as mouth ulcers, will occur.

Fish, meat, eggs, and milk are good sources of vitamin B2, you can eat more in moderation, if necessary , You can take vitamin B tablets under the guidance of a doctor.

Summary: Although vitamin C has many functions, it should not be supplemented indiscriminately, excessive supplementation, supplementation Improper use is detrimental to health, so everyone should look at it correctly and use vitamin C rationally.


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[3] “Can vitamin C prevent colds? Stop making trouble, what it can really do is these”. CCTV Life Circle. 2019-06-28

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