Is it difficult to detect liver cancer in the early stage? 3 kinds of abnormalities in the head may be the signal of liver cancer


“Your face is not quite right, let’s do a check up first to see if there is liver cancer.” Looking into Mr. Zhou’s eyes, the old doctor who has been a doctor for many years said these words.

Mr. Zhou was stunned. He had been suffering from hepatitis B for almost 20 years. He never dared to drink alcohol or stay up late. He was a little busy at work and often couldn’t find time for examinations. It’s just liver function, and it doesn’t matter if the test results are normal. This time, I went to the hospital because of fatigue, weakness, and yellow eyes.

Hearing the doctor’s words, Mr. Zhou didn’t quite believe it. How can liver cancer be seen at a glance? The examination results surprised Mr. Zhou: a huge mass in the right lobe of the liver with alpha-fetoprotein of 9612.000ng/ml was diagnosed as primary liver cancer.

“Doctor, you are so powerful, how can you tell at a glance that I have liver cancer.” Mr. Zhou asked suspiciously with the examination report.

“You already have hepatitis B, the sclera is very yellow, and the skin on your body is yellow. If you have jaundice, you should suspect that your condition has worsened to liver cancer.” The doctor said sadly, he has seen many Hepatitis B-to-HCC patients who do not pay attention to their own condition, go to the hospital for examination only when their symptoms are severe.

In the eyes of ordinary people, a headache is a cure for the head, and a sore foot is a cure for the foot. In fact, some abnormalities of liver cancer may also be manifested in the head. I hope everyone, especially yourself People with liver disease should pay special attention.

1.When liver cancer arrives, there may be abnormalities in the head!

1. Yellowing of eyes and skin

Dr. Zhang Qiyi, Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University Hospital indicated that yellow eyes and body are likely to be a common symptom of liver cancer – obstructive jaundice. This is due to the obstruction of the extrahepatic and intrahepatic bile ducts, which blocks the flow of bile into the intestinal tract, which causes bilirubin to reflux, and along with the blood circulation to various parts, causes the whites of the eyes, skin and other parts of the patient to turn yellow.

2. Bleeding gums

Patients with liver cancer also experience bleeding in the oral gums, subcutaneous ecchymosis, etc. This is due to damage of liver function, resulting in abnormal blood coagulation function. As the disease progresses, it will also show weight loss and fatigue.

3. Fever

The fever caused by tumors is different from the fever caused by the common cold. It generally presents as persistent low-grade fever or relaxation-type high fever, and the body temperature fluctuates greatly. The temperature difference was above 2°C within 1 day, occasionally reaching above 39°C. Fever is related to the absorption of cancerous necrotic tissue, and the tumor compresses or invades the bile duct, causing the body temperature to remain high.

Of course, the above symptoms are not necessarily caused by liver cancer. Patients with liver cancer may also have pain in the liver area, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, epigastric mass, edema and other manifestations. However, since most patients with liver cancer in the early stage have no obvious symptoms, it is recommended to go to the relevant hospital for examination if they have physical abnormalities similar to the above.

Second, the biggest bane of liver cancer is not alcohol and staying up late, but it!

In the concept of ordinary people, it is believed that “injuring the liver” is inseparable from alcohol and staying up late. In fact, many people may have overlooked the real culprit of the high incidence of liver cancer in China.

1. Alcohol

There is no doubt that alcohol will increase the incidence of liver cancer. Ling Yiqun, Director of the Clinical Nutrition Department of Fudan University Affiliated Cancer Hospital said that alcohol itself is not a carcinogen, but after it enters the human body, it is mainly catabolized in the liver, and the acetaldehyde and reactive oxygen species it metabolizes It is highly toxic to liver cells, which can hinder the decomposition of fatty acids by liver cells, causing fat deposition in the liver, thereby forming fatty liver.

The more alcohol you drink, the more serious the fatty liver will be, which will lead to liver fibrosis and cirrhosis. Without intervention, it is likely to further develop into liver cancer.

2. Staying up late

Everyone is familiar with the saying that “staying up late leads to liver cancer”. It is believed that the human body detoxifies at night, but staying up late all year round will not be able to excrete toxins. , will damage the liver. But there is not actually strong evidence for this claim. The full etiology of liver cancer is not yet fully understood. But what is certain is that staying up late will reduce the body’s resistance, which is one of the causes of many basic diseases.

3. Hepatitis B

According to the World Health Organization, there will be 910,000 new cases of liver cancer in 2020, nearly half of which are 410,000 Chinese people! And 80% of liver cancers in China are caused by hepatitis B virus infection. Currently, there are about 86 million hepatitis B infected people in China. Hepatitis B is rampant, this is the biggest reason for the high incidence of liver cancer in China. So, how does hepatitis B cause cancer step by step?

According to Lu Yinying, Director of the Liver Tumor Diagnosis and Research Center of the 302nd Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army, after a person is infected with the hepatitis B virus, the virus will be active in the body and replicate continuously, causing damage to the liver. Long-term damage can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, which in turn can lead to liver cancer.

Third, check liver cancer, not only liver function test!

The liver function is very powerful, and due to its compensatory nature, even if only 1/3 of it is left, the liver function can be tested normally. It is precisely because of this that many patients are diagnosed with liver cancer at an advanced stage.

If you want to detect liver cancer, it is best not to skip the two tests

1. Blood test for alpha-fetoprotein< /p>

Alpha-fetoprotein(AFP) is a specific marker of liver cancerIt has the role of early diagnosis and differential diagnosis of primary liver cancer. It is the most commonly used screening method for liver cancer.

2. Take a film for B-ultrasound

By B-ultrasound, liver stones, fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, splenomegaly, liver cancer, etc. can be clearly identified diagnosis. B-ultrasound also has good safety, no allergic reaction, and relatively low inspection cost, which is suitable for routine inspection of the general population.

In addition to the above two necessary items, for hepatitis, liver disease patients, like drinking alcohol, family history of liver cancer and other high-risk groups, hepatitis B five items, MRI, CT can also be performed Other items are checked to comprehensively judge the liver condition, but which item to choose needs to be carried out under the guidance of a doctor.

The manifestations of liver cancer are not limited to the liver area. We hope that through this article, we can help everyone to be alert to invisible liver disease, and we can check through regular channels to intervene in liver disease as soon as possible.


[1] “If the liver is not good, there will be prompts. If the body has these 8 conditions, go to the hospital to check it”. People’s Daily Online. 2019-09 -02

[2] “[Revelation] Beware! Cancer caused by drinking is far more than just liver cancer! “. Fudan University Affiliated Cancer Hospital. 2016-09-01

[3] “Find out the three major “culprits” that “create” liver cancer”. Health News. 2017-03-17

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