Is it better to drink green tea or black tea? Which tea is good for blood vessels? The doctor tells you the answer

my country’s tea culture has a long history. China is the hometown of tea and the birthplace of tea culture. The invention and utilization of tea has a history of four or five thousand years in China. , and prosperous, spread all over the world.

Today, tea has become the most popular, most popular and most beneficial green drink in the world. The importance of tea to people’s daily life can also be seen from “chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea”.

Especially in modern society, people’s living standards are getting higher and higher, and their awareness of health care is gradually strengthened. It is believed that drinking tea can improve immunity and help expel toxins and garbage from the body. Some people even regard drinking tea as a panacea, which can cure diseases and prevent diseases.

First of all, we have to admit that drinking tea does have certain benefits for human health, but after all, tea is only a kind of Health drinks do not have a great therapeutic effect on diseases caused by the human body, so everyone should not use them as medicines when drinking tea.


What are the health benefits of drinking tea in moderation?

1. Improve muscular endurance span>

Tea contains antioxidants called catechins, which can increase the body’s ability to burn fat, improve muscle endurance, and Helps fight fatigue and increase physical activity time.

2. Stay in shape

Caffeine in tea can promote the secretion of gastric juice, help digestion, and enhance the body’s ability to decompose fat. Studies have shown that drinking tea regularly can reduce the waistline and reduce the health of the body. quality index, thereby helping to prevent diabetes and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

3, UV resistant

Tea polyphenols are water-soluble substances. Washing your face with tea can remove oily face, tighten pores, disinfect, sterilize, fight skin aging, and help reduce sunlight. UV rays are a natural sunscreen for skin damage.

4. Improve memory

Tea polyphenols in tea can locally improve the brain, thereby increasing memory and improving learning efficiency, and studies have confirmed that drinking tea can prevent and treat Nervous system diseases, especially senile dementia, in addition, caffeine can also stimulate the central nervous system, which has the effect of refreshing, benefiting thinking and refreshing.


Is it better to drink green tea or black tea?

With the further development of tea varieties, the varieties of tea available on the market today are very different. Complete, but for most people, green tea and black tea are the two types of tea they like to drink in peacetime. Many people are very curious at ordinary times, but is it good to drink green tea? Or is it better to drink black tea?

—The Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

1. Delay aging

Green tea contains a large amount of catechins, which are strong antioxidants, which can effectively remove free radicals produced in the human body, prevent skin aging, prevent cell damage, and prevent free radicals from affecting the human body. damage, and thus play a certain anti-aging effect.

2. Prevent dental caries and clear bad breath

< p data-track="22">Green tea contains fluoride, of which catechins can inhibit the effect of cariogenic bacteria and reduce the occurrence of dental plaque and periodontitis. The tannins contained in tea have a bactericidal effect and can prevent food scraps from multiplying bacteria, so it can effectively prevent bad breath.

3. Antibacterial

Studies have shown that catechins in green tea have an inhibitory effect on some bacteria that cause human disease, and at the same time do not harm the reproduction of beneficial bacteria in the intestines. Therefore, green tea has Intestinal function.

—Benefits of drinking black tea

< p data-track="26">1. Strong bones

Black tea is mild in nature, mellow in taste, rich in trace potassium and other elements, which can enhance the blood circulation of the heart and reduce the consumption of calcium in the body. Moreover, black tea contains manganese, and drinking black tea regularly can strengthen the bones.

2. Diuretics

Under the combined action of caffeine and aromatic substances in black tea, the blood flow of the kidney is increased, the glomerular filtration rate is improved, the renal microvessels are dilated, and the The reabsorption of water leads to an increase in urine output, which is beneficial to expel lactic acid, uric acid, excess salt, harmful substances, etc. from the body, and relieve edema caused by heart disease or nephritis.

3. Shengjin Qingre

Drinking black tea in summer can quench thirst and relieve heat, because the polyphenols, sugars, amino acids, pectin, etc. in tea will stimulate the secretion of saliva, which will cause the mouth to feel moist and produce At the same time, caffeine controls the hypothalamus body temperature center, regulates body temperature, it also stimulates the kidneys to promote the excretion of heat and dirt, and maintain the physiological balance in the body.


Green tea or black tea, which tea is good for blood vessels?

In recent years, with the improvement of people’s living standards, the diet structure has also changed a lot. With a big change, more and more people have gradually developed very unhealthy eating habits in peacetime. A long-term high-fat, high-salt, and high-calorie diet will not only induce obesity, but also easily lead to damage to blood vessels and induce a variety of vascular diseases.

According to a paper published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, long-term green tea consumption is associated with the prevention and reduction of heart disease. Cerebrovascular disease is more beneficial. In the Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, Chinese scientists also made an analysis of 16 items, and finally showed that people who regularly drink green tea have a lower risk of breast cancer.

Animal experiments by scientists show that catechins in tea can reduce total cholesterol, free cholesterol, low-density lipids in plasma Protein cholesterol, and the amount of triglycerides, which can increase high-density fat at the same timeprotein cholesterol. Experiments on humans have shown that it can inhibit platelet aggregation and reduce the incidence of arteriosclerosis.

Western and foreign, green tea contains flavonols, which have antioxidant effects, and also Prevents blood clots and platelets from clumping together and reduces cardiovascular disease.

In summary, compared with black tea, green tea is more beneficial to human blood vessels and can To a large extent, it can prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, especially for people who already suffer from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Drinking green tea in moderation at ordinary times can also prevent the aggravation of the disease and help the recovery and improvement of the disease.


Reading Extensions – Notes on Drinking Tea

1. Avoid drinking tea on an empty stomach

Drinking tea on an empty stomach will dilute gastric acid, reduce digestive function, Coupled with the high absorption rate of water, this is a bad ingredient in tea, and a large amount of blood will cause dizziness, palpitation, weakness of hands and feet and other symptoms.

2. Avoid drinking new tea p>

New tea has a short storage time, and contains more unoxidized polyphenols, aldehydes and alcohols, which are harmful to human gastrointestinal mucosa. It has a strong stimulating effect and is easy to induce stomach problems.

3. Avoid drinking tea after meals

Tea contains a lot of tannic acid, which reacts with iron in food to generate new substances that are difficult to dissolve, which will cause ischemia in the human body over time , and even induce anemia.