Is it best to wash your hair every few days? Is it better to wash your hair in the morning or at night? The answer is finally clear!

There are two distinct views on how often to wash your hair:

(Source: Internet)

So the question is – how often is the best time to wash your hair? When is the best time to wash your hair?

There are also 4 shampoo and hair care tips at the end of the article, be sure to see the end~

If you want to know the best way to wash your hair every few days, let’s talk about it first: what exactly is washing your hair?

Many people intuitively think that shampooing is just shampooing, but that’s not true!

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

When shampooing, it is the scalp that needs to be cleaned more than the hair.

Scalp is a part of human skin, it will produce oil, produce keratin, and it is more likely to cause skin problems due to improper cleaning, and then hair loss problems [1].

So when you wash your hair, if you just apply it to your hair, you may still feel itchy and dandruff after drying.

(Source: Internet)

Because it is more important to “wash the scalp” when shampooing, the frequency of shampooing should be determined according to the condition of the scalp.

If you have a lot of oil on your scalp, and if you don’t wash it for a day, it will get oily to the point of dizziness, then I advise you to wash your hair every day.

If your scalp doesn’t like to be oily, and if you don’t wash it for two days and it is still dry and fresh, then you can wash it every two days, or even every three days.

In fact, there is no need to memorize the frequency of shampooing. Whether you have an oily scalp or a dry scalp, just follow the principle of “keep your scalp clean and fresh”.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Which is better to wash your hair frequently or not? The truth is this:

Shampooing frequently will not cause hair loss

As long as there is no violent pulling during the shampooing process, all that falls out is the hair that has entered the telogen phase, and it is not a pot of hair loss at all~

And by shampooing, the hair that has entered the telogen phase will fall off earlier, which is more conducive to the hair follicles entering the next growth cycle[2].

(Source: Internet)

Long-term not washing hair is more unhealthy

The accumulation of oil and cutin on the scalp encourages the growth of microorganisms that feed on the oil and cutin.

From a rancid or foul-smelling scalp (caused by microorganisms breaking down oil and dandruff), the risk of infection and dermatitis increases.

Once the scalp is infected and dermatitised, dandruff, clogged hair follicles, and hair loss will naturally come to the door [1].

(Source: Internet)

Some people like to wash their hair in the morning to start the day fresh; some people like to wash their hair in the evening and go to bed clean.

When is the best time to wash your hair? Just blow dry anytime.

After all, if I go out in the morning without drying my hair after washing my hair, I will catch a cold in a second when encountering a strong wind;

I lie down after washing my hair wet at night. When I wake up, I like to have a headache.

Don’t blame Dian for not reminding you~

(Source: Internet)

After washing the hair, it is also a big tangle whether to dry it naturally or blow dry.

Natural air-drying is better for hair, with minimal damage to hair.

But natural air-drying is too time-consuming for Rapunzel, and a wet scalp makes it easier to catch cold.

So a hair dryer is still necessary~

First, let me share with you a few tips for blow-drying:

1. Dry the scalp first, and blow in the order from the roots to the ends of the hair, so that the drying speed is fast and it is not easy to catch cold.

2. Take the hair dryer as far as possible, and the wind blowing should not burn the skin [3].

3. The direction of blowing is along the hairline, which can help the hair cuticles to close, so as to blow out smooth hair.

4. When the hair is half dry, it can be switched from cold air to full dry to further reduce the damage to the hair by blowing.

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Finally, 4 shampoo and conditioner kits for you:

1. Comb through long hair before washing to protect hair and save time

2. Use conditioner for long hair, remember not to apply it to the scalp

3. You can also use a shampoo comb to clean your scalp.

4. Rinse more hair products, leaving no foam and no residue

Protect your hair!

After all, there’s really not much left!

Reviewer: Wenbin Liu

Deputy Chief Physician, Department of Dermatology, Beijing Aerospace General Hospital


[1] Jin Ruitao, Wu Qinghui, Li Jianshu. Research progress on the correlation between scalp ecology and hair health [J]. China Medical Innovation, 2019,16(05):168-172.< /p>

[2] Wang Lei, Fan Weixin. Basic knowledge of hair follicle biology [J]. Chinese Medical Abstracts (Dermatology), 2016,33(04):409-414+3.

[3] Gao Fei, Jin Xipeng. Effects of physical factors on hair[J]. Science of Daily Chemicals, 2000(04):6-7+10.

Author: Zhang Jingyu

Editors: Zhao Yanan, Guo Qian, Zhang Liang

Typesetting: Han Ningning | Proofreading: Wu Yihe

Operation: Li Yongmin | Coordinator: Wu Wei

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