Is hair loss hair loss?

According to data, more than 250 million people in China are suffering from hair loss, with an average of 1 in 6 people losing hair, and many post-90s are also troubled by hair loss. Many people find that they lose a lot of hair every time they wash their hair, and they are very worried about whether they have joined the army of hair loss. So, does hair loss mean hair loss?

The answer is no. Hair growth is cyclical, divided into growth phase, regression phase and telogen phase. There are about 100,000 hairs in the human body, about 80% of all hairs are in the growth phase, and the hairs in the degenerative and resting phases will fall off naturally. A normal person loses about 70 to 100 hairs a day, and a considerable amount of hair grows at the same time, so there is no need to worry too much. But if you lose too much hair in a short period of time, there is a risk of hair loss.

span>What is the cause of hair loss? Chinese medicine believes that hair is more than blood. Hair loss is related to the lack of qi and blood in the human body. And “the kidney stores the essence, dominates the bones, produces the marrow, and its beauty is in the hair”, and the essence and blood are alternately produced, so the growth and loss of hair, and the moisturization are closely related to the rise and fall of the essence of the kidney. In order to prevent hair loss due to insufficient qi and blood and insufficient kidney qi, the author recommends the following three methods of nourishing hair and correct shampooing.

Three things for hair growth

Black beans are known as the Valley of the Kidney. They are sweet in taste and flat in nature. They return to the spleen and kidney meridians. The hair is black and shiny.

“Black Pearl” has the effect of appetizing, invigorating the spleen and warming the liver, relaxing the tendons and promoting blood circulation. The nutrients of black rice are mostly concentrated on the epidermis, so it is better to take it with the skin.

is well known as black sesame Good for nourishing the kidney, it is flat in nature and sweet in taste. It has the effects of nourishing the kidney, moisturizing the five internal organs, and nourishing the skin. It has a good therapeutic effect on hair loss caused by insufficient liver essence.

Shampoo Note

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    This article is reproduced from: China Traditional Chinese Medicine News Author: Zheng Hui The picture is from the Internet, if it is infringed, it will be deleted.

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