Is eggs a “hair thing” for cerebral infarction? The doctor said frankly: don’t want to block blood vessels, stay away from “2 white and 1 red”

Everyone must have heard a sentence, that is “people and blood vessels have the same lifespan”, that is to say, the quality of blood vessels is closely related to people’s lifespan. At present, our country has 330 million people suffer from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases of varying degrees.

Why is data so scary? Studies have shown that poor eating habits will cause the blood vessel wall to lose elasticity and increase blood viscosity, resulting in narrowing of the lumen, eventually leading to atherosclerosis, causing blood vessel blockage and cerebral infarction.

Eggs are “hairs” of cerebral infarction?

In the impression of most people, eggs are very nutritious, and eating more often is good for the body. However, recently someone said on the Internet that eggs are high in cholesterol, and eating them regularly will lead to high blood lipids.

In fact, both of these statements are true, but they are too absolute. Eggs are high-quality protein. Eating one a day can supplement nutrition. However, if the intake exceeds two, it will lead to excessive cholesterol. Over time, the blood viscosity will increase, which can easily lead to blood vessel blockage.

In addition, we also have to remember that it is best to eat boiled eggs instead of fried eggs, salted duck eggs, and salted eggs that are high in oil and salt.

The doctor said frankly: don’t want to block blood vessels, stay away from “2 white and 1 red”

“2 White”


Many people in life are “wine putty” and cannot do without wine every day. However, excessive intake of high-alcohol liquor will lead to damage to vascular endothelial cells, affecting the permeability of capillaries, which may lead to thrombosis and increase the possibility of cerebral infarction.

In addition, many people like to drink whether they are happy or sad, but they don’t know that this will cause damage to the blood vessels. There are countless cases of cerebral infarction after drinking. Therefore, for the sake of health, we must control ourselves.


Dishes fried with lard have a unique flavor , many people love to eat. However, the calorie of lard is very high, which can easily lead to the accumulation of lipids in the blood vessels, increase the viscosity of blood, and lead to abnormal increase in blood lipids, which will eventually lead to stenosis of blood vessels, which may cause blockage of the ends of cerebral blood vessels.

Especially for middle-aged and elderly people, the elasticity of blood vessels will deteriorate with age, and it is necessary to eat lightly on the premise of ensuring a balanced nutritional intake.

“1 Red”

——Hot Pot

Many young people love to eat spicy hot pot, and many people feel dizzy and addicted to their mouths. As everyone knows, ingesting foods that are too spicy will cause blood vessels to swell and spasm, and blood pressure will also rise.

Not only that, hot pot is also very greasy. If you have high blood pressure, try to eat as little as possible to avoid severe stimulation of blood vessels.

In daily life, how can we maintain blood vessels and prevent cerebral infarction?

First of all, moderate exercise

Exercise for about 30 minutes every day can strengthen the body, and can increase the elasticity of blood vessels, so that the blood vessels More relaxation, allowing blood to flow more smoothly.

In addition, adhering to exercise can also consume excess fat in the body, improve the body’s metabolism, avoid high blood lipids and high blood sugar, and reduce blood viscosity.

You should choose sports according to your physical condition. Young people with better health can choose high-intensity sports such as swimming, long-distance running, and skipping rope. However, it is better for middle-aged and elderly people to choose Taijiquan, Baguaquan, Baduanjin, etc., which are less intense and more “quiet”.

Secondly, add more water

Finally, stabilize your emotions

Many people don’t know whether blood vessels are healthy or not, and there is a certain relationship with emotions. If you are constantly in a state of extreme anger and panic, your heart rate will speed up, which is likely to cause blood pressure to rise, resulting in damage to the blood vessel wall and the formation of blood clots.

Many middle-aged and elderly people experience dizziness and dizziness when their mood fluctuates greatly, which is actually very dangerous.

Therefore, it is best for us to stabilize our mentality. When we are not happy, we can choose to go shopping, watch movies, listen to music, exercise and other methods to divert our attention.

Tips: Before cerebral infarction occurs, the following abnormalities will occur in the body, seek medical attention as soon as possible

1. Frequent dizziness: If you have dizziness and black eyes for a period of time, it may be a precursor to cerebral infarction.

2. Chest tightness and shortness of breath: After the blood vessel is blocked, some people may feel difficulty in breathing, chest tightness, and the whole person may sweat profusely.

3. Body tingling: The blockage of cerebral blood vessels will reduce the amount of blood and oxygen in the brain and affect our motor nerves. At this time, most people will feel The limbs are stiff and numb.