Is drinking a glass of wine a day healthy or harmful? Beauty study: 1 glass of wine a day will age the brain for 2 years

I believe that many people have heard the statement that moderate drinking is good for physical and mental health, and also heard that drinking a small amount of red wine can improve beauty and maintain youth forever. This has shaken the concept that drinking is harmful to health. Is moderate drinking really good for health? Let’s find out.

Is light to moderate drinking good for health?

It is a saying that many people have heard of. But this sentence is not the truth. Although a small amount of drinking can cultivate a person’s temperament, a small amount of drinking can also be harmful, especially to the brain.

Nature publishes an article from University of Wisconsin, span>University of Pennsylvania, a research paper by researchers, analyzing data from more than 36,000 volunteers, found that alcohol consumption was associated with decreased brain volume, even when Even small amounts of alcohol can cause harm.

Drinking a bottle of beer a day can age your brain for two years. The data comes from the UK Biobank, which draws on MRI brain data from more than 36,000 people, and narrows down many factors in order to make the results more valuable.

Researchers made alcohol units, one alcohol unitcorresponds 10ml of pure alcohol. The drinking status of more than 36,000 people was studied, with some drinking no alcohol at all and some drinking up to 4 units a day.

It was found that not drinking or drinking only one unit of alcohol a day has no particular effect on the brain The effect of drinking 1-3 alcohol units per day will cause the reduction of gray matter and white matter in the brain. The more alcohol you drink, the more the reduction will be.

Also studied the association between alcohol consumption and brain aging and found that drinking only one per day Alcohol unit to twoalcohol unit, the brain will two years old strong>, fouralcohol units per day, and the brain agesten years .

What other foods in life can accelerate aging?

1. Foods with trans fatty acids

Foods rich in trans fatty acids will bring a lot of Harmful, will make people obese will accelerate people’s aging. It also prompts an inflammatory response in the body.

2. Desserts

Excessive intake of sugar can cause glycosylation , will promote collagen loss, make the skin loose and sag, and accelerate aging.

3, barbecue

Eating grilled meat often will make you senile in the future, especially if you eat charred meat. Because charred meat contains pro-inflammatory hydrocarbons, it can damage the collagen in the skin and accelerate skin aging.

4. Pickled foods

The salt content in pickled foods exceeds the standard, which is easy to make Increase in blood pressure, and also cause edema. Excessive intake of sodium will have adverse effects on health, and will lead to premature aging in disguised form.

5. Milk tea

Milk tea has Great taste, but not good for health. Milk tea contains trans fatty acids, and it is super high in calories and sugar. All touched the minefield of aging.

6, red meat

pork, Mutton, beef and other meats belong to red meat intake. Too much red meat will increase the number of free radicals in the body and accelerate aging.

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How to delay aging?

If you want to delay aging, you must first continue to exercise, can promote metabolism, can improve cardiopulmonary function, can enhance physical strength and energy.

SecondlyEat less fat Meat, fatty meat contains too much fat, often eating greasy food will accelerate the aging of the skin.

Third YesQuit smoking and drinkingTobacco and alcohol are both bad for your health, and people who don’t smoke or drink look much younger than their peers. span>

Fourth isHave a healthy routine, fall asleep before 11pm, Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep and get rid of the bad habit of staying up late.

The fifth isdrink more water, water is the source of life, drink more Water promotes blood circulation and brings many benefits. Drink at least 2000ml of water every day.

Alcohol is not a good existence, the more you drink, the faster you age. Don’t believe the nonsense that a small amount of drinking can keep you healthy. Drinking too much and drinking too little is all about alcohol intake. If you want to improve your quality of life, prolong your life, make your life more colorful, and become younger, you have to get rid of the bad habit of drinking and develop good eating habits, which will benefit you lifetime.

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