Introduce an acupoint that not only protects the heart but also nourishes the spleen and stomach, and can save lives at critical moments, a must-see for people with yin deficiency!

Hi, my name is Mi Doctor

Does your baby have a bad temper recently, does he sleep well?

Have you had chest tightness, palpitation, or insomnia recently?

Every time this long summer season, people with yin deficiency constitution are the most difficult to endure

Last Wednesday at the outpatient clinic, I encountered these two medical cases:

A 5-year-old child came here with stunted growth, height 103cm, weight 14.8kg, I asked my mother carefully and found:

Recently, I have a very bad temper. I get angry at every turn. I fall asleep very slowly. Go to bed at 9 o’clock. At least 10 o’clock. Sometimes it takes 11 o’clock. I wake up at 6:00 at most, sometimes I don’t sleep at all in the afternoon nap; I have dry stools, I have to go every 2-3 days; I tend to burp when I eat, and I also complain of stomach pain on the day of the doctor’s visit. . . .

Look at the tongue again, red, yellow and greasy moss, slippery pulse, typical< span>The accumulation of food is hot, and the yin deficiency is hot

the baby still has stomach pain, I used a needle on both wrists of him on the spotNeiguan acupointquick in and out, lightly Stimulation; instructed my mother to massage Neiguan and Taichong every day, and boiled water with “convenient tea” to clear the heat in the stomach and intestines to soften the stool + eat 2 pieces of Changgao ointment every day.

I went back to the clinic this Wednesday. My mother said that after I went back that day, I put a few stinky pimples in a row, and the stomach pain is gone. This week My temper has improved a lot, I can fall asleep much faster at night, and my tongue coating has been cleaned a lot. I defecate once every 2 days, and it is no longer sheep feces.

The second case of a designer , female, 35 years old, palpitation, palpitations, insomnia appeared in the past two weeks worsened, sometimes dull chest pain, thirst, night sweats, red tongue coating, slight tooth marks on the edge, pulse Thin Strings

(Typical photo of Yin deficiency tongue coating) span>

How to treat? Very simple, use shengmaiyin and simultaneously acupunctureNeiguan point+Sanyinjiao point . Every dayrepress the inner gate 300 times with your thumb, and put on the Lengxiangwan bracelet you bought before, and don’t take it off when you sleep. A few days later, she told me by telling the little assistant that her insomnia was really much better, and her heart palpitations were also much better. . . .

Did you find it? In both cases, I used the Neiguan point. One is for insomnia and palpitations, and the other is for abdominal pain. Why is Neiguan so magical and immediate?

NeiguanPeace the mind and relieve pain , is the protector of the heart and spleen and stomach!

It belongs to the pericardium meridian, and it also connects the Yin and the yin. Pulse , is the first choice for protecting the heart, can treat cardiothoracic disease, help everyoneclear the heart fire, soothe the nerves and help sleep, It is effective for palpitation, palpitations, irritability, insomnia, dreams, and even acute heartache.

There was once a medical case of a patient with acute angina pectoris who was sent to the hospital for treatment in a very critical condition. Emergency DoctorUrgently take bilateral Neiguan, puncture at a 75-degree centripetal angle, and perform the method of leveling, supplementing, leveling and reducing, so that the needle sensation spreads to the chest< span>.

The angina pectoris was mildly relieved after 5 minutes, and the angina pectoris was significantly relieved after 10 minutes! I must remember the inner pass, it is a life-saving switch.

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It is the fifth year of making pure handmade ancient method cold incense pills, which is time-consuming, labor-intensive and expensive. According to the characteristics of the Five Luck and Six Qi, the formula is revised every year. This year, the pharmacist made a very special and long-lost “Neifu Ambergris “.

Gan Song: Good at resolving cold and stagnation of Qi or Thinking hurts the spleen< /strong>Chest tightness and other symptoms, you can refer to (Medical records: Phlegm-dampness can not be eliminated repeatedly, where is the problem?)

Angelica dahurica

strong>: Good at resolving colds and colds, headaches, toothaches, and nasal congestion. The key is to avoid plagues, you can refer to (after this operation for children: it may be the most regretted by many parents In fact, it can be solved with a single drug)

Clove: Good at resolving deficiency of the spleen and stomach, hiccups and vomitingVomiting, lack of food, vomiting and diarrhea, cold pain in confidants, impotence due to kidney deficiency, etc., you can refer to (in summer, eating cold fruit drinks produces cold and dampness, use this diet in the kitchen to warm the middle coke

Roserose: Good at resolving gas pain in the liver and stomach, eating less and vomiting , Irregular menstruation, falling and fluttering pain and other symptoms; Cansoothe the nerves

A surprise: the pharmacist secretly called out the Ambergris (true ambergris long gone)!!!

The taste of ambergris can effectively resolve phlegm and relieve cough, the aroma can relieve pain, activate blood and invigorate qi, and is said to have the effect of enhancing yang. It has always been a high-grade spice that connoisseurs dream of. It is also something that many emperors want but cannot get. If you are interested, I will write an article about ambergris later.

< p>Different styles will have slightly different effects due to different wearing parts.

< this time with another pan Tianhe Stonemeans confidence and courageespecially in the post-epidemic erahelps relieve anxiety and gives people courage and confidence< span>If there are children in the middle school entrance examination and college entrance examination at homeyou can consider preparing a bracelet


If you don’t have the habit of wearing accessories, it is recommended to buy a single cold incense pill and put it in a sachet bag to carry at any time.

sheng In life, there are always poems that we don’t understand and places that we can’t reach

In fact, it is very plain, but sometimes we put It made it miserable. However, no matter what,you must believe that all the little things are happening in an orderly manner. Like Neiguan encounters cold fragranceseems unrelatedbut so complementaryIf there is or notbut keep you safe in the summer. . . . . .

[Pure Handmade 2022 Ancient Method Cold Fragrance Pills]

| Soothing the Liver and Relieving Depression| Calming the Heart and Soothing the Mind| Aromatic Avoiding Plague| Refreshing the Spleen and Removing Dampness|

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