International Stomach Day on April 9: The 8 Most Stomach Behaviors You Must Know

2022The annual “International Stomach Day” on April 9, 2022 is here again! April 9, 2006 was designated as the first “International Stomach Protection Day” by the International Society for Natural Medicine and Health Engineering Research and the World Health Management Alliance. It has been 17 years since then.

According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, the incidence of gastric disease in the population is as high as 80%, and it is becoming An annual growth rate of 17.43%. In my country, according to the latest global cancer burden data in 2020 and the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization, gastric cancer ranks third in the number of new cancer cases in my country in 2020. One person is diagnosed with gastric cancer every minute, and every three minutes, one person is diagnosed with gastric cancer. Two people died of stomach cancer. What an astonishing set of numbers!

Indeed, the stomach is very “skinned”, and early gastric cancer has basically no obvious symptoms. As for the health of the stomach that many people ignore. On the International Stomach Care Day, let us pay attention to the health of the stomach and take care of the stomach together!

There are many strategies for stomach care, such as maintaining a good mood, having regular meals and exercising properly, etc. Today, we will only list the 8 most stomach-damaging behaviors that should be avoided or avoided in daily life. As long as you pay attention to these 8 stomach-injuring behaviors, and choose the appropriate way of nourishing your stomach according to your own situation to ignore the stomach, you will be targeted and get twice the result with half the effort!

The most annoying behavior Smoking and drinking

Smoking and drinking are the enemy of stomach health. Alcohol can cause serious damage to the stomach. It will inhibit gastric acid secretion and gastric activity. If drinking becomes a habit, the gastric mucosa will be continuously stimulated and inflamed by alcohol, thus leading to chronic gastritis and duodenal ulcers.

The nicotine in tobacco will stimulate the gastric mucosa, causing submucosal vasoconstriction and spasm, leading to gastric mucosal ischemia and hypoxia, thereby destroying the gastric mucosa. So if you want to have a good stomach, it is necessary to refuse tobacco and alcohol.

The most annoying behavior of staying up late< /span>

Continuous work and entertainment all night long will not only hurt the body, but also hurt the stomach. Our stomach is “smart”, it has its own schedule, and when we break this rule, problems can arise. Staying up late will disturb the body’s endocrine system, reduce its resistance, and cause excessive gastric acid secretion, which will cause stomach discomfort.

The most irritating behavior of overeating

Eating too much food at one time will seriously increase the burden on the stomach, it is very easy to have indigestion, disrupt the normal work of the digestive system, and also It can cause ulcers to form due to stimulation of the gastric mucosa and excessive secretion of gastric acid.

The most irritating behavior p>

Many young people are accustomed to heavy tastes in their diets, and they have a soft spot for spiciness. It can be said that they like it all! Studies have shown that a small amount of capsaicin can accelerate gastric peristalsis and blood circulation while stimulating the stomach, and promote the secretion of gastric mucus, which has a certain effect of nourishing the stomach. However, excessive intake of chili peppers will greatly increase the blood flow in the stomach wall, causing congestion and dilation of blood vessels, leading to peptic ulcers and even hemorrhage.

The most irritating behavior of skipping breakfast

Three meals a day are important, but breakfast is more likely to be skipped by people because of “getting up late”! According to human needs, we should eat breakfast regularly every day in order to provide enough energy and nutrition for our study and work in the morning. If you skip breakfast, the stomach acid secreted by the stomach will not be digested by food, and will damage the esophagus and gastrointestinal mucosa. In the long run, it will not only easily lead to ulcers, but also may lead to the deposition of cholesterol in the bile, which may induce gallstones.stone.

The Most Stomach-Eating Exercise

Exercise is a good thing, but you have to choose the right time and exercise right after you eat. This is doing good things but choosing the wrong time! After the meal, the food is digesting in the stomach. At this time, it is best to rest for 0.5 to 1 hour, and do not rush to exercise. If you do strenuous exercise after meals, it may lead to insufficient blood supply to the internal organs, affecting the digestive function of the stomach and causing gastric ulcers.

The most annoying behavior is to sleep after eating

< p>Many times, our work is irregular. After overtime, we are hungry and often use a hearty late-night snack to eliminate the fatigue of the day, but when we return home, we often fall asleep. As everyone knows, the human body’s gastrointestinal digestive function will also slow down after sleep, and a large amount of food that has just been eaten will accumulate in the stomach before it can be digested, which is prone to abnormal digestive function.

The most annoying behavior Forbearance of minor illnesses

When faced with symptoms such as stomach pain and bloating, we may choose to endure the pain as long as we can, or delay as long as we can. Because going to the doctor is likely to be scheduled for a gastroscopy, many people delay treatment out of fear of gastroscopy. If you are afraid of the discomfort caused by intubation gastroscope, you can actually choose magnetic-controlled capsule gastroscope. This mature gastroscope examination method has become quite popular and can be performed in many tertiary hospitals and medical examination centers across the country. Magnetically controlled capsule gastroscope only needs to swallow a small capsule with water to start a comfortable gastroscopy examination. This method is painless and non-invasive, and has become the choice of gastroscope for many people. The characteristic of stomach maintenance is to detect problems and treat them in time. Generally, there will be no major problems. Therefore, daily maintenance, regular screening and prevention are more important.

“International Stomach Care Day” is coming, let us reject these 8 bad habits that hurt the stomach in our life and have a healthy appetite!