International Nurses Day|The total number of registered nurses in Chongqing reaches 109,400

People’s Daily Online, Chongqing, May 11 (Chen Qi) May 12 is the 111th International Nurses Day. Data from the Chongqing Municipal Health Commission shows that during the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, Chongqing’s nursing career has developed rapidly, and the city’s The total number of registered nurses reached 109,400, 3.35 nurses per 1,000 population, and the medical-nursing ratio reached 1:1.37, an increase of 49.59%, 44.40%, and 19.13% respectively compared with the end of the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”.

In recent years, in addition to the development and growth of the nursing team, the professional quality and ability of nursing in Chongqing have also been greatly improved. According to the relevant person in charge of the Chongqing Municipal Health and Health Commission, nurses with a college degree or above account for 75.99% of the total health technicians in the city, which is better than the national average. In addition, the specialized nursing capability is stronger than before. As of the end of the “13th Five-Year Plan”, Chongqing has built 34 specialized nurse training bases, including specialties such as geriatrics, critical care, rehabilitation, and blood purification. Nurses accounted for 13.4%, driving the level of professional nursing in the region to continue to improve.

During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, a large number of high-quality nursing model hospitals, model wards, model individuals and outstanding nursing contributors emerged in Chongqing, and the harmonious atmosphere of “respecting nurses and caring for nurses” in the whole society has become increasingly strong. . For example, the “five hearts” nursing of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongyi Medicine, the “three comprehensive” nursing of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Chongyi Medicine, and the “one department and one characteristic” of the Yongchuan Hospital Affiliated to Chongyi Medicine, etc., have certain influences in the industry and inside and outside the city. Promote the construction of the “smart nursing” system with the demonstration and selection of “smart hospitals” and improve the efficiency of nursing services.

In addition, in terms of service mode, the “full cycle and full process” of nursing service participation in health management is realized. Nursing service models such as discharge follow-up and home visit have been extended and expanded. The elderly at home, the disabled, and patients after major surgery can achieve “admission-discharge-home” full-process, continuous, and high-quality care, and regularly carry out health education, special lectures, and chronic disease management. and other continuing care.

“Nursing is no longer just about technical work such as injections and infusions.” The relevant person in charge of the Chongqing Municipal Health Commission introduced that emerging nursing services such as venous catheter maintenance and nursing clinics, diabetes nursing clinics, and PICC nursing clinics are constantly being opened. , the specialized nursing outpatient model was gradually rolled out in the city. At the same time, with the help of “Internet +”, Chongqing has also explored the development of “Internet + nursing” services to meet the diverse needs of the masses for medical services, and targeted the popularization of disease prevention and health management knowledge to nursing objects.