Insulin centralized procurement policy was officially implemented, and related drug prices dropped significantly

The policy of centralized procurement of insulin with quantity has been fully implemented in our city: According to the policies and regulations of our province, starting from May 26, the state organized the sixth batch of special centralized procurement of drugs, namely the special centralized procurement of insulin The policy has been fully implemented in our city, and the public medical institutions in the city participating in the centralized procurement of insulin organized by the state uniformly implement the price selected by the centralized procurement of insulin organized by the state.

The national centralized collection of insulin covers most of the insulin products commonly used in clinical practice. A total of 42 products from 11 companies were selected, and the price of the selected products decreased by an average of 48%. , with a maximum drop of more than 70%. Taking premixed insulin analogs as an example, the price has dropped from about 70 yuan per dose to less than 20 yuan per dose. If a patient uses 4 premixed insulin analogs per month, the cost will be saved by 2000 yuan per year. Diverse.