Insufficient liver blood, 7 common manifestations in the body! It is recommended to do 4 things, make up the liver blood, and nourish the liver

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that the liver has the function of storing blood, which can regulate and purify the blood. Therefore, when some people find that their complexion is dark, pale, and dizzy, they determine that they have insufficient liver blood. caused.

Actually, the liver is also the main muscle. When the liver blood is insufficient, it will not only affect the operation of qi and blood, but also affect the normal work of the meridians. Therefore, if you want to judge whether you have insufficient liver blood, you can use several common symptoms in the body. Take a look at the performance.

Insufficient liver blood, 7 common symptoms in the body!

1. The tongue coating is white and the tongue is reddish.

Insufficient liver blood will cause the lack of qi and blood in the body, and the operation will be poor, which will make the tongue color pale and the tongue coating White.

2. Decreased vision and blurred vision

The liver is open to the eyes. If the liver blood is insufficient, the nutrition and moisture of the eyes will be deteriorated, and the secretion of tears will be reduced, resulting in dry and uncomfortable eyes. , blurred vision, and decreased vision.

3. Muscle activity is slow, rib pain

The liver is the main tendon. When the liver blood is insufficient, it will affect the muscle function. Activities, not only prone to sprains and other situations, the left side of the rib is always painful.

4. Irregular menstruation

If the liver does not store blood, it will disturb the two channels of Renchong, resulting in insufficient blood nourishment for the uterus, causing menstrual blood to descend, resulting in Menstrual disorder, decreased menstrual volume, more leakage, and even amenorrhea.

5. Rough nails

Insufficient liver blood will affect the normal function of the liver. Nails become rough, dull, and white spots appear on the nails.

6. Weak body and poor temper

Insufficient liver blood will affect the blood transfusion function, which will make the human body lack of energy and spirit, manifested as physical weakness, and it will be difficult to do any activity. feel tired. Moreover, the liver dominates the dredging function, if the liver yang is hyperactive, it will also make the mood become irritable and prone to tantrums.

7. Insomnia and Dreams

Insufficiency of liver blood will also affect sleep, especially for female friends, because insufficient liver blood will lead to insomnia and more dreams, poor sleep quality, liver blood The resulting decrease in sleep quality is similar to that of kidney yin deficiency, but people with insufficient liver blood will also be accompanied by thirst and fever.

It is recommended to do 4 things to replenish liver blood and nourish liver

1. Dietary conditioning

Spring is a great time to nourish the liver. Therefore, you can eat more green vegetables. The vitamins and trace elements in vegetables are high, just to make up for the lack of winter intake.

In addition, you can usually use honeysuckle, chrysanthemum, cassia seed, dandelion, eucommia male flower, tartary buckwheat, kudzu root, mulberry leaf, gardenia and other medicinal and food homologous ingredients, according to the recipe The proportions are combined to make it into Chrysanthemum Cassia tea to drink, which is very beneficial for clearing the liver and improving eyesight, nourishing the liver and protecting the liver.

2. Don’t stay up late

When we lie down, the blood can easily flow into the liver, so we must ensure sleep adequate. If you stay up late for a long time, resulting in lack of sleep, it will affect the level of transaminase in the liver, aggravate liver damage, and also affect the normal division and growth of cells in the body, causing cell mutation and increasing the risk of liver cancer.

3. Keep a good mood

Happy mood will increase the blood flow of the liver, strengthen the activity of liver cells, and it will People who lose their temper will make the anger rise, and the liver qi will not go smoothly, which will affect the health of the liver.

So you must control your emotions. When you are angry, you can eliminate anger by venting and transferring. You can also associate happy and interesting things to promote the secretion of endorphins and make your body and mind feel happy.

4. Moderate exercise

Adhering to moderate exercise can increase calorie consumption, help control weight, and relax muscles and muscles , Promote blood flow through the liver, prevent fatty liver, and supplement the yang qi in the body.

Aerobic exercise should be adhered to four to six times a week, and the duration of each exercise should be maintained for more than half an hour, until the body sweats slightly. Be careful not to exercise excessively.