Institution or individual? Looking for a confinement lady, I value these 7 points

It is really rare to meet a good confinement nanny. What experiences can you learn from in choosing confinement nanny?

Let’s hear the story of @byyyy kitten, mother of Lilac Mama Planet.

Let me tell you about my experience first, because my friends have recommended confinement nanny, so it was not until 26 weeks of pregnancy that I really started to finalize the confinement nanny.

I’m really lucky. Under the recommendation of my friends, after communicating with three personal confinement sisters, the suitable candidate was finalized within a week, but goose! Accidents always come too suddenly. The next day after the confinement nanny was set, the city where I was located was stricken by the epidemic, and the lockdown was lifted after more than 20 days. After unblocking, I got bad news: the confinement nanny was worried that the epidemic would recur. The way to come to my house on time and suggest that I re-look for the right person.

That is, at 30 weeks of pregnancy, I joined the army of looking for a confinement lady again.

Learning the lessons of the last “lost” confinement nanny, I decided to choose from an institution. First, I had simple communication with several institutions and quickly identified the institution I wanted to go to. An institution that specializes in confinement and childcare services, and has chain stores and systematic professional training in many cities in China. (Most housekeeping companies can also provide confinement and childcare services, but there is a high probability that they do not have their own training. System, I personally think that “professional people do professional things” is very important, so I choose an institution that only does this part).

It took me less than a week to go from “losing” my confinement nanny to finally signing the contract.

How to say it? Looking for a confinement lady may sound like a simple matter of spending money on services, but it is not easy to find a satisfactory confinement lady. In order to have a smooth confinement life, it is essential to do some homework in advance. I consulted some friends who have hired confinement nurses in advance, and listed some key points. For example, first of all, we need to know when it is more appropriate to start looking for confinement nurses; secondly, we need to understand the price of the local confinement confinement industry, according to our own situation. Make a clear budget; finally, and most importantly, get to know Yuesao herself, including her work content, skills, age, working years, schedule, etc.

Next, let’s talk about how to choose a confinement nanny and what to talk about with the confinement nanny:


Eye edge:It’s a wonderful thing

After meeting our rigid needs, everything else can be seen. If you don’t like it at first sight, you can directly change to another communication. important. Of course, eye edge is not just about face, but also age, personality, and even the tone of voice.



Especially when communicating with a personal confinement lady, you must first determine whether the schedule is suitable, and then continue to talk about other content if it is suitable. If the confinement nanny is selected from an agency, the agency will recommend a confinement nanny candidate with a suitable schedule according to our needs.

A good confinement maid waits for no one, and people often make reservations half a year in advance, so it is recommended that you start looking for a suitable confinement maid in the 4th to 5th month of pregnancy. Better and more convenient.


The work of confinement nanny

Generally speaking, after asking this question, the answer is similar, which can be summarized as “responsible for the diet and daily life of the mother and newborn”.

We can learn more about it, for example:

(1) How many meals a day and what dishes are included in the confinement meal (you can ask to see the photos of the meals made by the previous household, whether it is in line with your own ideas);

(2) Is the confinement lady only responsible for the catering of the mother, or will she be responsible for the catering of the whole family? (The former is more common because she is a confinement nanny and not a nanny);

(3) The scope of confinement cleaning, is it only responsible for the room of the mother and newborn, or is also responsible for other rooms, toilets, etc.


Working years of confinement nanny

As far as I know, the growth period of this industry is very short. Basically, after working for 3 to 5 years, you can become a gold confinement maid, and after working for more than 5 years, you can be promoted to the chief confinement maid. So don’t just look at the level of Yuesao, but ask how many newborns you have worked with for a few years. My standard for looking for a confinement confinement nurse is to have handled more than 5 confinement nurses, which is equivalent to working as a confinement confinement nurse for half a year.


Skills of confinement nanny

Ask here, almost every confinement lady will come up with more than one certificate, so how should we choose?

In addition to the Maternal and Infant Nursing Practitioner Certificate, each confinement nanny will also obtain different maternal and infant related certificates, such as Dietitian Nutritionist Certificate, Prolactinian Certificate, Full Moon Perspiration Certificate, Pediatric Massage Certificate, Postpartum Rehabilitation Certificate, etc. When choosing a confinement lady, we must pay attention to whether she has the additional skills we need most. Most of these certificates are obtained by participating in the training organized by institutions. The proficiency of the skills is mostly related to the time of using the skills. We can pay attention to the time when the skills are obtained, so as to help judge whether the Yuesao is proficient in the skills.


Who will cook Yuesao’s meal

Usually the confinement nanny can choose to eat confinement meals with the mother, or eat with the mother’s family (this is family cooking).

This one is important! Be sure to ask in advance, and tell family members who may live with you in the confinement period to avoid minor conflicts after joining the household. For example, some elders can’t understand why their families cook for Yuesao.


Health status

Usually a confinement lady needs a physical examination and a health certificate every year.

I personally care about this item, so I will keep the certification time within 6 months or even 3 months. customers come out).

In addition to the above, there are different things that we need to know when looking for institutions or individuals.


Choose an individual or an organization?

The biggest advantage of choosing an individual is that the price is lower than that of an institution, but it will also bring a series of drawbacks such as instability. Special circumstances (epidemic, physical conditions, etc.) are temporarily rejected; the schedule is inappropriate; personal factors such as age cannot be selected, etc. If you have someone you trust, that’s fine. After all, affordability is also important.

Choose an agency, because it will sign a tripartite contract, which will relatively avoid some risks.


Scheduling issues

Although we already know the due date, the baby may be reported earlier or later. At this time, it will be more advantageous to choose the confinement nanny from an institution.

About the schedule, the agency I found gave this plan: one week before and after the expected date of delivery will be set aside. If it is more than a week in advance, and the confinement lady I reserved cannot come to work, you can Send other confinement maids of the same grade to come to the household first (of course, the salary is calculated separately); if the delay exceeds a week, then a certain amount of lost time will need to be paid. And these are implemented in the contract.

If it is a personal confinement lady, it is also recommended to communicate in advance to confirm the solution to this special situation, so as to avoid no one being available when we need someone to take care of us most.


What should I do if I find that I am not satisfied after registering?

This article is mainly for the selection of confinement nanny in the agency. First of all, there is a three-day break-in period in the contract. If you are not satisfied, you can negotiate for a replacement. For more than three days, there are various unexpected situations (such as the injury of Yuesao, etc.), and it is also possible to negotiate a substitution.

If you are looking for a confinement lady, you must confirm it in advance, she is the right person.


Rating Criteria for Confinement Sisters (for institutions):

Each company or organization has its own rating criteria, which may include years of work, mastery of skills, positive reviews, and more. We can choose the confinement lady we like in the appropriate level.


Last important point!

The content discussed, especially the issues such as schedule and mid-way replacement, must be implemented in the contract, not just listen to the salesperson, after all, there is no evidence.

I wish all mothers-to-be, you can find your favorite confinement lady~