Insomnia is “eating” out? Doctor: People who don’t sleep well, eat less 4 kinds of food

Introduction: about 1/3 of our life is spent sleeping , from which we can read the importance of sleep to our health.

But in our daily life, many people always suffer from insomnia, dreaminess and poor sleep quality. Sleep problems such as this will not only easily affect one’s mental state for a long time, but also will easily bring about various health problems.

In fact, for some friends who are always insomnia, yes span>It is necessary to adjust the diet. There are several foods that are not recommended for everyone to eat regularly, otherwise it will be easy to eat more and lose sleep.


Long-term lack of sleep, 4 “trouble” will come to you


Related studies have shown that sleep deprivation and It is related to the risk of obesity, because lack of sleep will affect the secretion of leptin, and long-term lack of sleep will easily lead to obesity.

Accelerates skin aging

Lack of sleep over a long period of time and the body will release more of the stress hormone cortisol, span>Excessive amounts of this substance will break down the collagen in the body, causing people to have skin problems of one kind or another.

weakened immune system

Long-term sleep deprivation can affect the repair of the immune system, and in the long run To the immune function, the immunity declines, causing some diseases to come to the door.

impaired judgment

Relevant studies have shown that lack of sleep can affect people’s understanding of things, which will also affect people’s correct judgments about certain things,Such problems can seriously affect a person’s productivity.

In addition, lack of sleep can seriously affect people’s mental state. Many accidents are caused bypeople’s inattention due to lack of rest.


Insomnia comes from “eating”?

Many doctors often say that the sweeter the food, the easier it is to lose sleep< strong>, why is this? Is insomnia also related to eating?

Researchers at Columbia Universityhave a Relevant research surveys, through relevant data analysis, show that the higher the glycemic index of B, the greater the risk of insomnia.

Among them, those with the highest GI had an 11% increased risk of insomnia,Excessive consumption of foods high in added sugar and refined grains can further increase the risk of insomnia.

Women who ate more fruits and vegetables had lower rates of insomnia 16%, this is due to a rapid rise in blood sugar in the body, which lowers blood sugar levels by releasing insulin,triggering an increase in hormones such as epinephrine and sebitol, which also It can easily interfere with our sleep.

Except sweet foods, the following eat less of the 4 kinds of food, otherwise it will easily affect your sleep quality.


Doctor: People who don’t sleep well, eat 4 less foods

Caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, etc.

Tea and coffee are drinks that we often drink in our daily life. Drinking these drinks can not only relieve stress, soothe the mind and body, but also improve nerve excitability and maintain work efficiency. .

but these caffeinated foods, The content of theophylline and caffeine is too high, not only will it be easy to increase, but the excitability of the nervous system will also easily bring about brain cells, Excessive excitement can easily cause people to be overly anxious and overly sensitive.

whitedrinking more coffee every day Due to drinks, will easily lead to insomnia and sleep quality decline at night.

So if you have trouble sleeping, usually try to Stay away from this type of drink.

Greasy food

Greasy food not only contains excess energy, but also contains a lot of fat, which will take a lot of time for the body to digest, < strong>This will easily increase the burden on the liver and stomach.

And our central nervous system will also be affected, and we are always in a state of work excitement. This problem will affect everyone’s sleep quality.

So everyone try to eat less greasy food before going to bed, Such as braised pork, fried chicken, chips, etc.

Foods Containing Tyramine span>

In our daily life, there are also many foods containing tyrosine, such as pickling. Vegetables, cheese, etc.

This food affects sleep quality becauseBecause tyrosine will stimulate neurotransmitters, resulting in a large amount of norepinephrine in the body, makes the brain always in an excited state ,also raises blood pressure and heart rate, making it difficult to sleep.

Spicy and spicy food

Nowadays, people do not like spicy food. Many people don’t eat chili or even eat. Chili can Stimulates the taste buds to release stress, But eating a lot of often will damage the body, and it will also easily affect the quality of sleep.

Studies have found that often eating spicy food such as peppers before falling asleep, The sleep pattern will change in the future, which will greatly reduce the time spent in deep sleep.

and spicy food also Causes gastrointestinal stress response, making people in a state of overreaction when falling asleep, so that will easily excite nerves and affect sleep quality .


I always sleep poorly, in addition to factors, it may also be related to these 2 points

Too complicated

Nowadays, people are under a lot of pressure from work and life, but they are always under too much mental stress or just overexcited, and they are always in a negative state and other negative emotions.It will be easy to cause sleep disturbance.

So everyone must relax before going to sleep and don’t think about some messy things , even if you are in a bad mood or under too much pressure, have to put it away first, sleep is the most important thing.

Environmental factors< /p>

Sleep environment is a very common cause of insomnia, poor sleep quality and other sleep problems< /strong>, environmental factors are not only affected by noise, but also by temperature, air and sunlight.

Noise, bright light stimulation,high temperature And if it is too low, it is easy to cause people to have poor sleep quality.

If you want to improve sleep quality, you should also adjust environmental factors,Get your environment in a suitable state so you can sleep better.


Natural “sleeping pills” have been found, taking more of them at ordinary times may help you solve sleep problems< /p>


< span>Longan is rich in sucrose, glucose, multivitamins, protein and some trace elements and other beneficial substances. It can also help your body replenish nutrients.

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, longan Sweet in taste, warm in nature, it has the functions of nourishing blood and calming the nerves, nourishing the heart and spleen, nourishing essence and improving intelligence.

If you have trouble sleeping, You can eat some longan properly at ordinary times, can help you relax and improve sleep problems.


Among all grains, millet contains the most abundant tryptophan, which helps improve sleep problems. Also promotes the onset of deep sleep.

If you have trouble sleeping, make sure you have dinner Drinka bowl of millet porridge, but be careful not to drink too much, otherwise it will easily lead to obesity problems.

bananas p>

Bananas are actually peeled“sleeping pills” , The beneficial ingredients in bananas can not only stabilize, serotonin and melatonin, but also rich in magnesium, which can relax muscles, relax people’s mind, and help improve Sleep quality.

Conclusion: If you want a good sleep, it is not difficult, you can take reasonable measures to improve, If there is a situation of poor sound quality, don’t worry too much and be afraid. I hope everyone can get rid of their troubles as soon as possible and have a splendid and beautiful sleep quality!