Inner Mongolia Erenhot added local 11+20

The reporter learned from the press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic held in Erenhot today (June 10) that from 0:00 to 24:00 on June 9, there were 11 new cases in Erenhot. Local confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia (including 1 case converted from asymptomatic infection to confirmed case), 20 local asymptomatic infections, a total of 376 cases. Among them, 128 confirmed cases (1 severe case, 6 normal cases, and 121 mild cases) and 248 asymptomatic infections were all in designated hospitals or makeshift hospitals for centralized observation and treatment.

Xinhua News Agency data pictures, pictures and texts are irrelevant

Source: CCTV News Client

Process Editor: TF016

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[Source: Beijing News Network]

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