Infected with syphilis without “marital life”? Doctor: This way, many people have been recruited

The 80-year-old Uncle Wang has been very troubled recently. Thick crusts have appeared on his palms and soles, some parts have fallen off, and even eroded surfaces have formed. The old man said that such symptoms have been present for a month or two. At first, there were only large erythema, and there was no obvious feeling, itching and pain. After a detailed examination, it was found that Uncle Wang was infected with syphilis. He was taken aback and wondered why he had the disease.

Why do octogenarians get syphilis?

We all know that syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease, so the first reaction is that the old man may be too erosive in his life. But after asking Wang Laobo, he found that Wang Laobo has not lived with husband and wife for many years. The doctor told Wang Laobo the transmission route of syphilis, and Wang Laobo recalled that the last filling was performed in a private clinic with unsanitary conditions, and it was very likely that he had contracted syphilis there.

Syphilis mainly spreads through 4 routes,The first route of transmission is direct sexual contact, which is the main route of transmission of syphilis.

The second route of transmission is indirect contact, touching the underwear of a syphilis patient , razors and other personal items.

A third route of transmission is mother-to-child transmission, if the mother has syphilis , the fetus may be infected with syphilis in the mother.

The fourth route of transmission is blood transmission, blood contains Treponema pallidum, If your wound comes into contact with blood containing Treponema pallidum, you may become infected.

The situation of Uncle Wang belongs to the fourth route of transmission. Medical equipment is not disinfected. Wang Laobo came into contact with the utensils of the blood of syphilis patients and was eventually infected with syphilis.

Is syphilis curable?

Some people think that syphilis cannot be cured. After all, syphilis is a lifetime event. In fact, this is a wrong idea. Syphilis can be cured, especially the treatment of early syphilis is relatively easy. Standard long-acting penicillin can be used for treatment, and a very good therapeutic effect can be achieved.

But if you don’t treat all the time, the treatment will become more and more difficult and the symptoms will be uncomfortable. It will become more and more serious, and syphilis will develop into tertiary syphilis. Multiple organs have been seriously damaged, and it will violate people’s central nervous system, cardiovascular, skeletal and other systems, and even lead to disability and death in severe cases.

If you have syphilis, you can’t let it go, let alone avoid the doctor. You should go to a regular hospital for professional treatment as soon as possible. To follow the doctor’s guidance and advice, adhere to the full course of treatment, even after the cure should be regularly reviewed to avoid recurrence.

How to prevent syphilis?

1. Self-cleanliness in life

Partner-to-partner transmission is the most important transmission method of syphilis. The most important thing about syphilis is to keep oneself clean in life. If there is a history of unsafe contact, go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible to see if you have been infected with syphilis, and early detection and early treatment.

2. Pay more attention in public

Syphilis is not only spread between partners , and daily contact transmission, that is, indirect contact transmission. Therefore, pay more attention in this regard, and do not share personal utensils such as towels, pots, etc. with others in public. Try not to go to public baths, and try not to use the toilet seat in public toilets. When staying in a hotel, you should bring your own bedding, check the sanitation of the hotel, and do not live in a hotel with poor sanitation.

3. Pay attention to your partner’s movements

Because syphilis will spread through life, in addition to keeping yourself clean, you should also pay attention to your partner’s movements. You can’t let go of the slightest clue. If you find that your partner has been in contact with a syphilis patient, or has had some contact with a syphilis patient, or has a particularly rotten life, you can have a relationship with someone with syphilis.Industry workers have had deals. In addition to not having contact with each other again, you must also go to the hospital to check for related diseases.

Syphilis is not an isolated case for the elderly in their 80s. The number of elderly people suffering from STDs in my country is increasing year by year. I hope everyone can understand the relevant knowledge of common related diseases such as syphilis, understand their transmission methods, be clean in life, be single-minded to partners, and protect themselves in life. Only in this way can we avoid the invasion of diseases.

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