inertia of thinking

The inertia of thinking is the unwillingness to think about a thing thoroughly, without a clear understanding of the ins and outs of the thing, what the past was like, what is the current situation, and where the future is going. Many people are in this process. It is often unwilling to think, unable to think, easily accepting unproven information, and ignoring contradictory logical relationships, which ultimately leads to wrong results. This is the inertia of thinking.

Our common thinking inertia is inertial thinking, which is a relatively stable and stereotyped thinking line formed in repeated use according to accumulated thinking activities experience and lessons and existing thinking laws. way, procedure, mode. Under the condition of constant environment, inertial thinking enables people to apply the methods they have mastered to solve problems quickly. And when the situation changes, it can prevent people from adopting new methods. Negative mindsets are the shackles that bind creative thinking.

The inertia of thinking can make us lose our sensitivity to changes in things. Clinging to our beliefs can make it difficult for us to accept change. When we become accustomed, lose reflection on the status quo, lose sensitivity to change, and tolerate procrastination, it is very difficult to break the reality, especially when we stick to the concept with the people around us, we want to make changes. Harder.

In fact, everyone has some inertia and prejudice. From the perspective of evolutionary psychology, humans should be the least lazy species in the known species, and it is the nature of love to think that makes them human. why would you said this? We seem to like to be “lazy”, but it is precisely the protective mechanism that survival evolved to protect the brain from “overthinking” to save energy consumption. Laziness is not to prevent thinking, but to prevent “meaningless” thinking, because human nature loves thinking too much. What we like to think about is the “sweet spot” that is slightly harder than our familiar territory, but in the face of the outer “too unknown area”, we need to be “lazy” to save our energy costs. Understand this principle, we can find ideas and methods to overcome the lazy thinking.

If there is a lack of understanding of history, what we need to do is to temporarily leave the consumption of the current problem, look for the background information of the problem, and understand the process of the development of the problem. Looking for clues to combine with the unknown from our known, that is, starting from our “sweet spot”, and learning bit by bit in a down-to-earth manner.

If there is a lack of understanding of the current situation, we will carry out investigation and research, what stage are we doing, whether it is consistent with environmental trends, whether the staffing structure is reasonable, whether education and training are in place, and whether the implementation is implemented. Is it valid, etc. It is necessary to have a comprehensive understanding of the matter, but also to have a deep grasp of the specific links, but also to jump out of this matter to look at this matter. Such a comprehensive understanding and analysis will grasp the present and carry out practical actions.

If there is a lack of grasp of future trends, it is necessary to analyze and understand from a larger and higher level, national policies, industry planning, breakthroughs in basic theories, With the development of science and technology, what changes should people make and what skills they need to have, according to the conclusions drawn, make adjustments and changes, so that they will not be in a hurry, and rely on their own diligence to make up for the passivity caused by the lazy thinking.

None of us want to be lazy and diligent people, all things are foreshadowed, and no foreshadowing is abandoned. Konosuke Matsushita, the god of Japanese management, said: “Using intangible capital (time, energy, ambition, thinking) and supporting tangible capital (funds, manpower, raw materials, social relations) is something that no one has ever done before, and what no one dares to do today. career.” Thoughtful execution is powerful.