Indiscriminate use of nasal sprays, she has drug-induced rhinitis

Nowadays, there are many kinds of nasal sprays on various overseas shopping and online shopping platforms for relieving symptoms such as nasal congestion, and some are even called “magic medicine” by merchants. Due to the convenience of purchase, it is favored by many rhinitis patients. As everyone knows, indiscriminate use of nasal spray, not only can not completely eradicate the symptoms, but also may suffer from drug-induced rhinitis. If drug-induced rhinitis persists for a long time, complications such as atrophic rhinitis, nasal polyps, sinusitis, and otitis media may be induced.

Chronic rhinitis caused by medication

Not long ago, a 14-year-old girl came to the outpatient clinic. She had severe nasal congestion and nasal congestion when she came to see the doctor. Her parents said that the child’s nasal congestion has been a problem for a long time. Some time ago, a friend said that a “magic medicine” nasal spray was very effective, so they also bought it for the child. At first, the nasal congestion did improve significantly after taking the medicine, but in the past two or three months, it seems that no matter how to spray the nose, it can’t be relieved. The child said that the nasal congestion has become more and more serious.

After our inspection, it was confirmed that the child suffered from drug-induced rhinitis and required surgery. The culprit was the so-called “magic medicine” nasal spray. Parents are very puzzled after hearing this, how can the medicine be used wrongly?

Drug-induced rhinitis is one of the common types of rhinitis. It is a type of chronic rhinitis, which is the result of long-term persistent effects of inappropriate nasal medication or drug side effects due to the treatment of other diseases. If drug-induced rhinitis persists for a long time, complications such as atrophic rhinitis, nasal polyps, sinusitis, and otitis media may be induced.

The main reasons for drug-induced rhinitis are as follows:

Rhinitis patients have poor physical fitness, low resistance and immunity, and are easily induced by wind-cold or exogenous factors.

Increased air pollution, increased chemical allergens, mutated bacteria and viruses, and worsened climate.

Long-term abuse of drugs in an attempt to quickly relieve symptoms makes the bacteria constantly mutate and become resistant.

The treatment is irregular and incomplete.

Six types of drugs can cause drug-induced rhinitis

Many people like to buy nasal drugs online or buy some so-called “magic” sprays from abroad. In fact, its main ingredients are Ephedrine, the more times you use it, the more serious the nasal congestion will be, and it will gradually develop into drug-induced rhinitis.

Hormone drugs Long-term use of weight loss hormones and sex hormone drugs can cause nasal congestion, especially weight loss teas with hormone components.

Cardiovascular constriction drugs Long-term use of cardiovascular dilator drugs may cause nasocardiac reflex syndrome, such as nasal congestion and chest tightness, palpitation, shortness of breath and other symptoms.

Anti-depressant drugs such as neurasthenia and long-term use of sleeping pills, tranquilizers, perphenazine and other drugs may cause symptoms such as nasal congestion and discomfort, irritability and irritability.

Aerosol inhalation drugs Long-term use of aerosols to relieve symptoms of pharyngitis and asthma can cause nasopulmonary reflex syndrome, nasopharyngeal blockage, suffocation and other discomforts.

Long-term use of pain relievers such as aspirin can also induce it.

If you have these symptoms or be recruited

If you have these symptoms, you should be alert to drug-induced rhinitis: bilateral persistent nasal congestion, dryness and discomfort in the nose Burning sensation; appearance of nasal mucosa ranging from congestion to pale edema, and even typically purple-red mucosa; swollen, dark red inferior turbinate, mucus or mucopurulent discharge in nasal passages; nasal drops are often used to relieve nasal congestion, But the effect is getting worse and worse.

Once suffering from drug-induced rhinitis, how to remedy it?

After the diagnosis, the vasoconstrictor should be discontinued gradually. The nasal wash with normal saline can be used. The saline nasal wash has a good therapeutic effect on allergic rhinitis, sinusitis and chronic rhinitis. Usually 1-2 times a day.

Topical corticosteroid nasal spray Nasal drops are generally used to relieve the symptoms of rhinitis, nasal oil can relieve dryness of the nasal cavity, and nasal drops can treat acute and chronic rhinitis and sinusitis. Hormonal nasal drops can help reduce the symptoms of allergic rhinitis, such as sneezing and runny nose. The use of drugs should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor.

Oral drug treatment of rhinitis is mainly to treat the primary cause of rhinitis. According to different rhinitis, the medication is different.

Surgical treatment If the effect of drug treatment is not good, and symptoms such as nasal septum and turbinate mucosal hypertrophy are present, surgical treatment may be considered.


Patients with drug-induced rhinitis look here

Drug-induced rhinitis patients should pay attention to the following matters in daily life:

Sincerely Follow the doctor’s advice and pay attention to the principles and timing of nasal medication when treating the primary disease;

When suffering from acute rhinitis, you should pay attention to rest and active treatment, and must not blindly take medication by yourself;

Do not use nasal mucosal contraction agents for a long time;

Do not eat spicy and irritating food. In daily life, we should combine work and rest, with a reasonable diet, and eat more fruits. Quit bad habits such as smoking and drinking.

Text/Du Jingyan (Beijing Chaoyang Hospital)