In this case, being a “Genghong Girl” must be done within one’s capacity~

Today you “Gonghong”? Are you a “Genghong Girl” for a few minutes?

Presumably, the sisters who have been closed at home recently have more or less heard of Liu Genghong’s shuttlecock exercises, and the 90-minute home sweating and fat-burning fitness has rave reviews, but because the exercise is too intense, there are no examples of injuries. rare.

For example, just a few days ago, a 12-year-old girl in our hospital was admitted to the hospital because of severe abdominal pain due to improper dancing at home.

After intraoperative exploration, the doctor finally found that the little girl had tubal torsion and had to resection of the affected side of the fallopian tube .

In fact, it is not uncommon for women to have torsion of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, especially patients with ovarian cysts are more prone to torsion .

Today, Enge will talk about the “ovarian cyst” that troubles many sisters.

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ovary What is a cyst?

An ovarian cyst is a cystic structure on the ovary. There are four main categories in terms of classification:

The first category is physiological cysts, including follicular cysts and corpus luteum cysts. If the follicle keeps growing but doesn’t come out, it can form a follicle cyst. If it ovulates and forms a corpus luteum, a corpus luteum cyst may form.

Physiological cyst itself is not a disease. It is regulated by hormones in the menstrual cycle. Generally, it will disappear after two or three months, and it will not cause any discomfort to the body. However, a corpus luteum cyst may rupture, bleed, and cause stomach pain, blood loss, shock, and more.

The second category is benign pathological cysts, which do not go away on their own, but are benign.

The more common cysts are endometriosis cysts, also known as chocolate cysts, mucinous and serous cystadenomas, and ovarian teratomas.

The third type is malignant ovarian cancer, which can sometimes be disguised as benign to make people mistaken for an ordinary ovarian cyst.

The common ones include ovarian serous or mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, clear cell carcinoma, ovarian endometrioid carcinoma, and immature teratoma.

The fourth category is borderline ovarian cysts between benign and malignant, such as ovarian mucinous or serous borderline tumors.




what symptoms can ovarian cysts cause ?

Under normal circumstances, ovarian cysts do not cause discomfort to the body.

But if the cyst is relatively large, it may cause lower abdominal pain; if it presses on the bladder, it may cause frequent urination; if it presses on the rectum, it may cause constipation.

If the cyst is twisted, ruptured or infected, it may cause local pain, even severe, and may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.




the most afraid of ovarian cysts 2 situations

First, fear of cancer. Ovarian cancer sometimes “camouflages” as an ovarian cyst, which can also gradually become cancer as it grows. The point is, there is really no way to prevent this.

Unless a first-degree relative in the family, such as a mother, sister or daughter, has ovarian cancer or breast cancer, then you are also a high-risk group. You can do genetic testing to see if there are genes that are likely to cause cancer. mutation.

In addition, only regular and close follow-up review, B-ultrasound every few months or half a year, and tumor check markers, etc.

However, it is difficult to determine whether ovarian cysts are cancerous or not before surgery, and it is necessary to make comprehensive judgments.

Second, I am afraid of acute abdomen. For example, the sudden rupture of the cyst, and the aforementioned ovarian sacSwollen pedicle torsion, these can cause acute abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, cold sweats and so on.

In addition to the above symptoms of cyst rupture, the most important thing is that if there is an artery in the ruptured place, it will cause heavy bleeding, which is very scary, because the bleeding part is in the stomach, and vaginal bleeding may not reflect it. If the actual blood flow is not obtained, anemia may occur, and in severe cases, shock may occur, or even life-threatening.

If the pedicle of the ovarian cyst is torsioned, the biggest risk is that after the torsion, the blood supply to the ovary is interrupted, the ovary may become necrotic, and the ovary has to be removed.

Therefore, Once acute abdomen occurs, which cannot be relieved after rest, or gradually worsens, dizziness, etc., remember to go to the hospital immediately.




how to prevent Ovarian cyst rupture or pedicle torsion?

Actually, rupture of ovarian cysts or torsion of the pedicle is related to the increase in abdominal pressure, so sisters should try to reduce some living habits or actions that increase abdominal pressure.

For example, Don’t stay in the pit for too long, if constipation is treated in time, Don’t keep coughing, if you are sick, go to treatment, >Don’t lift heavy objects, and do not exercise too vigorously, have sex, etc..

So, if ovarian cysts have been detected, it is recommended not to exercise vigorously, but to do some soothing fitness exercises instead.


Generally there is no big problem~

I am Fu Hong, a gynecologist, and I will share more obstetrics and gynecology stories and disease knowledge with you every day ! To learn practical health knowledge, you can follow my video number

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