In the ICU, the scene before the death of a critically ill patient shocked countless people: it turns out that your body loves yourself more than you…

This article is authorized to be reprinted from: The Table’s View of Life (ID: zzdshg)

A story told by Director Bo Shining of the Department of Critical Care Medicine of the Third Hospital of Peking University became popular on Douyin.

A few years ago, he treated a very critical patient.

How serious is this patient?

The trauma on his body was severe, almost his entire body was injured, then hemorrhaged profusely, followed by massive consumption of coagulation factors, and quickly entered a state of multiple organ failure and coagulation failure.

Bleeding from every eye of his needle, every wound.

He could be in shock every second.

The doctor emphasized the word “bleeding”. He said that if the bleeding was vascular, he could surgically stop the bleeding, but if the bleeding was bleeding from the inside, he could only transfuse it.

He vividly remembers that night he desperately tried to give the patient blood transfusions, blood clotting substances, and give him vasopressors.

But in the end, the patient’s body was still deteriorating, and the situation was getting worse and worse. When the last drop of blood was transfused, the patient’s heart rhythm kept increasing, and the blood pressure was getting worse and worse. Low, the body is completely out of control!

At this time, the doctor was completely desperate, and even he was mentally prepared.

But what happened next shocked everyone.

When the patient’s blood pressure was as low as sixty or seventy, then all of a sudden, all the bleeding on his body stopped in an instant.

Why did the bleeding stop suddenly?

The doctor finally figured it out–It’s a protective mechanism that triggers the body.

That is to say, when a person is bleeding heavily, blood pressure will drop rapidly. The purpose of the body is to slow down the rate of bleeding, protect the body, and then supply all the limited blood flow. The brain and heart, go to the full command of the rescue.

Look at how smart our bodies are, lowering blood pressure and bleeding, but at the same time ensuring blood supply to the brain and heart.

Then when the blood pressure dropped to a certain level, the coagulation function slowly followed up, so the hemorrhage was suddenly stopped all at once, and the patient was successfully rescued.

Doctors played a very important role in this rescue, but it was our own bodies that really brought us back to life.

Finally, the doctor said something sincere:

We are often taught to work hard in times of crisis, to overcome difficulties, but you don’t know, your body, your body cells, work harder than you.

In our body, 330 billion cells die every day, but at the same time 330 billion cells are born.

In times of crisis, all these cells are working hard for you, to the very end.

Even though you have given up on yourself, your body has not given up on you.

This doctor’s thought-provoking words have received more than one million likes on Douyin, more than ten million views, and made countless people cry.

In the comment area of ​​this video, there is a very heart-wrenching message that has received 58,000 likes:

Your body loves yourself more than you do.

Yes, your body loves yourself more than you do.

When you indulge in various ways, when you abuse yourself in various ways, when you think no one in the world loves you, but forget that your body loves you more than you yourself.

There are medical signs that your body is stronger and loves yourself more than you think, you just don’t know it:

1: You may not know that the coagulation index in the blood of pregnant women will increase dozens of times in the first few days of giving birth. of bleeding.

2: You may not know it, you have a chance of getting cancer 5 times a day, and every person will have 1 to 5 cancer cells every day, but every time it is you Other cells in the body kill the cancer cells, it’s your body that saves you!

3: You may not know it, your liver can grow back to its original shape even if two-thirds of it is removed, it’s the only thing in the human body that can regenerate organ.

4: As you may not know, your gastric juices are so acidic that they dissolve the steel blades. But magically, your stomach also secretes a mucus that protects itself from being digested.

5: You may not know that when the most important part of your heart can’t beat, the “AV node” starts beating for it, and when the “AV node” can’t either When beating, the “ventricular” of your heart starts to beat on its own.

The beating electrocardiogram at this time is beyond recognition and appalling, and its blood flow is also very weak, But even this weak blood flow can ensure the blood supply to the brain and heart, Make sure your body doesn’t die, waiting for reinforcements to arrive.

6: You may not know that in a second, or as you read this sentence, your body has made a million red blood cells.

They fly around you, shuttle through your blood vessels, maintain your life, keep delivering oxygen to your cells, and die quietly when they’re done….

7: You may not know that it is very difficult for you to kill yourself in various ways, such as stopping breathing, such as not closing your eyes, such as pinching yourself.

Every time you act, you trigger a powerful protective instinct in your body that you cannot overcome.

8: You may not know that in your lifetime, your heart pumps approximately 182 million liters of blood and beats 2.5 billion times.

Your eyes blink 415 million times, shedding 68.75946 liters of tears.

Your nose remembers 50,000 scents.

Your lungs, if spread out, could cover a tennis court, and the airways in your lungs could stretch from London to Moscow.

The combined lengths of all your blood vessels can circle the earth two and a half times.

And the most profound part is your DNA.

Each cell of yours contains more than a meter of DNA, and if you twist all the DNA in your body into a thin thread, it can stretch 10 billion miles, longer than The distance to Pluto is still far away.

On a grander, broader level: You are actually the universe of your body.

Every cell in our body is unaware of each other, and they all work, exercise, metabolize, and die according to their own instincts.

Many of them may not be seen in their lifetimes, but it is these tens of billions of cells that “perform their own functions” together to form you, a huge universe.

Think about it, we were all once their universe, and we were their only trusted and always cooperating partners. What reason is there to be anxious, fearful, and self-deprecating? ?

In fact, I have said so much, but I just want to tell you a truth: Your body loves you so much, and we have to give it back.

More often, we need to learn to “seek inward”, to explore our body, to reach the deepest part of our heart, and to learn to truly love ourselves.

I have seen a tearful video like this:

When a person is on the verge of death, the brain issues the last command, allocating the last 5% of adrenaline to the nervous system and vocal cord muscles, explaining the future, and the brain finally Say goodbye to other organs at once….

Many people feel that they are ordinary and ordinary, and even ridicule themselves as diaosi, but you can’t imagine that your body is actually composed of such a sophisticated and excellent team, they are the world’s I love you the most and is the only friend who is loyal to you.

Psychologist Juhard has a good saying:

When we begin to value our bodies, learn to listen and talk to them as equals, and truly learn to love them, then you can heal our lives from the deepest level.

One, loving yourself is actually maintaining self-discipline and healthy life

Yes, there are many times when our bodies are desperately trying to save us, but please remember that there are times when they are not as capable.

When a cup of high-calorie milk tea fills your stomach with “tons”, when a meal of heavy-tasting food is stuffed into your stomach, when you can’t help but stay up late by watching short videos at one o’clock in the morning, when you don’t eat breakfast and a late-night snack is HIGH…

Yes, your body will alert you, but if you keep ignoring and indulging yourself, then tragedy will happen.

The 27-year-old boy became obese and hyperlipidemia because of overeating and lack of exercise. Later, he suffered a cerebral infarction after an accident.

A 28-year-old girl from Jiangsu Province suffered from uremia because she was overweight. She should have been at a vigorous age, but she had to lie in a hospital bed for dialysis treatment.

A game blogger stayed up late for several months to live stream, reversed day and night, and finally never woke up. He was only 20 years old.

Why maintain self-discipline and healthy living?

Many people have given different explanations, but today I want to explain it from a physical perspective: It’s actually giving your body a chance to breathe and heal.

Yesterday you ate and drank a lot, and your body was still overloaded to take care of you. Today, you are freeing yourself again. Even if your body is iron, you will not be able to carry it. what.

Maintaining self-discipline is actually cherishing your body and loving yourself deeply, because you know that you will work with these little friends for decades or even more than a hundred years, and none of them can be halfway through. broken, so you have to take good care of them and take care of them.

It’s not a day, it’s not a month or two, it’s a whole life, and you have to learn to take care of it.

Second, loving yourself is actually appreciating yourself from the heart

I don’t know if you have noticed a phenomenon. Those who love fitness and sports actually like to look in the mirror.

In fact, they are not smug, nor do they want to show off, but when you live a self-disciplined life, you will slowly appreciate and like yourself from the bottom of your heart.

Whether you are tall, short, fat, thin, poor or rich, when you start to appreciate yourself from the heart, when you go to the gym, this is the beginning of loving yourself.

Because you are not willing to let such a beautiful body be wasted in a pile of bloated fat and eating and drinking.

Who doesn’t want to eat those delicious instant noodles and crayfish?

Who doesn’t want to try those delicious milk tea and desserts?

Who wouldn’t want to swallow those sizzling roasts?

However, these are nothing compared to a good body and a healthy body.

Easy things are not cool at all, only hard things are cool.

After all, no one cares whether you are wearing Dior or YSL on your mouth, and whether you are wearing LV or Chanel, but your legs are thin or not, and your waist is thin or not. can see.

No one cares what you eat at night, how many countries you have traveled to, and what experience you have, but you can see if you are bald or not, whether you are in good health, or how you are in shape. come out.

Haruki Murakami said that the body is everyone’s temple, and no matter what is enshrined in it, it should be kept strong, beautiful, and clean.

To take care of one’s own body is to appreciate and worship them like a god.

Third, to love yourself is actually to experience a different life with your body

What is the essence of life?

The essence of life is experience, all the experiences you and your body have in this lifetime.

There is a good saying:

What kind of life you choose to live is no different from everyone else every day, and the difference is minimal every month. Although the difference is obvious every year, it doesn’t seem to be a big deal. of.

But when looking at it every 5 years, that’s a huge divide between physical and mental states.

Wait 10 years to look at it again, maybe it will be a gap between one kind of life and another life that cannot be reached!

Some people travel by bicycle and others by wheelchair.

Some people wake up in their beds, others in a hospital bed.

Some people can go out for a run and enjoy the sweet air when they get up in the morning, while others start a painful day in the morning and smell the smell of disinfectant.

Some people live in their later years and can play and play with their children and grandchildren, and enjoy family fun, while some people die alone in their hospital beds, and all they see are medical staff.

Have you figured out how to live your life?

Have you thought about what kind of life you will experience with your body?

Two kinds of life, different levels of life, how to choose, in fact, the key lies in oneself.

If you want to live the latter life, start now, start a life of restraint and regularity for several years, even decades, and prepare for clean self-discipline.

How far you can go in life depends on how you treat your body.

Our destiny is like a long road, at the end of the road there must be a gift, it’s up to you whether you deserve it or not.

Introduction to the author of the article: Desk, 1.85 meters tall and a part-time male model with eight pack abs. Former Southern Airlines employee. The three views are more correct than the five senses, and the thoughts are deeper than the routines. Sina Weibo@desk’s view of life, personal WeChat public account: table’s view of life (ID: zzdshg).