In the hot summer, drinking a few bottles of “cold beer” every day, what effect does it have on the body?

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It’s hot and many people Before drinking a drink, I will do one action, that is, put it in the refrigerator and wait for more than ten minutes before taking it out, especially when eating food stalls at night, eating skewers and lobster in my mouth, and not drinking a few bottles of cold beer Drink, always feel bad taste. Everyone takes it for granted that when the weather is hot, they should drink something cool to cool down, but they don’t know that such behavior may have an impact on the body.

brushtype=”text”>Frequently drinking cold beer has “four major injuries” to the body

Part. < /strong>A broken heart

Don’t be fooled by the surface of beer, drink too much May cause problems with the heart muscle. On the one hand, alcohol will damage the cardiomyocytes, and on the other hand, the impact of liquid on the heart, under the attack of the two factors, there may be cardiac discomfort and blood pressure drop.

Part.  Two injuries to the “kidney”

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The combination of beer and seafood is popular, but it is not liked by the kidneys, because they both affect the metabolism of uric acid. If you maintain such a eating habit for a long time, the kidneys may be scrapped in advance. If you find yourself edema and less urine, you should pay attention.

Part. Three injuries “anus and intestines”

Ice beer is cold, while other food is hot, the combination of cold and heat is a blow to the stomach. In addition, some If the seafood and lobster are not cleaned, they may contain parasites, which will cause diarrhea after eating.

Part.Four wounds “stomach”< /strong>

Drinking beer is more than just one or two cups. Once the atmosphere is up, it is often a bottle or a box of beer. Many people think that they can drink as a skill, but This behavior may cause stomach bleeding. Because beer has a lot of gas, drinking too much is easy to vomit, and the pressure in the abdominal cavity is relatively high during vomiting, which is likely to break through the mucous membranes and cause bleeding.

It is understandable to drink cold beer in summer, but not There are too many. In addition, there are certain types of people who should stay away from beer. Don’t think that it is low in alcohol and it’s okay to drink less. This kind of thinking is very dangerous.

remind three types of people , don’t touch a sip of beer

1the person who drove to the party strong>

Unless you are going to ask for a driver, if you think you don’t drink much Or drink well, you may pay a price in the end, because you will not predict what is about to happen. If your eyes, brain, hands and feet are not well coordinated, accidents are likely to happen.Everyone should be conscious and be good to themselves and others.

/p>2Person who took medication in the last week

Medicine and liquor cannot be eaten together. Many people know this, but when it comes to beer, many people relax their vigilance and feel that it is okay to have less alcohol. In fact, it has nothing to do with the amount of alcohol. Don’t add additional risks to yourself. You only have one life. I hope everyone will pay more attention.

3As soon as you drink Red-faced people

These people have a very good hangover ability Poor, don’t take risks anymore, there is still alcohol in beer, drinking too much will still cause damage to the liver and pancreas, don’t use it as a stepping stone for drinking, it’s easy to hurt yourself.

< span>The number of people drinking beer in summer has increased significantly. Everyone should drink rationally. Proper drinking can relieve fatigue, connect emotions, and activate the atmosphere. However, drinking too much may cause vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, and even gout, which will make you regret it. Finally, I remind everyone again, don’t drive after drinking, even if you only drink one bottle, don’t take risks.