In the early spring, do this nine tricks to protect the good heart and brain

In early spring, the climate is changeable. The body of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients is stimulated by cold air, and the blood vessels are suddenly contracted, which can easily lead to vascular blockage, interrupted blood supply, and blocked blood circulation, making it difficult for the toxic substances in the blood vessels to be discharged, thereby inducing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

At-risk groups should be alert to these symptoms

Have high blood pressure, long-term smoking, staying up late, high stress, unbalanced diet, less exercise, dyslipidemia, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, metabolic syndrome Patients with symptoms and sleep disorders are high-risk groups of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and special attention should be paid to prevention during the alternating seasons of winter and spring.

Brain hemorrhage often occurs suddenly without warning. If you have the following symptoms, you need to be alert and seek medical attention in time:

1. Severe headache or long-term headache suddenly aggravates, especially when accompanied by Severe nausea and vomiting, or neck and back pain, etc.;

2. Sudden limb numbness, weakness, crooked mouth, etc.; Or can’t understand other people’s speech, etc.;

4. Blurred vision, eye pain and double vision, etc.; Especially with urinary incontinence;

6. Sudden dizziness, rotational vision, fainting, confusion or coma.

Do these points well to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

1. Stabilize blood pressure and prevent rebound and excessive fluctuation of blood pressure;

2. Adjust emotions, Be optimistic and avoid mental stress and emotional agitation;

3. Eat a light diet, eat more fruits, vegetables, soy products, with appropriate amount of lean meat, eggs, fish, eat less animal offal, avoid tobacco and alcohol; eat Seventy percent full.

4. Keep your bowel movements smooth. (Strong defecation, increased abdominal pressure, increased blood pressure and intracranial pressure, can lead to rupture of blood vessels);

5. Keep warm, avoid getting up too early in the morning for outdoor activities, and exercise excessively;

6. Pay attention to the combination of work and rest, arrange work reasonably, insist on proper physical exercise, ensure enough sleep, and avoid overwork and strenuous exercise.

7. Strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and standardize the medication, and do not change or adjust the medication at will.

8. The elderly should not get out of bed in a hurry in the morning, but get up slowly.

9. The elderly should drink 500 ml of warm boiled water in the morning, and drink more water with three meals a day, which will help to thin the blood and avoid thrombosis.

According to People’s Daily