In summer, keep your heart healthy first, but your heart can’t stand it first when you do something wrong at the dinner table! Keep these 5 points in mind, and enjoy a healthy summer

Chinese medicine health science

We all know that poor eating habits can cause great damage to health, but whenever friends get together , a lot of food is placed in front of you, can you still control your mouth?

You might think, it’s okay to have a big meal once in a while! But Xiao Langzhong will remind you, emotional plus overeating, the heart may not be able to take it, and then endanger your health healthy.

Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes “nourishing the yang in spring and summer”, and summer corresponds to the “heart” in the five elements, so nourishing the heart is summer A big point of health care. However, overeating will increase the burden on the spleen and stomach, resulting in the situation of “the child steals the mother’s qi” in traditional Chinese medicine, that is, the spleen and stomach qi is insufficient and the heart qi is adjusted to help digest food, resulting in a deficiency of the heart qi.

Secondly, when the emotions are excited, the heart qi has been dissipated. Coupled with overeating, the heart qi is even more deficient, which will affect the heart. to a great loss.

Therefore, at any time, we must be moderate in our diet. At the same time, to start the summer health care mode and let yourself spend the summer comfortably, you must do the following.

5 ​​points of diet and health in mind >

eat more fruits and vegetables

The summer is hot, except In addition to drinking more water, eat more fruits and vegetables. Such as watermelon, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. Eating some dark fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, red and yellow tomatoes, grapefruit, etc., can enhance immunity, benefit cardiovascular health and prevent cancer

Clear heat and relieve fire

In summer, the diet should be light, mainly to clear heat and relieve fire. Eat more cabbage, mung bean sprouts, soybean sprouts, kelp, fungus, mushrooms, cucumbers, wax gourd, bitter gourd and other foods that help to clear away heat and purify fire.

It should strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach

The function of the spleen and stomach is relatively low in summer, in order to reduce the burden on the spleen and stomach , you should eat more food that nourishes the stomach, such as some soft and light-flavored ingredients, such as millet, oats, coix seed, yam, lotus seeds and other spleen-boosting and appetizing foods, porridge and drinking, can play a role in nourishing the stomach.

Not spicy and greasy

It is hot in summer and the human body is easy to get angry. It will increase the anger and toxins in the body, try to eat less or not eat spicy food, such as spicy hot pot, etc. Also eat less greasy food, help calm the mind.

Do not eat too much raw and cold

In summer, there are plenty of fruits and vegetables, and people often like to eat raw fruits and vegetables , seafood and other foods. However, the temperature is high in summer, and various bacteria and parasites are easy to multiply. If you do not pay attention to dietary hygiene, you are likely to contract diseases.

Summer is hot and sweating makes you thirsty. Don’t drink iced drinks, it will stimulate the spleen and stomach, affect the secretion of gastric juice, reduce appetite, and cause digestion Gastrointestinal diseases such as malnutrition, anorexia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc.

daily “heart-nourishing” session /p>

Get up early in the morning and practice Yang Yang Yang Xin

A person’s work and rest time should “adapt to the four o’clock”. After the summer, the sunrise is early, and people should get up early and practice in the morning to promote the rise of yang energy. Drink a glass of boiled water after getting up in the morning, and then do a short morning exercise, and do not exercise too vigorously.


Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the heart is the master of the internal organs. Taking a nap is not only conducive to making up for sleep, but also enhances physical strength and eliminates fatigue. Noon is from 11:00 to 13:00. At this time, the heart meridian is in order, and it is advisable to take a nap for 30 minutes to 1 hour to nourish the heart. Even if you can’t sleep, closing your eyes and resting your mind is good for your body and mind.

An afternoon cup of nourishing teastrong>

The summer is hot, and potassium and other trace elements closely related to cardiovascular disease are easily lost with sweat. Drinking tea often in summer can not only cool off the heat but also replenish potassium.

Summer evenings can do some stretching, Relaxation exercises, mainly to relax the skeletal muscles, can promote sleep at night. Exercise is recommended for walking, exercise and other soothing exercises.

Soak your feet at night

Wet in summer The qi is heavier, and the dampness is most likely to invade the spleen of the human body. Dampness is trapped in the spleen, and it is easy to be sad and yin for a long time. Foot soaking at night combined with massaging Yongquan acupoint can help to remove summer dampness, prevent heat and cold, refresh people, increase appetite, and promote sleep. Massaging Yongquan acupoint can also stimulate the kidney essence and nourish the mind.

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Qingdao Shiyitang Shinan Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic: No. 2, Laiwu 1st Road, Shinan District, take bus 1, 221, 225 and get off at Guanxiang Road Station. .

Qingdao Shiyitang Shibei Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic: No. 87 Changchun Road, Shibei District, take No. 219, 206, 322, 229, 211, 212, 307, 314, 32 and get off at Hexing Road Station.

Qingdao Shiyitang Dunhua Road Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic: No. 23 Dunhua Road, Shibei District, take the bus Bus 19, 119, 211, 314, 322, 368 get off at Dunhua Road Primary School and go straight.

Jinan Shiyitang Huaiyin Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic: Jingqi Road, Huaiyin District, Jinan City No. 631-8 (intersection of Jingqi Road and Weijiu Road), take bus No. 102, 104, 125, 19, 205, 29, 76, K96, K92 to Jingqi Road and Wei12 Get off at Road Station and get off at Road North.

Jinan Shiyitang Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic: 34-23, Jingyi Road, Shizhong District, Jinan City No. (opposite the south gate of Shandong Expressway Stadium) , take bus 32, 34, 42, 75, K54; get off at the South Gate of Provincial Gymnasium Station in the west, and get off at New World Mall in the east.