In spring, the humidity is heavy. It is recommended to give your family more “3 dishes and 3 soups” to help strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, and have a healthy spring.

In people’s hearts, spring is the most beautiful season, when the grass grows and warblers fly, the spring is bright, the weather is pleasant, the breeze is gentle, and the sun is just right. Compared with the severe cold and bleakness of winter, spring is indeed a beautiful and pleasant season. However, in spring, the climate is changeable, rainy, humid, and even cold in spring. Therefore, this season is also easy to cause moisture to enter the body, especially those who have rheumatism and bone pain, and spring also has an unfriendly side.

Spring is easy to get wet, so how do you judge the amount of moisture in your body? We can judge by the following 6 symptoms:

1. Feeling groggy and tired after getting up, and more sleepy during the day; p>

2, bad breath, drooling and snoring when sleeping;

3. The tongue coating is thick and sticky, and there are obvious tooth marks on the edge of the tongue; swelling;

5. Body fat, lower extremity edema;

< span>6, cold hands and feet, easy to sweat.

[Note] If there are more symptoms, it means that the moisture in the body is heavier, and it needs to be adjusted as soon as possible.

A key point of spring health care is to remove dampness. In addition to performing necessary exercise, develop good living habits, especially from diet. . The diet as a whole is mainly light, eat more vegetables and fruits in season, and you can also eat more “sprouts” of some wild vegetables. In particular, it is necessary to eat more foods that strengthen the spleen and remove dampness. If the spleen and stomach function is good, it can help to “drive away” the dampness in the body.

Spring is humid. It is recommended to give your family more “a few dishes and a few soups” to strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, and have a healthy spring!

Let’s Rape

Speaking of lettuce, everyone They are all very familiar and are a vegetable that we often eat in our daily life. It has a very high nutritional value and is rich in a large amount of iron, potassium and calcium, which can help the body improve immunity and promote gastrointestinal motility. At the same time, lettuce also has a very good spleen-invigorating effect, which can improve the function of the spleen and help us to better remove moisture.


It has both edible and medicinal value High quality ingredients, crisp and refreshing taste, very popular. Eating more yam can help enhance the body’s immunity. In particular, yam has a particularly strong spleen-invigorating effect, and is a commonly used spleen-invigorating medicinal material in traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, it is especially suitable for eating in wet spring.

There are many ways to eat yam, whether it is fried, stewed in soup, salad, or made into cakes, etc., they are all very good. of.


As the saying goes, “Eat sprouts in spring and eat in summer. melon”. Spring is a good season to eat sprouts.

Soybean sprouts have the effects of clearing damp-heat, reducing swelling and removing paralysis, and are more suitable for people with damp-heat in the spleen and stomach and constipation.

Mung bean sprouts enter the heart and stomach meridians, and have the functions of clearing heat, detoxification, diuresis and dehumidification. In addition, they also have the effect of softening blood vessels.

Winter Melon Pork Ribs Soup

This is a light and healthy soup. Dispelling heat, diuresis, and eating more wax gourd can play a diuretic and dampness-removing role. The method of winter melon pork ribs soup is very simple, no need to add any seasoning, just put a little salt on it, the original taste is very delicious.

Hawthorn Kapok Soup

Kapok is not only beautiful , and high medicinal value, has the effect of clearing away heat and dampness. After drying, it can be used to make soup and porridge, or it can be directly boiled in water. If it is mixed with yam, hawthorn and soybean, it is not only delicious, but also has a very good dampness-removing effect.

Chixiaodou and Poria Soup

This is a very classic decoction Wet health soup. Chixiaodou is rich in vitamin B, carotene, calcium, iron and other nutrients, and is a famous food for removing dampness.

Tuckahoe is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine, but it tastes better. Or make soup with crucian carp, the effect is very good.

Note: The picture is from the Internet