In response to the new crown mutant strain, everyone must do three things!

At present, the Omicron variant has become the main epidemic strain in the world, with the characteristics of fast transmission and strong concealment. In the face of the Omicron variant, what are the public’s precautions in daily work?

Personal protection



At home, ventilate, clean and disinfect, pay attention to personal hygiene, monitor personal health, and seek medical attention in time if symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath appear.


Going out

When going out, wear masks correctly, do personal protection, strengthen hand hygiene, maintain social distance, reduce going to poorly ventilated or crowded places, and try not to participate in gatherings, dinners and other activities.

Fully vaccinated

At home, ventilate, clean and disinfect, pay attention to personal hygiene, monitor personal health, and seek medical attention in time if symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath appear.

Current research suggests that the Omicron variant does not fully escape immune evasion from existing vaccines.

Full-course vaccination is still effective in reducing the risk of hospitalization, severe illness, and death from Omicron variants. Vaccination with a booster needle can also effectively reduce the risk of breakthrough infection caused by the Omicron variant.

People who have not been vaccinated should be vaccinated as soon as possible, and those who have not been fully vaccinated should be revaccinated as soon as possible. For those who are eligible for booster vaccination, the booster vaccination should be carried out as soon as possible at the specified interval.

Comply with Epidemic Prevention Policy

At home, ventilate, clean and disinfect, pay attention to personal hygiene, monitor personal health, and seek medical attention in time if symptoms such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath appear.

Pay close attention to the local clustered epidemics in China, and do not go to counties (cities, districts, flags) with epidemics unless it is necessary, and residents of places with epidemics do not leave their places of residence unless necessary.

Comply with the relevant regulations on epidemic prevention and control in the community, work unit and various places where you live, and consciously abide by the prevention and control requirements such as health code inspection, temperature measurement, and nucleic acid testing.

(Source: Healthy China)